
Book Description

This book is for students who did not follow mathematics through to the end of their school careers, and graduates and professionals who are looking for a refresher course. This new edition contains many new problems and also has associated spreadsheets designed to improve students' understanding. These spreadsheets can also be used to solve many of the problems students are likely to encounter during the remainder of their geological careers. The book aims to teach simple mathematics using geological examples to illustrate mathematical ideas. This approach emphasizes the relevance of mathematics to geology, helps to motivate the reader and gives examples of mathematical concepts in a context familiar to the reader. With an increasing use of computers and quantitative methods in all aspects of geology it is vital that geologists be seen as numerate as their colleagues in other physical sciences. The book begins by discussing basic tools such as the use of symbols to represent geological quantities and the use of scientific notation for expressing very large and very small numbers. Simple functional relationships between geological variables are then covered (for example, straight lines, polynomials, logarithms) followed by chapters on algebraic manipulations. The mid-part of the book is devoted to trigonometry (including an introduction to vectors) and statistics. The last two chapters give an introduction to differential and integral calculus. The book is prepared with a large number of worked examples and problems for the students to attempt themselves. Answers to all the questions are given at the end of the book.

Mathematics: a Simple Tool for Geologists

Book Description

Uses geological examples to illustrate mathematical ideas. Contains a large number of worked examples, and problems for students to attempt themselves. Answers to all the questions are given at the end of the book.

Mathematics: a Simple Tool for Geologists

Book Description

Uses geological examples to illustrate mathematical ideas. Contains a large number of worked examples, and problems for students to attempt themselves. Answers to all the questions are given at the end of the book.

Physics for Geologists, Second Edition

Book Description

All geologists need a broad understanding of science to understand the processes they study and analytical techniques. In particular, geology students need to grasp the basic physics behind these processes, which this book provides in plain language and simple mathematics. It gives the reader information that will enable him to ascertain the validity of what he reads in scientific literature. Water, an essential component of geology, is emphasized, and many published errors on water are discernible when armed with this text. This updated edition discusses a wide range of topics, including electromagnetic radiation from optics to gamma rays, atomic structure and age-dating, heat and heat flow, electricity and magnetism, stress and strain, sea waves, acoustics, and fluids and fluid flow. The book gives basic definitions and dimensions and also some warnings about misunderstanding mathematical statistics, particularly of linear regression analysis, and unenlightened computation.

Environmental Geology Workbook

Book Description

Environmental geologists use a wide range of geologic data to solve environmental problems and conflicts. Professionals and academics in this field need to know how to gather information on such diverse conditions as soil type, rock structure, and groundwater flow and then utilize it to understand geological site conditions. Field surveys, maps, well logs, bore holes, ground-penetrating radar, aerial photos, geologic literature, and more help to reveal potential natural hazards in an area or how to remediate contaminated sites. This new workbook presents accessible activities designed to highlight key concepts in environmental geology and give students an idea of what they need to know to join the workforce as an environmental geologist, engineering geologist, geological engineer, or geotechnical engineer. Exercises cover: • Preparation, data collection, and data analysis • Descriptive and engineering properties of earth materials • Basic tools used in conjunction with geoenvironmental investigations • Forces operating on earth materials within the earth • Inanimate forces operating on earth materials at the surface of the earth • Human activities operating on earth materials Each activity encourages students to think critically and develop deeper knowledge of environmental geology.

Chemical Fundamentals of Geology and Environmental Geoscience

Book Description

Chemical principles are fundamental to the Earth sciences, and geoscience students increasingly require a firm grasp of basic chemistry to succeed in their studies. The enlarged third edition of this highly regarded textbook introduces the student to such ‘geo-relevant’ chemistry, presented in the same lucid and accessible style as earlier editions, but the new edition has been strengthened in its coverage of environmental geoscience and incorporates a new chapter introducing isotope geochemistry. The book comprises three broad sections. The first (Chapters 1–4) deals with the basic physical chemistry of geological processes. The second (Chapters 5–8) introduces the wave-mechanical view of the atom and explains the various types of chemical bonding that give Earth materials their diverse and distinctive properties. The final chapters (9–11) survey the geologically relevant elements and isotopes, and explain their formation and their abundances in the cosmos and the Earth. The book concludes with an extensive glossary of terms; appendices cover basic maths, explain basic solution chemistry, and list the chemical elements and the symbols, units and constants used in the book.

