MATEMATICAS BASICAS. Una Introducción al Cálculo

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"MATEMATICAS BASICAS. Una Introducción al Cálculo" tiene una fácil manera para aprender a aprender Matemáticas con cuatro capítulos principales; el primero está referido a la teoría de conjuntos, el sistema numérico y la recta real, junto con el sistema cartesiano del plano y espacio. El segundo capítulo muestra aplicaciones de la teoría de conjuntos, las permutaciones, las combinaciones, las relaciones y las funciones. El tercer capítulo ilustra traslaciones y modelos funcionales con los tipos de funciones: real, polinómica, constante, lineal, cuadrática, exponencial, logarítmica, trigonométricas y función inversa. El cuarto capítulo desarrolla las ecuaciones y desigualdades, junto con sistemas de ecuaciones y desigualdades lineales o no lineales. El quinto capítulo concluye con ejercicios de recapitulación resueltos. Esta obra está dirigida a estudiantes universitarios en programas académicos presenciales o de educación a distancia en ciencias económicas, administrativas, sociales y humanísticas.

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Aportaciones matemáticas

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Revacion Escolar

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Como consecuencia de la actual crisis en educación, la gente está empezando a darse cuenta de que las escuelas abarcan mucho más que la provisión de conocimientos y aptitudes a los niños. Las escuelas son comunidades y, como todas las comunidades, puede ser o no saludables. Renovación escolar aborda los problemas y desafíos de una comunidad escolar. Mediante el empleo de cuentos, mitos y la experiencia personal de la educación Waldorf, Torin Finser describe la forma en la que tanto maestros como padres afrontan problemas cotidianos como el agotamiento, los conflictos interpersonales y las trampas de la rutina. Lo más importante es que el autor hace hincapié en que una comunidad educativa debe llegar a un acuerdo con las numerosas dimensiones ocultas de cada individuo. Muestra cómo se pueden cultivar y alimentar estos aspectos poco entendidos de la mente con el fin de mantener viva la escuela y la educación. Renovación escolar no ofrece fórmulas ni soluciones chapuceras. En su lugar, anima a una nueva manera de pensar acerca de la educación y el crecimiento personal (para los niños y los adultos que se preocupan por ellos). «…si se me pudiese conceder un deseo en nombre de la renovación escolar, pediría una mejora significativa en la calidad del sueño de padres y maestros. Ningún otro cambio tiene un potencial más beneficioso que el de eliminar el estado de agotamiento crónico que se produce a final de semana en la mayoría de escuelas».

New Research on Knowledge Management Models and Methods

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Due to the development of mobile and Web 2.0 technology, knowledge transfer, storage and retrieval have become much more rapid. In recent years, there have been more and more new and interesting findings in the research field of knowledge management. This book aims to introduce readers to the recent research topics, it is titled "New Research on Knowledge Management Models and Methods" and includes 19 chapters. Its focus is on the exploration of methods and models, covering the innovations of all knowledge management models and methods as well as deeper discussion. It is expected that this book provides relevant information about new research trends in comprehensive and novel knowledge management studies, and that it serves as an important resource for researchers, teachers and students, and for the development of practices in the knowledge management field.

Matemática Essencial.

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Bem-vindo ao Matemática Essencial, um guia abrangente e objetivo criado para facilitar sua jornada no universo da matemática, com foco em aplicações práticas e no sucesso em exames. Este livro é mais do que uma coletânea de fórmulas e conceitos; é um aliado para quem deseja compreender profundamente os fundamentos matemáticos e usá-los como ferramentas para resolver problemas do cotidiano, avançar academicamente e atingir metas pessoais e profissionais. Por que este livro é essencial para você? - Estrutura Didática: Organizamos os conteúdos de forma progressiva e lógica, permitindo que você acompanhe o aprendizado passo a passo. Cada tema é introduzido com explicações claras, exemplos práticos e dicas importantes para fixação. - Praticidade: Iniciamos com um Simulado 100, que possibilita avaliar seu nível atual e identificar áreas de maior dificuldade. O gabarito comentado apresenta soluções detalhadas para você compreender não apenas o "como", mas também o "porquê". - Resumos e Estratégias: O capítulo de resumo e as 10 dicas para o ENEM fornecem uma visão geral e estratégica dos tópicos mais cobrados em provas. - Foco no Essencial: Desde sistemas de numeração até estatísticas e probabilidades, passando por funções, logaritmos e análises financeiras, este livro aborda conteúdos fundamentais de forma prática e objetiva. Para quem é este livro? - Estudantes que se preparam para o ENEM e outros vestibulares. - Professores que buscam uma ferramenta de apoio para aulas e planejamento. - Profissionais que desejam revisar conceitos básicos para aplicação em áreas como finanças, tecnologia e ciências. Como usar este livro? 1. Identifique suas necessidades: Consulte o sumário e localize os tópicos que deseja explorar ou revisar. 2. Faça o simulado inicial: Use o Simulado 100 como um diagnóstico do seu conhecimento. 3. Aprofunde-se nos conceitos: Estude os capítulos com atenção, resolvendo os exercícios propostos e revisando os exemplos. 4. Aplique o conhecimento: Use os resumos e as dicas práticas para consolidar o aprendizado e resolver problemas reais. Nosso objetivo é transformar a matemática em uma ferramenta acessível e eficaz para você. Que este livro seja um guia confiável em sua jornada de aprendizado e conquistas! Vamos juntos descomplicar a matemática! Equipe Ativamente.

