Marauders of Gor - Special Edition

Book Description

John Norman's epic Gorean Saga is one of the longest-running and most successful series in the history of fantasy. It is also one of the most controversial. Over the course of more than thirty books produced over a span of six decades, the series has sold millions of copies and built legions of fans unrivaled in their devotion. E-Reads invites you to rediscover this brilliantly imagined world where men are masters and women live to serve their every desire. MARAUDERS OF GOR Book 9 of the Gorean Saga Former earthman Tarl Cabot has been struggling in vain to free himself from the cruel control of the Priest-Kings of Gor. As he pits his strength against such a formidable enemy, a terrible beast appears from the mysterious northern lands, bearing a token of the demise of Tarl's once-beloved woman Talena. The missive is a sign of defiance and disrespect from his enemies, meant to humiliate him and force him to challenge them in response. To gird his weapons and set out on a mission of vengeance against those who sent the beasts means that Tarl must jeopardize his fortune and position as a wealthy slave merchant. But he is no longer practical and calm as he was on earth. He must conform to the social codes of Gor, where the only way one can avenge wounded manhood is to respond with all one's might! Read the entire saga, now with brilliant new cover art specially commissioned by E-Reads.

Marauders of Gor

Book Description

Former earthman Tarl Cabot has been struggling to free himself from the cruel control of the Priest-Kings of Gor to no avail. As he pits his strength against such a formidable enemy, a terrible beast appears from the mysterious northern lands, bearing a token of the demise of Tarl's once-beloved woman Talena. The missive is a sign of defiance and disrespect from his enemies, meant to humiliate him and force him to challenge them in response. To gird his weapons and set out on a mission of vengeance against those who sent the beasts means Tarl must jeopardize his fortune and position as a wealthy slave merchant. But he is no longer practical and calm as he was on earth. He must conform to the social codes of Gor, where the only way one can avenge wounded manhood is to respond with all one's might!

Marauders of Gor

Book Description

"40th anniversary of the Gorean saga"--Cover.

Les maraudeurs de Gor

Book Description

Moi, Tarl Cabot, j'étais un héros, un guerrier orgueilleux et puissant. Ici, sur Gor, mes faits d'armes sont encore chantés. Mais me voilà désormais un combattant terrassé par ses blessures. Je ne suis plus qu'un riche armateur, aigri et seul, mon trône n'est plus que le fauteuil des restes mutilés d'un homme. Mon corps et mes faiblesses m'emprisonnent plus sûrement que des chaînes. Quel miracle me fera retrouver l'honneur et la vaillance ? Je viens d'apprendre que ma belle Telima a été dévorée par un Kur, dans les marais du delta du Vosk. Le feu de la vengeance envahit mes veines. Aurai-je la force de reprendre les armes ? Peut-être, car il m'a été dit : " Tu as toujours ton rôle à jouer dans le destin des mondes, Tarl le Rouge. "

Smugglers of Gor - Special Edition

Book Description

John Norman's epic Gorean Saga is one of the longest-running and most successful series in the history of fantasy. It is also one of the most controversial. Over the course of more than thirty books produced over a span of six decades, the series has sold millions of copies and built legions of fans unrivaled in their devotion. E-Reads invites you to rediscover this brilliantly imagined world where men are masters and women live to serve their every desire. SMUGGLERS OF GOR Book 32 of the Gorean Saga In what constitutes as a prequel to MARINERS OF GOR, we learn that a mysterious cargo, suitably disguised, was covertly placed on the great ship, a cargo that might influence the outcome of the aforementioned gamble. One narrator is a young woman, once a Miss Margaret Alyssa Cameron, and the other is an individual whose name, for reasons that will become obvious, is withheld in the manuscript. It does seem clear, however, that the individual referred to was somehow instrumental in bringing the former Miss Cameron to the height of a large slave block in the coastal city of Brundisium, one of Gor's major ports. Read the entire saga, now with brilliant new cover art specially commissioned by E-Reads.

