Maria Orsic,Nikola Tesla,Their Extraterrestrials Messages,Occult UFOs

Book Description

Part 1 from a set of 2 Parts: World premiere! A must read book. Absolutely fascinating!!!! The world's first book on Maria Orsic and the Ladies of Vril, and Nikola Tesla's extraterrestrials' connection. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos, drawings and sketches from the original files. Information from secrets files of the NKVD, KGB, OSS, Gestapo, SS, MI5, and intelligence agencies in 6 countries. Everything began with Maria Orsic, including extraterrestrial messages, aliens' contacts and the UFOs in modern times. The UFO phenomenon, the first contacts with aliens from civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic in 1917, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO).

Vol. 2:Maria Orsic,Nikola Tesla,Their Extraterrestrials Messages,Occult UFOs

Book Description

Part 2 from a set of 2 Parts: World premiere! A must read book. Absolutely fascinating!!!! The world's first book on Maria Orsic and the Ladies of Vril, and Nikola Tesla's extraterrestrials' connection. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos, drawings and sketches from the original files. Information from secrets files of the NKVD, KGB, OSS, Gestapo, SS, MI5, and intelligence agencies in 6 countries. Everything began with Maria Orsic, including extraterrestrial messages, aliens' contacts and the UFOs in modern times. The UFO phenomenon, the first contacts with aliens from civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic in 1917, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO).


Book Description

MARIA ORSIC, THE WOMAN WHO ORIGINATED AND CREATED EARTH'S FIRST UFOS. Vol.2 Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. New York. Maria Orsic, the most important personality in ufology's history. Everything began with Maria Orsic's metaphysical (Occult, channeling and mediumship) movement. The UFO phenomenon and saga, the first contacts with aliens from extraordinarily advanced civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she claimed she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO). ). Author's website:


Book Description

VOL.1. MARIA ORSIC, THE WOMAN WHO ORIGINATED AND CREATED EARTH'S FIRST UFOS Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. New York. Maria Orsic, the most important personality in ufology's history. Everything began with Maria Orsic's metaphysical (Occult, channeling and mediumship) movement. The UFO phenomenon and saga, the first contacts with aliens from extraordinarily advanced civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she claimed she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO). Author's website:

Castle Werfenstein and the Wonder Women of Vril

Book Description

Castle Werfenstein And The Wonder Women Of Vril is a non-fiction hardback book about the creation of early Nazi Occult beliefs and the development of the German World War II "flying disc" program using above top secret the Vril Energy. The book shows in great detail the connection between Maria Orsic and the Wonder Women of the Vril.


Book Description

Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. Author's website: Nikola Tesla who was in touch with Maria Orsic knew a lot about the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Sava Kosanovic reported that his uncle Nikola Tesla told him about the German Bell-UFO, and Maria Orsic's Vril, and in one of his correspondences with Marshal Tito, he explained to the Yugoslavian leader how these machines could work. The personal files of Nikola Tesla, seized by the United States government, right after his death in 1943, revealed beyond the shadow of doubt, that: UFOs are real. Tesla's anti-gravity flying disk flew successfully. There are many planets inhabited by intelligent civilizations. A contact with extraterrestrials is possible, if we have adequate instruments, Some galactic civilizations are in constant confrontation with other civilizations, and are part of the aliens' cosmic rapture.

Extraterrestrials Messages to Maria Orsic in Ana‰Ûªkh Aldebaran Script to Build the Vril

Book Description

Extraterrestrials Messages to Maria Orsic in Ana'kh Aldebaran Script to Build the Vril. 1921, Germany: Birth of the First Man-Made UFO. Published by Times Square Press, New York. Berlin. The most important book ever published on contact with extraterrestrials, and how the Aldebaran's Beings of Light instructed Maria Orsic, Dr. Schumann and German scientists on how to build Earth's first UFO.

ALDEBARAN VRIL: 1917 Extraterrestrials Messages to Maria Orsic and the Birth of the First German-Made UFO

Book Description

5th Edition. ALDEBARAN VRIL: 1917 Extraterrestrials Messages to Maria Orsic and the Birth of the First German-Made UFO. REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION. 345 pages. A publication of TIMES SQUARE PRESS(R). New York.The UFO phenomenon and saga, the first contacts with aliens from extraordinarily advanced civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen (The Vril Society), and based upon messages she claimed she has received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO). The extraterrestrials Aryan from Aldebaran told Maria that they were here before, thousands of years ago. And people took them for gods

Revelation Exo-Truth (Apocalypsis Ex-Veritas)

