Manual práctico sobre Derecho de la circulación y del seguro en la siniestralidad vial

Book Description

Profundo estudio casuístico de una de las materias que con mayor frecuencia se trata en los órganos judiciales y que ha sido objeto en los últimos años de una amplísima amalgama de reformas legislativas. El libro consta de 242 preguntas donde se recoge toda la casuística afectante al mundo del derecho de la circulación y del seguro, ofreciendo la jurisprudencia actualizada a los problemas que se plantean y su referencia de apoyo legislativo actualizado para concentrar el método de búsqueda y obtener una respuesta inmediata al problema que le ha surgido al profesional. Asimismo, se recogen al final de la obra formularios sobre la materia. Algunas preguntas que podemos encontrar en el libro: ¿Está una aseguradora obligada a comunicar a su asegurado el cambio en el precio del seguro de automóvil o puede llevarlo a efecto sin más? ¿Cómo podemos interpretar la suma asegurada en el seguro de defensa jurídica? ¿Se trata de una cláusula limitativa o delimitativa? ¿Es válido suscribir una póliza de seguro en virtud de la cual se responsabilice una aseguradora del pago de las multas por infracciones administrativas? En caso de fallecimiento, ¿cabe que los familiares del fallecido que se beneficiaban de sus ingresos laborales sean resarcidos plenamente por el lucro cesante padecido? ¿Cabe aplicar una disminución de la responsabilidad civil a indemnizar al ocupante de un vehículo por poder conocer que el autor conducía bajo los efectos del alcohol y asumir el riesgo? ¿Cuándo debe entenderse que el perjudicado ha curado de sus lesiones? ¿Cuál sería el porcentaje de reducción de la indemnización por el no uso del cinturón de seguridad?

Injury Control

Book Description

A useful source for understanding, reviewing and conducting research related to injuries.

Climate Change Policy

Book Description

This book presents the research results of an interdisciplinary study on climate change policies by the Enforcing Environmental Policy (EEP) Network, a project supported by the Human Dimension Potential Programme. Contributions are from highly qualified economic and legal specialists based at research institutes across Europe. The book gives answers to several questions related to the implementation of the international rules on climate change, most notably the Kyoto Protocol. It analyses ways and means to facilitate and encourage compliance with the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol. It is addressed to policy-makers, academics, business-sector and stakeholders throughout and outside Europe. Due to its interdisciplinary approach, this work is a distinctive and unique product compared to the existing literature on the subject. The effective implementation of climate protection and clean air policy requires an understanding of the political, legal and economic structures and constraints facing policy makers - and this is exactly what this book offers.

A Model of Growth Through Creative Destruction

Book Description

This paper develops a model based on Schumpeter's process of creative destruction. It departs from existing models of endogenous growth in emphasizing obsolescence of old technologies induced by the accumulation of knowledge and the resulting process or industrial innovations. This has both positive and normative implications for growth. In positive terms, the prospect of a high level of research in the future can deter research today by threatening the fruits of that research with rapid obsolescence. In normative terms, obsolescence creates a negative externality from innovations, and hence a tendency for laissez-faire economies to generate too many innovations, i.e too much growth. This "business-stealing" effect is partly compensated by the fact that innovations tend to be too small under laissez-faire. The model possesses a unique balanced growth equilibrium in which the log of GNP follows a random walk with drift. The size of the drift is the average growth rate of the economy and it is endogenous to the model ; in particular it depends on the size and likelihood of innovations resulting from research and also on the degree of market power available to an innovator.

Global Latinas

Book Description

"Most of the research on multinationals has focused on companies from developed markets. Research on multinationals from emerging economies is relatively new and most of the attention has been focused on multinationals from Asia. Little research has been done on the internationalization strategies and challenges of Latin American multinationals. This book aims to fill this void. Studying Latin American multinationals will not only provide insights into specific strategies deployed by successful firms but will also identify best practices that can be employed by the next generation multinationals from emerging markets." --Book Jacket.

Advanced Transportation

Book Description

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).This collection, of contributions reviewed by international experts, covers: Road and Railway Engineering, Transportation Planning, Construction and Operation Organization, Modern Logistics System Planning and Optimization, Vehicle Engineering, Carrier Operation Engineering, ITS Theory and Applications, Traffic Control and Information Technology, Transportation and Social Economic Development, Low-Carbon Transportation Technology and Urban Transportation Planning and Management. It provides many valuable insights.

Password Book: Include Alphabetical Index with Cute Flowers Seamless

Book Description

Organize all your website account logins and passwords. No need to use Post-it notes or scraps of paper. This notebook contains more 300 places to store your password. The notebook contains spaces for website address, user name, email, password.