Book Description

Since 1996, the Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC - formerly known as K-26), and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) have been cooperating under the cooperative Nuclear Material Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC & A) Program between the Russian Federation and the U.S. Governments. Since MCC continues to operate a reactor for steam and electricity production for the site and city of Zheleznogorsk which results in production of the weapons grade plutonium, one of the goals of the MPC & A program is to support implementation of an expanded comprehensive nuclear material control and accounting (MC & A) program. To date MCC has completed upgrades identified in the initial gap analysis and documented in the site MC & A Plan and is implementing additional upgrades identified during an update to the gap analysis. The scope of these upgrades includes implementation of MCC organization structure relating to MC & A, establishing material balance area structure for special nuclear materials (SNM) storage and bulk processing areas, and material control functions including SNM portal monitors at target locations. Material accounting function upgrades include enhancements in the conduct of physical inventories, limit of error inventory difference procedure enhancements, implementation of basic computerized accounting system for four SNM storage areas, implementation of measurement equipment for improved accountability reporting, and both new and revised site-level MC & A procedures. This paper will discuss the implementation of MC & A upgrades at MCC based on the requirements established in the comprehensive MC & A plan developed by the Mining and Chemical Combine as part of the MPC & A Program.

Materials & Financial Management

Book Description

This book is a textbook for B.E. and B. Tech. students of Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering disciplines. It is also required as textbook for M. Tech. (Production), Industrial Engineering and Industrial Design and M.B.A. and M.C.A. students. Materials are needed in every organization for their production and service activities. Cost is acquired to procure or purchase these materials. Materials and Financial Management is the activity of every organisation for managing these resources which are related to planning, procuring or purchasing, storing and providing appropriate mate.

Materials Control and Accounting (MC and A)

Book Description

Nuclear materials control and accounting systems are subject to pressures of both regulatory and institutional natures. This fact, coupled with the emergence of new technology, is causing evolutionary changes in materials control and accounting systems. These changes are the subject of this paper.

Materials Management

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Stores and Materials Control

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