Master of Siddhartha

Book Description

A New Twist to the Story of Siddhartha The Master of Siddhartha narrates the wisdom of life and afterlife, thereby propelling you to know the true purpose of your own existence on Earth. This wisdom is revealed through the story of Prince Siddhartha as he gets ready to renounce his palace and kingdom in search of the answers to some profound and timeless questions. - Why does death occur? - If death is inevitable, then what is the real purpose of life? - What is the role of sorrow in life? As he kisses his family goodbye in the dark of night, Prince Siddhartha is stopped by a soft but startling voice that beseeches him not to leave. As Siddhartha discovers the unexpected source of this voice, the answers to his questions are given to him one by one, leading to the four Supreme truths: - There is happiness. - There is a cause for happiness. - There is a path to attain eternal happiness. - The state of eternal happiness exists within. Join Prince Siddhartha in his unique journey of becoming not just the king of the world but also attaining the kingdom of God. Read the new story of Prince Siddhartha, a tale with a twist, where secrets of eternal life and the fallacy of death are revealed... by his Master.


Book Description

Herman Hesse's classic novel has delighted, inspired, and influenced generations of readers, writers, and thinkers. In this story of a wealthy Indian Brahmin who casts off a life of privilege to seek spiritual fulfillment. Hesse synthesizes disparate philosophies--Eastern religions, Jungian archetypes, Western individualism--into a unique vision of life as expressed through one man's search for true meaning.

Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha

Book Description

The very idea that the teachings can be mastered will arouse controversy within Buddhist circles. Even so, Ingram insists that enlightenment is an attainable goal, once our fanciful notions of it are stripped away, and we have learned to use meditation as a method for examining reality rather than an opportunity to wallow in self-absorbed mind-noise. Ingram sets out concisely the difference between concentration-based and insight (vipassana) meditation; he provides example practices; and most importantly he presents detailed maps of the states of mind we are likely to encounter, and the stages we must negotiate as we move through clearly-defined cycles of insight. Its easy to feel overawed, at first, by Ingram's assurance and ease in the higher levels of consciousness, but consistently he writes as a down-to-earth and compassionate guide, and to the practitioner willing to commit themselves this is a glittering gift of a book.In this new edition of the bestselling book, the author rearranges, revises and expands upon the original material, as well as adding new sections that bring further clarity to his ideas.


Book Description

Around 2500 years ago a thirty-five-year-old man named Siddhartha had a mystical insight under a peepul tree in north-eastern India; in a place now revered as Bodhgaya. Today; more than 300 million people across the globe consider themselves beneficiaries of Gautama Buddha’s insight; and believe that it has irrevocably marked their spiritual commitment and identity. Who was this man who still remains such a vital figure for the modern-day questor? How did he arrive at the realization that ‘suffering alone exists; but none who suffer; the deed there is; but no doer thereof; Nirvana there is; but no one seeking it; the Path there is; but none who travel it’? The Book of Buddha traces the various stages of the spiritual journey undertaken by a man who started out as Siddhartha the Seeker; achieved understanding as Shakyamuni the Sage and attained supremacy as Tathagata the Master—finally reaching transcendence as Jina the Victor when he was transformed into the Buddha and became the Enlightened One. Combining personal insight with a deep understanding of Buddhist philosophy; Arundhathi Subramaniam gives the reader a sensitive and revealing portrait of the Buddha and his role in shaping and transfiguring the course of history. In this passionate and deeply felt rendition of the Buddha’s life she explores his enduring impact; and affirms that though he promised no quick-fix solution to life’s problems; Buddhism has remained truly democratic because it holds out the promise of self-realization for all.


Book Description

Siddhartha (first published in 1922) is a novel based on the early life of Buddha, inspired by the author's visit to India before the First World War. The novel is about the young Brahmin Siddhartha's search for self- realization. His quest takes him from a life of decadence to asceticism, from the illusory joys of sensual love with a beautiful courtesan, and of wealth and fame, to the painful struggles with his son and the ultimate wisdom of renunciation

The Historical Buddha

Book Description

No man has had a greater inflience on the spiritual development of his people than Siddartha Gautama. Born in India in the sixth century BC into a nation hungry for spiritual experience, he developed a religious and moral teaching that, to this day, brings comfort and peace to all who practise it. This comprehensive biography examines the social, religious and political conditions that gave rise to Buddhism as we now know it.

The Deathbed Sutra of the Buddha

Book Description

What if, on the final night of his earthly existence, the Buddha experienced a second Enlightenment, leading him to radically revise his teachings about the self, the world, and spiritual fulfillment? And what if that final teaching, lost for over 2000 years, was rediscovered? "The Deathbed Sutra of the Buddha" purports to offer that final conversation, part teaching and part confession, between the Buddha and his trusted attendant, Ananda. Sometimes touching, sometimes shocking, and sure to spark controversy everywhere, The Deathbed Sutra forces Buddhists and scholars of Buddhism to seriously re-evaluate fundamental aspects of the tradition. Regardless of how readers assess this work - as a hoax or as a legitimate lost teaching of the Enlightened One - they will find its content to be a serious challenge to long-held positions about the nature of the self, the nature of reality, and the path to enlightenment. This short work will be a must read for anyone with a serious interest in the teachings of the Buddha.

Business and the Buddha

Book Description

All businesses want to do well, but can they also do good? Lloyd Field says yes, and moreover, no business can afford to focus simply on "doing well." Increasingly, public assessment of a business's worth must take into account its consideration of shared human values. That doesn't mean a business can't or should not compete; it means that investing in efforts to build a better society can, on many levels, be an asset. In this book, Field lays out the guidelines for putting social responsibility, both corporate and individual, into practice without sacrificing profits. Drawing from traditional Buddhist teachings, Field shows how, with attention to ethics, skillful means, and corporate responsibility, entrepreneurs and decision-makers can achieve new levels of happiness and security both inside the company and out, while acting as a powerful force for positive global change.


Book Description

A moral allegory, set in ancient India, about one soul's quest for the ultimate answer to the enigma of man's role in this world. The hero, Siddhartha, undergoes a series of experiences to emerge in a state of peace and wisdom.

The Buddha and His Teachings

Book Description

Originally published as Entering the Stream, this book offers a simple and inspiring answer to the question "What is the Buddha's teaching?" primarily in the words of the Buddha and other masters. This anthology draws on traditional Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan sources as well as teachings by contemporary Buddhist masters. Among the contributors, both classical and modern, are: Ajahn Chah, Pema Chödrön, The Second Dalai Lama, Dogen, S.N. Goenka, Dainin Katagiri, Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi, Milerepa, Padmasambhava, Reginald Ray, Shunryu Suzuki, Nyanaponika Thera, Thich Nhat Hanh, Chögyam Trungpa, and Burton Watson.