Mathematics Education in Brazil

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This book presents, for the first time in English, the state of the art of Mathematics Education research in Brazil, a country that has the strongest community in this field in Latin America. Edited by leading researchers in the area, the volume provides the international academic community a summary of the scientific production of the thirteen working groups of the Brazilian Society of Mathematics Education (SBEM), the national scientific society that brings together researchers, teachers, students and other professionals of the area. These working groups meet every three years at the International Seminar of Mathematics Education (SIPEM) and cover the following topics: Mathematics Education in the Early Years and Primary Education (Y1-Y5); Mathematics Education in the Middle School (Y6-Y9); Mathematics Education in the High School (Y10-Y12); Mathematics Education at the University level; History of Mathematics, Culture and Mathematics Education; Digital Technologies and Distance Education; Teacher Education; Assessment and Mathematics Education; Cognitive and Linguistic Processes in Mathematics Education; Mathematical Modeling; Philosophy of Mathematics Education, Teaching Probability and Statistics; and Difference, Inclusion and Mathematics Education. Each chapter of the book presents an overview of the production of a working group and they are all preceded by an introduction by professor Ubiratan D’Ambrosio, one of the pioneers of Mathematics Education in Brazil.

Mathematics Education in the Digital Age

Book Description

The wide availability of digital educational resources for mathematics teaching and learning is indisputable, with some notable genres of technologies having evolved, such as graphing calculators, dynamic graphing, dynamic geometry and data visualization tools. But what does this mean for teachers of mathematics, and how do their roles evolve within this digital landscape? This essential book offers an international perspective to help bridge theory and practice, including coverage of networking theories, curriculum design, task implementation, online resources and assessment. Mathematics Education in the Digital Age details the impacts this digital age has, and will continue to have, on the parallel aspects of learning and teaching mathematics within formal education systems and settings. Written by a group of international authors, the chapters address the following themes: Mathematics teacher education and professional development Mathematics curriculum development and task design The assessment of mathematics Theoretical perspectives and methodologies/approaches for researching mathematics education in the digital age This book highlights not only the complex nature of the field, but also the advancements in theoretical and practical knowledge that is enabling the mathematics education community to continue to learn in this increasingly digital age. It is an essential read for all mathematics teacher educators and master teachers.

International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education

Book Description

Mathematics teacher education includes the mathematics content teachers need to understand, ways that pedagogical approaches are developed, messages about the nature of mathematics teaching and learning, and interfaces between tertiary preparation and school contexts. Scholars from Sweden, France, Malawi, Singapore, New Zealand, Brazil, the USA, and Canada provide insights for the mathematics education community’s understanding of how teacher educators structure, develop, and implement their respective mathematics teacher education programs. Several themes emerged across the chapters, including: varied approaches to developing culturally responsive pedagogies and/or Indigenous perspectives; issues and challenges in fostering partnerships and collaborations; strategies for developing mathematics knowledge for teaching; and preparing flexible and resourceful teachers. Praise for International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education: "International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education explores different facets of mathematics teacher education in eight countries across five continents. The authors and editors answer important questions and open the door to critical conversations about policies and practices related to mathematics teacher recruitment, preparation, and professional development, among other topics. Every reader will develop new perspectives as they learn how one institution is engaging with Indigenous perspectives while other countries struggle with an insufficient supply of certified teachers. This book clearly demonstrates challenges, constraints, nuances and complexities to initiating and maintaining improvement across systems to enhance the work and spaces of mathematics teachers within different historical, cultural, social, and political contexts. This volume also generates ideas and opportunities for leaders, policymakers, and teacher educators to consider and learn from international colleagues about different approaches to mathematics teacher education practice and policy. Undoubtedly, debates about standards, content and experiences in programs, and accountability structures such as accreditation will continue. It is clear from the insights in this volume that strengthening mathematics teacher education will require stronger collaborations, frameworks, policies, infrastructure, and investments on a global scale and it will be critical to collaborate with and learn from colleagues in international settings. These conversations will require reciprocity, interdependence, and resilience as we pursue the ultimate goal of equipping the field of mathematics teacher education." Kathryn Chval Dean, College of Education Professor of Mathematics Education University of Illinois Chicago