Book Description

What is the result of the evidence that the alien and UFO phenomenon is related to fallen angels and demonic spirits in the 21st Century? How would you like to have the equivalent of a PhD on this topic? This book offers just that! Volume 1:Chapter1- Introduction: Can Christianity Accommodate the Idea of Alien Life? Evolution vs Creationism. Ancient Aliens or Demonic Deception? Why Should Christians Care? What Has the Bible to Say? The Strong Delusion according to End Times Prophecy? UFOs: Caught in a Web of Deception. Alien Abduction Phenomenon and Genetic Engineering. Why should the Alien/UFO Phenomenon be of Concern for Society at Large and Governmental, Political and Military Authorities? Chapter-2-Literature Review: Ancient Aliens or Demonic Deception? The fallen angelic and demonic interpretation of the Sons of God. UFOs and Religious Cults. UFOs, ETs and the New Age. Aliens as Messengers of Deception. Project Bluebook: a Government UFO Cover Up. Final Events: Secret Government Group. Lost in MK Ultra. Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars. Maria Orsic, Nikola Tesla, Their Extraterrestrials Messages, Occult UFOs. Operation Trojan Horse. One Out of Every 40 People Abducted? UFO: End Time Delusion. Alien Encounters. Alien Intrusion. Genetics, UFOs and the Birth of the Antichrist. UFO Sightings: Natural, Man-made or Spiritual?Chapter-3-Demonic manifestation of the alien abduction phenomenon. Alien Intruders and Missing Time. Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens. The Threat: Secret Alien Agenda. Close Encounters of the First to Eighth Kind. Alien Interviews. Academic Biblical Perspective on Angelology, Demonology and Intelligent Evil. Academic Religious Studies on the Copernican Principle. Corrupting the Image: Angels, Aliens and the Antichrist Revealed. Alien Abductions vs Satanic Ritual Abuse phenomenon. Chapter 4-Demonic Masquerade of Aliens and UFOs in History. Bridging the Gap: Nephilim with Modern Day Aliens/UFOs. Alien Abduction and Hybridization Phenomenon. Convergence of Alien Abduction with UFO Phenomenon. UFO Phenomenon from Ancient Civilizations to Modern-Day Era. Testimonies: US and World Leaders, NASA, US Astronauts, and USAF Personnel. Proof of Covert Alien/UFO Collaboration. The Greada Treaty. Circumstantial Evidence: Project Preserve Destiny. Deep Military Underground Bases and Testimony of Demonic Aliens. Part 2 on demonic DUMBs testimonial. History Repeats Itself. Volume 2:Chapter 5-The Demonic Intraterrestrial Assault-Portent to a Global Dystopian Technocratic Beast Matrix System Apocalypse: Transhumanism and Man Becoming His Own God. Genetics of the Mark of the Beast. Technocrats call for Ushering in the Global Era of AI Singularity. Sinful Man as Minion of Lucifer or Man of Sin.Chapter 6-Alien/UFO Culture - Similarities with the Demonic Masquerade: Contemporary evidence. Historical Milestones on the UFO Culture, Demonic Masquerade, and connections with New Age. The Media Invasion. Notable Science Fiction Books on Aliens/Ufology. Pop Music Industry notables. Widespread and troubling belief in UFOs and Aliens. Philosophical Discourse on Cultural Dimension.Chapter 7-Biblical Data to Support Demonic Hypothesis. Natural Order Established. Three Views: Sons of God, Sons of Seth and Demonic. Defense of Angelic/Demonic View of Sons of God. Angelology, Demonology, Intelligent Evil. Biblical and Extra-Biblical Conclusions.Chapter 8-Conclusions and Call to Action: Implications and Application of Research Findings. How to Avoid Becoming a Victim and Overcome the Threat of Alien Abduction and UFO Phenomenon? The Intraterrestrial Assault: How to Act Upon and Overcome Physical Repercussions of Quantum Computing, Data Mining, Robotics, AI, Chemtrails, HAARP, Nano-Bots and Synthetic Biology. Alienstock: Cultural Influence of Social media/Civil Society in Alien/Ufology and Government Disclosure. The Coming Deception. Final Countdown to Armageddon: How to Overcome End Times Spiritual Battle.

The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla

Book Description

NEWLY REVISED EDITION! HERE NOW -- IN THIS EXPANDED WORK -- ARE SOME OF THE MOST BIZARRE EXPERIMENTS CARRIED OUT BY THE WORLD'S GREATEST ELECTRICAL WIZARD UNDER THE MOST HUSH-HUSH OF CIRCUMSTANCES. EXPERIMENTS DEALING WITH. . . TIME TRAVEL, ALTERNATIVE AND FREE ENERGY, AS WELL AS A POSSIBLE NAZI "FLYING SAUCER" CONNECTION. Nikola Tesla was the genius credited for creating much of modern, electrical technology. Yet, his contributions have been largely forgotten. An examination of Nikola Tesla's lost papers -- some of which were confiscated by the U.S. government after his death -- shows that Tesla was interested in and experimented with many concepts that have been regarded until recently as "wild ideas." It's no surprise that Tesla was loath to speak of these kinds of interests -- after all, even now these areas of study still come under fire by the majority of mainstream scientists who refuse to use their imaginations and intellect and scorn such matters with terms such as "voodoo science" and "unadulterated quackery." It is now known that there have been a number of top-secret programs that were devoted to either investigating or, shockingly enough, actively using technology based on some of Tesla's more unorthodox ideas. Both the United States and Russia have active Particle Beam and RF (radio-frequency) weaponry that has been in operation since the early 1970s -- all as a result of Tesla's early 19th and 20th Century experiments. To say that there are other black budget projects involving Tesla-based research would vastly underestimate the total amount of research and development being conducted right now by many countries worldwide. And these are the projects that we know about. Who knows how many deep, dark, secret projects are being conducted right now with science that could be decades, even hundreds of years, beyond what civilian science knows about today? This work exposes such topics as: Reverse Gravity -- Free Energy -- Contact With Hidden Dimensions -- Mysterious Radio Signals From Space -- Earth Changes -- Freak Weather Patterns -- Electric Death Rays -- UFOs -- Particle Beam Weapons and much, much more.