Manual de Seguridad para el Transporte por Carretera

Book Description

El Departamento de Seguridad tiene entre sus principales propósitos trabajar de la mano con el Departamento de Operaciones, y todos los Departamentos y Franquicias para combatir las diferentes modalidades delictivas que atentan contra la seguridad y la estabilidad de nuestras empresas. Este Departamento tiene como función primordial prevenir el delito (entendiendo con ello el robo, hurto, y desapariciones de todas aquellas propiedades de la empresa o en custodia y transporte por la misma), y efectuar indagaciones preliminares cuando éste ha tenido lugar. En particular es el encargado de ejecutar las disposiciones sobre la materia y recopilar, analizar e interpretar la información sobre criminalidad en la empresa. Sin un eficaz y eficiente servicio de transporte nuestras empresas se paralizarían y el crecimiento económico se estancaría. Prevenir el delito reviste, por lo tanto, crucial importancia y es sin duda uno de los mayores aportes que puede hacer el Departamento de Seguridad al progreso y al bienestar

Shipping and Commercial Case Law

Book Description

250 leading cases of the High Courts of England and the European Court of Justice. This book contains summaries of 250 cases related to international trade and carriage of goods by sea. Each case is presented with an abstract of the factual background and the key findings of the court. All the cases relate to disputes decided by the High Courts of England or by the European Court of Justice, the knowledge of which is a must for any practitioner in this area. The issues referred to in the cases relate to contracts of carriage on bills of lading, waybills and charterparties, as well as to international trade instruments like sale contracts, letters of credit, performance bonds, indemnities and agency. There is also wide reference to ship arrests, limitation of liability, injunctions, choice of law, arbitration and jurisdiction. Full consideration is given to the Hague-Visby Rules, the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, the Sale of Goods Act, Incoterms and UCP for Documentary Credits. Albert Badia is a practicing solicitor in England and Wales. He has acted as Counsel in many disputes and has been appointed as arbitrator in commercial matters.

Labor compliance manual;

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Manual of Business Spanish

Book Description

Manual of Business Spanish is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using Spanish. Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, it comprises five parts: * A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms * A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents * An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations * A short Reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of Spanish * A short Business Facts section covering essential information of the country or countries where Spanish is used Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where Spanish is used.

Manual del transporte de mercancías por carretera

Book Description

Este manual reúne todos los conocimientos necesarios y las mejores prácticas para ejercer la profesión de transportista de mercancías por carretera, nacional e internacional. La capacitación es un factor imprescindible para la prestación y la gestión de los servicios de transporte con garantías de seguridad, eficacia y rentabilidad, en el marco de las operaciones logísticas de las cadenas de suministros. En este libro se describen las características del sector del transporte de mercancías en España y Europa, las normativas desarrolladas por la Administración, las relaciones contractuales que se establecen en el transporte, y se analizan los costos que afectan al proceso de transporte por carretera. Asimismo, se exponen los distintos tipos de transporte, los vehículos más apropiados para cada uno de ellos, las características de estos, y las técnicas de carga y descarga, entre otros aspectos significativos. Este libro es un manual riguroso, completo y actualizado, que se dirige a profesionales del transporte que han de actualizar sus conocimientos, y a quienes desean incorporarse a la profesión con una formación adecuada.

Drilling and Blasting of Rocks

Book Description

Rock breakage with explosives has existed since the seventeenth century when black powder came into use in mining. Since then it has progressed from the invention of dynamite to the use of heavy ANFO. During the past two decades, there have been numerous technical contributions which have brought a better understanding of rock fragmentation with explosives, an improvement in drilling equipment and a noticeable evolution in the development of new explosives and blasting accessories. The Geomining Technological Institute of Spain (ITCE), aware of this progress and of the importance which the breakage process has acquired in mining and civil engineering projects, has ordered the publication of Drilling and Blasting of Rocks. The purpose of this Handbook is to give basic knowledge of the drilling systems, the types of available explosives and the accessories and the parameters that intervene in blast designing, whether controllable or not; at the same time the objectives and contents contribute to improved safety in mining. The Handbook is meant for all professionals who are involved with explosives in mining operations and civil engineering projects, as well as for students of technical schools.

World Highway Report

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