Mathematical Methods and Models in Phase Transitions

Book Description

The modelling and the study of phase transition phenomena are capital issues as they have essential applications in material sciences and in biological and industrial processes. We can mention, e.g., phase separation in alloys, ageing of materials, microstructure evolution, crystal growth, solidification in complex alloys, surface diffusion in the presence of stress, evolution of the surface of a thin flow in heteroepitaxial growth, motion of voids in interconnects in integrated circuits, treatment of airway closure disease by surfactant injection, fuel injection, fire extinguishers etc., This book consists of 11 contributions from specialists in the mathematical modelling and analysis of phase transitions. The content of these contributions ranges from the modelling to the mathematical and numerical analysis. Furthermore, many numerical simulations are presented. Finally, the contributors have tried to give comprehensive and accurate reference lists. This book should thus serve as a reference book for researchers interested in phase transition phenomena.

Phase Transitions

Book Description

Phase transitions--changes between different states of organization in a complex system--have long helped to explain physics concepts, such as why water freezes into a solid or boils to become a gas. How might phase transitions shed light on important problems in biological and ecological complex systems? Exploring the origins and implications of sudden changes in nature and society, Phase Transitions examines different dynamical behaviors in a broad range of complex systems. Using a compelling set of examples, from gene networks and ant colonies to human language and the degradation of diverse ecosystems, the book illustrates the power of simple models to reveal how phase transitions occur. Introductory chapters provide the critical concepts and the simplest mathematical techniques required to study phase transitions. In a series of example-driven chapters, Ricard Solé shows how such concepts and techniques can be applied to the analysis and prediction of complex system behavior, including the origins of life, viral replication, epidemics, language evolution, and the emergence and breakdown of societies. Written at an undergraduate mathematical level, this book provides the essential theoretical tools and foundations required to develop basic models to explain collective phase transitions for a wide variety of ecosystems.

Continuum Models for Phase Transitions and Twinning in Crystals

Book Description

Continuum Models for Phase Transitions and Twinning in Crystals presents the fundamentals of a remarkably successful approach to crystal thermomechanics. Developed over the last two decades, it is based on the mathematical theory of nonlinear thermoelasticity, in which a new viewpoint on material symmetry, motivated by molecular theories, plays a c

Models of Phase Transitions

Book Description

... "What do you call work?" "Why ain't that work?" Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly: "Well. lI1a), he it is, and maybe it aill't. All I know, is, it suits Tom Sawvc/:" "Oil CO/lll!, IIOW, Will do not mean to let 011 that you like it?" The brush continued to move. "Likc it? Well, I do not see wlzy I oughtn't to like it. Does a hoy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?" That put the thing ill a Ilew light. Ben stopped nibhling the apple ... (From Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapter II.) Mathematics can put quantitative phenomena in a new light; in turn applications may provide a vivid support for mathematical concepts. This volume illustrates some aspects of the mathematical treatment of phase transitions, namely, the classical Stefan problem and its generalizations. The in tended reader is a researcher in application-oriented mathematics. An effort has been made to make a part of the book accessible to beginners, as well as physicists and engineers with a mathematical background. Some room has also been devoted to illustrate analytical tools. This volume deals with research I initiated when I was affiliated with the Istituto di Analisi Numerica del C.N.R. in Pavia, and then continued at the Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita di Trento. It was typeset by the author in plain TEX

Theory of Phase Transitions

Book Description

Theory of Phase Transitions: Rigorous Results is inspired by lectures on mathematical problems of statistical physics presented in the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. The aim of the book is to expound a series of rigorous results about the theory of phase transitions. The book consists of four chapters, wherein the first chapter discusses the Hamiltonian, its symmetry group, and the limit Gibbs distributions corresponding to a given Hamiltonian. The second chapter studies the phase diagrams of lattice models that are considered at low temperatures. The notions of a ground state of a Hamiltonian and the stability of the set of the ground states of a Hamiltonian are also introduced. Chapter 3 presents the basic theorems about lattice models with continuous symmetry, and Chapter 4 focuses on the second-order phase transitions and on the theory of scaling probability distributions, connected to these phase transitions. Specialists in statistical physics and other related fields will greatly benefit from this publication.

