Geological maps: An Introduction

Book Description

A recent national survey of geology students indicated that, In a subject so fundamental and yet so varied, every although they saw the need for a basic training in map geologist will have his own views on geological maps - the work, the three-dimensional aspects involved formed the matters needing emphasis, the best methods of interpreta single most difficult part of an introductory geology tion, good examples of maps, and so on. Instructors may course, and that it was generally taught in a way both ab therefore urge in their taught courses different priorities stract and dull. At the same time, there was no book which from those given here, and, although a wide range of maps puzzled students could turn to for explanations; no book and map exercises is included, will prefer to continue to which told them more about real geological maps. This use their own 'pet' examples. But this is meant primarily to book is an attempt to fill that need. It is based on the view be a book for the student - to turn to for clarification, for that in these days of increasing specialisation the geological further information, and simply to learn a little more about map remains the vital coordinating document, and that the geological maps.

The Current Role of Geological Mapping in Geosciences

Book Description

The book contains private views of experts from various countries on the role of geological mapping in sustainable development. New technologies and concepts are presented, which are either awaiting for recognition by Geological Surveys, or are gradually applied in some survey. The target of the book is well worded in the "Summary and recommendations" elaborated by the Ad Hoc Committee at the Advanced Research Workshop on Innovative Geological Cartography, held under NATO sponsorship in Poland in November 2003. After the "Summaries" were issued by the end of 2003, the authors who presented their views at the Workshop, gave a revised version of their papers with more new ideas and material. Generally, the book is addressed to cartographers in Geological Surveys, geologists and geographers co-operating with landuse planners, ecologists and decision makers, who may learn about the state-of-the-art and the enormous information potential of the modern information technologies in Geosciences. The book, however, gives no methodological recipes but, as it was the authors' intention, may and shall be used as a guide-book in modernizing Information Technologies at the local, regional and national levels in Geosciences.

Geoscience Education

Book Description

This book presents research in Geoscience Education focusing on indoor and outdoor environments in which teaching geoscience gains particular relevance, significance and contextualization. The research areas that are presented throughout the thirteen chapters cover a wide variety of subjects ranging from educational resources and fieldwork to science models. Chapters discuss specific geoscience topics such as earthquakes, rocks, fossils and minerals. Other chapters present a more interdisciplinary approach addressing topics that aren’t usually examined, such as geomedicine and geoethics, with a specific focus on sustainable development and their alignment with the school curricula. Throughout the book readers can find research-based arguments illustrated with practical examples, which will help them to innovate in their curriculum development area, classroom practices and pre and in-service teachers’ education. The book challenges readers to improve Geoscience Education by changing the ways of teaching, by enabling students to exploit their natural curiosity, and by spurring a learning process that should not be confined to the classroom but rather maintained throughout life.

Preserving Geoscience Imagery

Book Description

Open-file Report

Book Description