Techniques in Archaeological Geology

Book Description

This 2nd edition is a survey level review of key areas of archaeological geology/geoarchaeology. Principal subject areas include: historical principles; archaeologic and geomorphic surfaces and landforms types; sediments and sediment analytic methods; archaeological stoney materials - petrographic and mineralogic attributes; ceramic materials - mineralogic composition and analytic methods; geochemical methods useful in archaeological geology - studies of materials; commonly used geochronological methods for archaeological geology. Contributions to paleoecology, paleoclimate and ancient cultures as well as multivariate ICP and EDX data are now included.

Techniques in Archaeological Geology

Book Description

The archaeological geology of the Quaternary or the geological epoch during which humankind evolved is a scientific endeavor with much to offer in the fields of archaeology and palaeoanthropology. Earth science techniques offer diverse ways of characterizing the elements of past landscapes and archaeological facies. This book is a survey of techniques used in archaeological geology for the study of soils, sediments, rocks and minerals. The techniques presented represent those most commonly used today. They are discussed in detail and examples are provided, in many cases, to demonstrate their usefulness to archaeologists.

Sedimentary Structures

Book Description

Completely revised new edition, in colour for the first time, of an established textbook in sedimentology.

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Book Description

Umfassendes Lehrwerk über sämtliche Aspekte der Sedimentologie und der grundlegenden Stratigraphie Das Buch Sedimentology and Stratigraphy führt in die Thematik ein und gibt den Leserinnen und Lesern Werkzeuge zur Interpretation von Sedimenten und Sedimentgesteinen an die Hand. Dabei werden die Prozesse der Bildung, des Transports und der Ablagerung von Sedimenten behandelt und auf die Entwicklung konzeptioneller Modelle für sämtliche Sedimentumgebungen ? von Wüsten über die Tiefsee und Riffe bis zu Flüssen ? angewandt. Für einen umfassenden Überblick über sämtliche Aspekte der Sedimentologie und Stratigraphie werden außerdem verschiedene Ansätze zur Nutzung stratigraphischer Prinzipien bei der Datierung und Korrelierung von Schichten betrachtet. Die 3. Auflage wurde gründlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Dabei wurde die Kapitelgliederung so geändert, dass nun separate Abschnitte zur Geomorphologie und zur Stratigraphie für jede Sedimentumgebung vorhanden sind. Außerdem enthält die neue Ausgabe zusätzliche farbige Abbildungen. Die wesentlichen Konzepte, die in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy eingeführt werden, umfassen u.a.: * Die Bedeutung von Veränderungen in der Pflanzen- und Tierwelt im Zeitverlauf und die Auswirkungen auf die Charakteristik des Sedimentumfelds im Meer und an Land * Die Unterscheidung zwischen modernen Umgebungen und dem, was in den Sedimentabfolgen erhalten geblieben ist, mit einer Betrachtung glazialerosionaler und von Ablagerungen geprägter Landformen * Heutige Wüstenumgebungen und äolische Ablagerungen in der stratigraphischen Abfolge * Fluviale Prozesse mit Mustern von Neben- und Verteilerkanälen unterschiedlicher Größenordnung und in verschiedenen Umgebungen Das Werk Sedimentology and Stratigraphy wurde von einem kenntnisreichen Autor mit umfangreicher Erfahrung auf dem Fachgebiet verfasst. Es ist ein gut verständliches Lehrwerk für Studierende der Geologie und verwandter Fachgebiete, die sich Kenntnisse über die Bildung, Eigenschaften und Bedeutung von Sedimentgesteinen aneignen möchten.