Dissipative Phase Transitions

Book Description

Phase transition phenomena arise in a variety of relevant real world situations, such as melting and freezing in a solid-liquid system, evaporation, solid-solid phase transitions in shape memory alloys, combustion, crystal growth, damage in elastic materials, glass formation, phase transitions in polymers, and plasticity. The practical interest of such phenomenology is evident and has deeply influenced the technological development of our society, stimulating intense mathematical research in this area. This book analyzes and approximates some models and related partial differential equation problems that involve phase transitions in different contexts and include dissipation effects. Contents: Mathematical Models Including a Hysteresis Operator (T Aiki); Modelling Phase Transitions via an Entropy Equation: Long-Time Behavior of the Solutions (E Bonetti); Global Solution to a One Dimensional Phase Transition Model with Strong Dissipation (G Bonfanti & F Luterotti); A Global in Time Result for an Integro-Differential Parabolic Inverse Problem in the Space of Bounded Functions (F Colombo et al.); Weak Solutions for Stefan Problems with Convections (T Fukao); Memory Relaxation of the One-Dimensional CahnOCoHilliard Equation (S Gatti et al.); Mathematical Models for Phase Transition in Materials with Thermal Memory (G Gentili & C Giorgi); Hysteresis in a First Order Hyperbolic Equation (J Kopfovi); Approximation of Inverse Problems Related to Parabolic Integro-Differential Systems of Caginalp Type (A Lorenzi & E Rocca); Gradient Flow Reaction/Diffusion Models in Phase Transitions (J Norbury & C Girardet); New Existence Result for a 3-D Shape Memory Model (I Pawlow & W M Zajaczkowski); Analysis of a 1-D Thermoviscoelastic Model with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity (R Peyroux & U Stefanelli); Global Attractor for the Weak Solutions of a Class of Viscous Cahn-Hilliard Equations (R Rossi); Stability for Phase Field Systems Involving Indefinite Surface Tension Coefficients (K Shirakawa); Geometric Features of p -Laplace Phase Transitions (E Valdinoci). Readership: Applied mathematicians and researchers in analysis and differential equations."

Application of Integrable Systems to Phase Transitions

Book Description

The eigenvalue densities in various matrix models in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are ultimately unified in this book by a unified model derived from the integrable systems. Many new density models and free energy functions are consequently solved and presented. The phase transition models including critical phenomena with fractional power-law for the discontinuities of the free energies in the matrix models are systematically classified by means of a clear and rigorous mathematical demonstration. The methods here will stimulate new research directions such as the important Seiberg-Witten differential in Seiberg-Witten theory for solving the mass gap problem in quantum Yang-Mills theory. The formulations and results will benefit researchers and students in the fields of phase transitions, integrable systems, matrix models and Seiberg-Witten theory.

Mathematical Models And Methods For Smart Materials

Book Description

This book contains the papers presented at the conference on “Mathematical Models and Methods for Smart Materials”, held in Italy in 2001. The papers are divided into four parts:”Methods in Materials Science” deals mainly with mathematical techniques for the investigation of physical systems, such as liquid crystals, materials with internal variables, amorphous materials, and thermoelastic materials. Also, techniques are exhibited for the analysis of stability and controllability of classical models of continuum mechanics and of dynamical systems.”Modelling of Smart Materials” is devoted to models of superfluids, superconductors, materials with memory, nonlinear elastic solids, and damaged materials. In the elaboration of the models, thermodynamic aspects play a central role in the characterization of the constitutive properties.”Well-Posedness in Materials with Memory” deals with existence, uniqueness and stability for the solution of problems, most often expressed by integrodifferential equations, which involve materials with fading memory. Also, attention is given to exponential decay in viscoelasticity, inverse problems in heat conduction with memory, and automatic control for parabolic equations.”Analytic Problems in Phase Transitions” discusses nonlinear partial differential equations associated with phase transitions, and hysteresis, possibly involving fading memory effects. Particular applications are developed for the phase-field model with memory, the Stefan problem with a Cattaneo-type equation, the hysteresis in thermo-visco-plasticity, and the solid-solid phase transition.

Modeling Phase Transitions in the Brain

Book Description

Foreword by Walter J. Freeman. The induction of unconsciousness using anesthetic agents demonstrates that the cerebral cortex can operate in two very different behavioral modes: alert and responsive vs. unaware and quiescent. But the states of wakefulness and sleep are not single-neuron properties---they emerge as bulk properties of cooperating populations of neurons, with the switchover between states being similar to the physical change of phase observed when water freezes or ice melts. Some brain-state transitions, such as sleep cycling, anesthetic induction, epileptic seizure, are obvious and detected readily with a few EEG electrodes; others, such as the emergence of gamma rhythms during cognition, or the ultra-slow BOLD rhythms of relaxed free-association, are much more subtle. The unifying theme of this book is the notion that all of these bulk changes in brain behavior can be treated as phase transitions between distinct brain states. Modeling Phase Transitions in the Brain contains chapter contributions from leading researchers who apply state-space methods, network models, and biophysically-motivated continuum approaches to investigate a range of neuroscientifically relevant problems that include analysis of nonstationary EEG time-series; network topologies that limit epileptic spreading; saddle--node bifurcations for anesthesia, sleep-cycling, and the wake--sleep switch; prediction of dynamical and noise-induced spatiotemporal instabilities underlying BOLD, alpha-, and gamma-band Hopf oscillations, gap-junction-moderated Turing structures, and Hopf-Turing interactions leading to cortical waves.