Map of the Soul 7

Book Description

Beyond summarizing the three volumes on Persona, Shadow and Ego in the Map of the Soul series, this latest book explores the entire BTS album, start to finish, revealing profound insights into the collective psyche of BTS. The title of BTS’s latest album, Map of the Soul: 7, captivates the mind with its suggestive and alluring imagery. It came as a surprise to many fans. Expected was an album that would follow upon Map of the Soul: Persona with songs about Shadow or Ego. While the new album does indeed include songs with these themes, it is much more complex and broader in vision than expected. The number 7 suggests mystery. It catches the mind’s attention with its symbolic significance. What does this number mean in relation to the idea of a “map of the soul?” This book dives into this mystery and explores the unconscious reaches of our mind. Fans of BTS from around the world will marvel at the depth of meaning in the songs contained in Map of the Soul: 7. They take the listener into deep reflection upon the meaning of striving and ambition, the dangers of worldly success, and the amazing resiliency of the human spirit to recover and go on despite the pitfalls on life’s journey. The songs themselves function as a map for souls who are setting out in life and engaging in challenging relationships. The songs are reflective, mirroring what we find within ourselves in our struggles to become and to thrive. When you stand on the threshold of a new land, it is useful to have a map as your guide. The great psychologist of the 20th Century, Carl Jung, created a Map of the Soul that many people in his time found more than a little helpful, even lifesaving. It is even more so now, for people in the 21st Century, caught in the profound complexities of modern life. Armed with this map, people are better able to find their way successfully through life’s journey. Today, BTS is putting this map into the hands of their fans. For this great service we are profoundly very grateful.

Map of the Soul-ego

Book Description

In Map of the Soul - Ego: I Am, Dr. Murray Stein explores the beginnings of consciousness and the concept of the "I," as well as the evocative lyrics from the Korean Pop band BTS's album, Map of the Soul: 7. BTS's album series titled Map of the Soul was largely inspired by Dr. Stein's presentation of C.G. Jung's groundbreaking psychological insights. Ego is the center of consciousness. Yet, "ego can separate itself from the body, and then become a virtual reality in its own right." This book is an overview of the ego from a Jungian perspective but also is a rich and nuanced examination of how the creative spark can ignite and sustain meaningful psychological growth. The author and collaborators are deeply indebted to BTS, whose world-wide popularity points to their remarkable ability to tap into universal themes. BTS's music inspired this work and this introductory series of books may inspire others to explore their inner life. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. BTS and Outro: Ego 3. A Review of the Map of the Soul 4. Ego, Consciousness and the "I" 5. The Ego 6. Final Thoughts on Ego

Jung's Map of the Soul

Book Description

More than a mere overview, the book offers readers a strong grounding in the basic principles of Jung's analytical psychology in addition to illuminating insights.

Map of the Soul – Persona

Book Description

There is a lot of interest in today’s culture about the idea of Persona and the psychological mapping of one’s inner world. In fact, the interest is so strong that the superstar Korean Pop band, BTS, has taken Dr. Murray Stein’s concepts and woven them into the title and lyrics of their latest album, Map of the Soul:Persona. What is our persona and how does it affect our life’s journey? What masks do we wear as we engage those around us? Our persona is ultimately how we relate to the world. Combined with our ego, shadow, anima and other intra-psychic elements it creates an internal map of the soul. T.S. Eliot, one of the most famous English poets of the 20th Century, wrote that every cat has three names: the name that everybody knows, the name that only the cat’s intimate friends and family know, and the name that only the cat knows. As humans, we also have three names: the name that everybody knows, which is the public persona; the name of that only your close friends and family know, which is your private persona; and the name that only you know, which refers to your deepest self. Many people know the first name, and some people know the second. Do you know your secret name, your individual, singular, unique name? This is a name that was given to you before you were named by your family and by your society. This name is the one that you should never lose or forget. Do you know it?

The Soul Map: Seven Divine Levels of Spiritual Evolution

Book Description

This book made its way to you because deep, hidden memories may be bubbling up from within, synchronicities that bring with them a mysterious sense of knowing. You may have an unmistakable sense that a major transformation is happening to the planet. Something is changing within you. This book will help you flesh out the latent memories that have been sleeping in your soul; the hidden wisdom that you possess within. The Soul Map will help you awaken. It will teach you the things you need to know during this very special time for humanity. The entire reason you are here is to remember that you have unlimited power within the creation, and that you are always wholly and exquisitely loved. Subjects and chapters: The Chakra Map, The Seven Levels of Soul Evolution, The Way Your Soul Learns Shifting from one Density to the Next, The Birth of Your Soul, First Level of Soul Evolution, Second Level of Soul Evolution, Third Level of Soul Evolution, Fourth Level of Soul Evolution, Fifth Level of Soul Evolution, Sixth Level of Soul Evolution, Seventh Level of Soul Evolution, Volunteer Souls, If You Want to Shift, You have to Heal, Blocks to Shifting, Are You Ready to Awaken? Surrender, More Practices, The Great Shift

