Measurement of the K + - Pi + Pi - E + - ( - ) V E Form Factors and of the Pi Pi Scattering Length a 0 0

Book Description

The quark condensate is a fundamental free parameter of Chiral Perturbation Theory ($chi PT$), since it determines the relative size of the mass and momentum terms in the power expansion. In order to confirm or contradict the assumption of a large quark condensate, on which $chi PT$ is based, experimental tests are needed. In particular, the $S$-wave $pipi$ scattering lengths $a_0^0$ and $a_0^2$ can be predicted precisely within $chi PT$ as a function of this parameter and can be measured very cleanly in the decay $K^{pm} to pi^{+} pi^{-} e^{pm} stackrel{mbox{tiny( --- )}}{nu_e}$ ($K_{e4}$). About one third of the data collected in 2003 and 2004 by the NA48/2 experiment were analysed and 342,859 $K_{e4}$ candidates were selected. The background contamination in the sample could be reduced down to 0.3% and it could be estimated directly from the data, by selecting events with the same signature as $K_{e4}$, but requiring for the electron the opposite charge with respect to the kaon, the so-called ``wrong sign'' events. This is a clean background sample, since the kaon decay with $Delta S=-Delta Q$, that would be the only source of signal, can only take place through two weak decays and is therefore strongly suppressed. The Cabibbo-Maksymowicz variables, used to describe the kinematics of the decay, were computed under the assumption of a fixed kaon momentum of 60 GeV/$c$ along the $z$ axis, so that the neutrino momentum could be obtained without ambiguity. The measurement of the form factors and of the $pipi$ scattering length $a_0^0$ was performed in a single step by comparing the five-dimensional distributions of data and MC in the kinematic variables. The MC distributions were corrected in order to properly take into account the trigger and selection efficiencies of the data and the background contamination. The following parameter values were obtained from a binned maximum likelihood fit, where $a_0^2$ was expressed as a function of $a_0^0$ according to the predict.

Determination of the S-Wave Pi Pi Scattering Lengths From a Study of K - to Pi - Pi0 Pi0 Decays

Book Description

We report the results from a study of the full sample of ≈6.031 x 107 K{sup {+-}} →?{sup {+-}}?°?° decays recorded by the NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS. As first observed in this experiment, the?°?° invariant mass (M00) distribution shows a cusp-like anomaly in the region around M00 = 2m+, where m+ is the charged pion mass. This anomaly has been interpreted as an effect due mainly to the final state charge exchange scattering process??− →?°?° in K{sup {+-}} →?{sup {+-}}?+?− decay. Fits to the M00 distribution using two different theoretical formulations provide the presently most precise determination of a0 - a2, the difference between the?? S-wave scattering lengths in the isospin I = 0 and I = 2 states. Higher-order?? rescattering terms, included in the two formulations, allow also an independent, though less precise, determination of a2.