Mathematical Methods for Population Genetics

Book Description

The conception of race and the laws of Mendel. Different form of inheritance. The effect of mutations on the composition of a population in panmixia. The effect of selection on a population. Selection and mutations. The importance of the isolate for the composition of population. Isolates and race. Mutations, selection, and isolates.

Mathematical Structures in Population Genetics

Book Description

Mathematical methods have been applied successfully to population genet ics for a long time. Even the quite elementary ideas used initially proved amazingly effective. For example, the famous Hardy-Weinberg Law (1908) is basic to many calculations in population genetics. The mathematics in the classical works of Fisher, Haldane and Wright was also not very complicated but was of great help for the theoretical understanding of evolutionary pro cesses. More recently, the methods of mathematical genetics have become more sophisticated. In use are probability theory, stochastic processes, non linear differential and difference equations and nonassociative algebras. First contacts with topology have been established. Now in addition to the tra ditional movement of mathematics for genetics, inspiration is flowing in the opposite direction, yielding mathematics from genetics. The present mono grapll reflects to some degree both patterns but especially the latter one. A pioneer of this synthesis was S. N. Bernstein. He raised-and partially solved- -the problem of characterizing all stationary evolutionary operators, and this work was continued by the author in a series of papers (1971-1979). This problem has not been completely solved, but it appears that only cer tain operators devoid of any biological significance remain to be addressed. The results of these studies appear in chapters 4 and 5. The necessary alge braic preliminaries are described in chapter 3 after some elementary models in chapter 2.

Mathematical Structures in Population Genetics

Book Description

Very Good,No Highlights or Markup,all pages are intact.

Introduction to Theoretical Population Genetics

Book Description

This book covers those areas of theoretical population genetics that can be investigated rigorously by elementary mathematical methods. I have tried to formulate the various models fairly generally and to state the biological as sumptions quite explicitly. I hope the choice and treatment of topics will en able the reader to understand and evaluate detailed analyses of many specific models and applications in the literature. Models in population genetics are highly idealized, often even over idealized, and their connection with observation is frequently remote. Further more, it is not practicable to measure the parameters and variables in these models with high accuracy. These regrettable circumstances amply justify the use of appropriate, lucid, and rigorous approximations in the analysis of our models, and such approximations are often illuminating even when exact solu tions are available. However, our empirical and theoretical limitations justify neither opaque, incomplete formulations nor unconvincing, inadequate analy ses, for these may produce uninterpretable, misleading, or erroneous results. Intuition is a principal source of ideas for the construction and investigation of models, but it can replace neither clear formulation nor careful analysis. Fisher (1930; 1958, pp. x, 23-24, 38) not only espoused similar ideas, but he recognized also that our concepts of intuition and rigor must evolve in time. The book is neither a review of the literature nor a compendium of results. The material is almost entirely self-contained. The first eight chapters are a thoroughly revised and greatly extended version of my published lecture notes (Nagylaki, 1977a).

Some Mathematical Models from Population Genetics

Book Description

This work reflects sixteen hours of lectures delivered by the author at the 2009 St Flour summer school in probability. It provides a rapid introduction to a range of mathematical models that have their origins in theoretical population genetics. The models fall into two classes: forwards in time models for the evolution of frequencies of different genetic types in a population; and backwards in time (coalescent) models that trace out the genealogical relationships between individuals in a sample from the population. Some, like the classical Wright-Fisher model, date right back to the origins of the subject. Others, like the multiple merger coalescents or the spatial Lambda-Fleming-Viot process are much more recent. All share a rich mathematical structure. Biological terms are explained, the models are carefully motivated and tools for their study are presented systematically.

Mathematical Structures in Population Genetics

Book Description

Mathematical methods have been applied successfully to population genet ics for a long time. Even the quite elementary ideas used initially proved amazingly effective. For example, the famous Hardy-Weinberg Law (1908) is basic to many calculations in population genetics. The mathematics in the classical works of Fisher, Haldane and Wright was also not very complicated but was of great help for the theoretical understanding of evolutionary pro cesses. More recently, the methods of mathematical genetics have become more sophisticated. In use are probability theory, stochastic processes, non linear differential and difference equations and nonassociative algebras. First contacts with topology have been established. Now in addition to the tra ditional movement of mathematics for genetics, inspiration is flowing in the opposite direction, yielding mathematics from genetics. The present mono grapll reflects to some degree both patterns but especially the latter one. A pioneer of this synthesis was S. N. Bernstein. He raised-and partially solved- -the problem of characterizing all stationary evolutionary operators, and this work was continued by the author in a series of papers (1971-1979). This problem has not been completely solved, but it appears that only cer tain operators devoid of any biological significance remain to be addressed. The results of these studies appear in chapters 4 and 5. The necessary alge braic preliminaries are described in chapter 3 after some elementary models in chapter 2.

Mathematical Methods of Population Biology

Book Description

An introduction to mathematical methods used in the study of population phenomena including models of total population and population age structure, models of random population events presented in terms of Markov chains, and methods used to uncover qualitative behavior of more complicated difference equations.

Mathematical Methods in Biology and Neurobiology

Book Description

Mathematical models can be used to meet many of the challenges and opportunities offered by modern biology. The description of biological phenomena requires a range of mathematical theories. This is the case particularly for the emerging field of systems biology. Mathematical Methods in Biology and Neurobiology introduces and develops these mathematical structures and methods in a systematic manner. It studies: • discrete structures and graph theory • stochastic processes • dynamical systems and partial differential equations • optimization and the calculus of variations. The biological applications range from molecular to evolutionary and ecological levels, for example: • cellular reaction kinetics and gene regulation • biological pattern formation and chemotaxis • the biophysics and dynamics of neurons • the coding of information in neuronal systems • phylogenetic tree reconstruction • branching processes and population genetics • optimal resource allocation • sexual recombination • the interaction of species. Written by one of the most experienced and successful authors of advanced mathematical textbooks, this book stands apart for the wide range of mathematical tools that are featured. It will be useful for graduate students and researchers in mathematics and physics that want a comprehensive overview and a working knowledge of the mathematical tools that can be applied in biology. It will also be useful for biologists with some mathematical background that want to learn more about the mathematical methods available to deal with biological structures and data.

Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis

Book Description

Written to equip students in the mathematical siences to understand and model the epidemiological and experimental data encountered in genetics research. This second edition expands the original edition by over 100 pages and includes new material. Sprinkled throughout the chapters are many new problems.