Map of the Soul - Shadow

Book Description

In this second book in the series, Map of the Soul - Shadow: Our Hidden Self, Dr. Murray Stein explores the dark recesses of our psyche, as well as the shadow images in BTS' latest songs in their album Map of the Soul: 7. The Korean Pop band, BTS, has been taking the world by storm with a series of albums inspired from Dr. Stein's concepts titled Map of the Soul. Dr. Stein has joined them in expressing these same Jungian themes in a companion book series. The landscape of the soul has many contours and some hidden regions. This book speaks about obscure, typically unacknowledged aspects of the psyche. The shadow may appear initially like an unwanted intruder but those who become acquainted with their shadow discover it to be a vast storehouse of treasures and resources on the journey of self-discovery. Whereas the persona is the part of your personality that is revealed to others, the shadow is the part of your personality that is concealed from others and ourselves. The shadow often declares itself through sudden, often brutal reversals. At the collective level, the shadow proves capable of magnetizing people in the same direction, often with very destructive results. The person intent on living a more full, authentic life will be well served by becoming acquainted with the shadow. Dr. Stein and the collaborators, Sarah Stein, Steven Buser, and Leonard Cruz, are deeply indebted to BTS, whose world-wide popularity points to their remarkable ability to tap into universal themes that dwell in the collective domain. BTS' music inspired this work and we hope this work will inspire others to explore the deep recesses of their inner life. Table of Contents -Introduction -BTS' Interlude: Shadow: A Psychological Reflection -A Review of the Map of the Soul -Chapter 1: Murray Stein on Shadow -Chapter 2: The Shadow and the Problem of Violence -Chapter 3: "Criminals" The Shadow Bearers of Society -Chapter 4: Heal Yourself, Heal the World -References -About the Contributors

Less Ego More Soul

Book Description

When you feel stuck or fixed in your ways in the cycle of life, reinvention seems unimaginable, even unattainable. But what if you could define your life to be more fluid, curious, and exuberant? What if you were gently led through activities of introspection and empowerment in the setting of your choice, without an audience, group atmosphere or need for any preparation, within 21 days? Deep, impactful change toward the breath of new life. Ultimate alignment of heart, mind, soul. It sounds breathtaking, doesn't it?Upon the 21st day, your journey here will culminate with the creation of your own personal manifesto. You will integrate the voice of your wise woman into a declaration of who you are, what you believe, and what you are committed to. It is the creation of a decision-making and alignment toll for the actions of not the person you are now---but of the person you are becoming.

The Ego Tunnel

Book Description

We're used to thinking about the self as an independent entity, something that we either have or are. In The Ego Tunnel, philosopher Thomas Metzinger claims otherwise: No such thing as a self exists. The conscious self is the content of a model created by our brain - an internal image, but one we cannot experience as an image. Everything we experience is ''a virtual self in a virtual reality.'' But if the self is not ''real,'' why and how did it evolve? How does the brain construct it? Do we still have souls, free will, personal autonomy, or moral accountability? In a time when the science of cognition is becoming as controversial as evolution, The Ego Tunnel provides a stunningly original take on the mystery of the mind.

Nature and the Human Soul

Book Description

Addressing the pervasive longing for meaning and fulfillment in this time of crisis, Nature and the Human Soul introduces a visionary ecopsychology of human development that reveals how fully and creatively we can mature when soul and wild nature guide us. Depth psychologist and wilderness guide Bill Plotkin presents a model for a human life span rooted in the cycles and qualities of the natural world, a blueprint for individual development that ultimately yields a strategy for cultural transformation. If it is true, as Plotkin and others observe, that we live in a culture dominated by adolescent habits and desires, then the enduring societal changes we so desperately need won’t happen until we individually and collectively evolve into an engaged, authentic adulthood. With evocative language and personal stories, including those of elders Thomas Berry and Joanna Macy, this book defines eight stages of human life — Innocent, Explorer, Thespian, Wanderer, Soul Apprentice, Artisan, Master, and Sage — and describes the challenges and benefits of each. Plotkin offers a way of progressing from our current egocentric, aggressively competitive, consumer society to an ecocentric, soul-based one that is sustainable, cooperative, and compassionate. At once a primer on human development and a manifesto for change, Nature and the Human Soul fashions a template for a more mature, fulfilling, and purposeful life — and a better world.

Wild Mind

Book Description

Depth psychologist Plotkin describes himself as a "psychologist gone wild." As a cultural visionary, author, and wilderness guide, he's been breaking trail for decades. Plotkin's revisioning of psychology invites readers into a conscious and embodied relationship with the more-than-human world.