Mercenaries of Gor - Special Edition

Book Description

John Norman's epic Gorean Saga is one of the longest-running and most successful series in the history of fantasy. It is also one of the most controversial. Over the course of more than thirty books produced over a span of six decades, the series has sold millions of copies and built legions of fans unrivaled in their devotion. E-Reads invites you to rediscover this brilliantly imagined world where men are masters and women live to serve their every desire. MERCENARIES OF GOR Book 21 of the Gorean Saga On Gor there are numerous mercenary companies, some larger, some smaller, whose services may be purchased, or bid upon, for given periods of time. The allegiance of these companies is to their pay, and their captains. The forces of Cos and Tyros, powerful maritime ubarates, and their allies, have now beached upon the mainland, and are utilizing the city of Torcodino as a repository for supplies, preparatory to marching on a nigh-undefended and unprepared Ar. Should Ar fall the disinterested tolerances and neutralities, and even the balance of power long sustained between Ar and the great maritime ubarates, things which made possible the existence of the independent companies, will vanish, a development threatening the very existence of the independent companies. But when Cabot arrives in Ar it is a city riven by doubt and dissension, and treason. To whom shall the letters be delivered, and whom can he trust? Read the entire saga, now with brilliant new cover art specially commissioned by E-Reads.

Renegades of Gor - Special Edition

Book Description

John Norman's epic Gorean Saga is one of the longest-running and most successful series in the history of fantasy. It is also one of the most controversial. Over the course of more than thirty books produced over a span of six decades, the series has sold millions of copies and built legions of fans unrivaled in their devotion. E-Reads invites you to rediscover this brilliantly imagined world where men are masters and women live to serve their every desire. RENEGADES OF GOR Book 23 of the Gorean Saga The maritime ubarate of Cos, with her allies, is mounting an attack on Ar on two fronts, from the south with a major invasion force and in the north with an expeditionary force besieging Ar's Station, Ar's base of power in the vast arable basin of Gor's mightiest river, the Vosk. Dietrich of Tarnburg, a mercenary, has seized Torcodino, with its stores of military supplies, to temporarily halt the march of Cos on Ar, to buy Ar time to organize for her defense. Cabot has delivered letters from Dietrich to the regent of Ar, apprising him of the situation at Torcodino. Tarl escapes his imprisonment and ponders whether he should then flee Ar's Station, making his way to freedom through its miseries and desolations, its ruins and flames, or shall he remain, to defend her weakened, betrayed, starving defenders, those who had been his very captors? Read the entire saga, now with brilliant new cover art specially commissioned by E-Reads.

Savages of Gor - Special Edition

Book Description

John Norman's epic Gorean Saga is one of the longest-running and most successful series in the history of fantasy. It is also one of the most controversial. Over the course of more than thirty books produced over a span of six decades, the series has sold millions of copies and built legions of fans unrivaled in their devotion. E-Reads invites you to rediscover this brilliantly imagined world where men are masters and women live to serve their every desire. SAVAGES OF GOR Book 17 of the Gorean Saga Long ago in their intraspecific conflicts a violent, technologically sophisticated life form, the Kurii, destroyed their native world. They now seek another. Between Earth and Gor, or the Counterearth, and the power of the imperialistic, predatory Kurii, now ensconced in the "Steel Worlds," a number of satellite colonies concealed amongst the debris of the asteroid belt, stands only the defensive might of the Priest-Kings of Gor. Tarl Cabot, once of Bristol, England, laboring in behalf of the Priest-Kings, once managed to foil a Kur attempt to set the stage for an invasion of Gor. But to pursue this mission Cabot must enter and traverse the Barrens, the vast Eastern prairies of the primary Gorean continent, lands contested by tribes of warring savages, lands forbidden to strangers. Read the entire saga, now with brilliant new cover art specially commissioned by E-Reads.

Mauraders of Gor

Book Description

Contains one photocopy of the typescript for "Marauders of Gor" by John Norman, the ninth book in Norman's "Chronicles of Counter-Earth" series. The manuscript is undated and 443 pages. It contains a table of contents, and the Daw Books Inc. stamp is on the title page. John Norman is the pen name of John Frederick Lange Jr.

The Marauders

Book Description