Medieval China DBA

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Medieval Chinese Medicine

Book Description

In recent decades various versions of Chinese medicine have begun to be widely practised in Western countries, and the academic study of the subject is now well established. However, there are still few scholarly monographs that describe the history of Chinese medicine and there are none at all on the medieval period. This collection represents the kind of international collaboration of research teams, centres and individuals that is required to begin to study the source materials adequately. The first book in English to discuss this fascinating material in the century since the Dunhuang library was discovered, the text provides a unique and fascinating interpretation of Chinese medical history.


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Sun Tzu Coaching And Consulting™ gives you vital strategy tools and strategy formulas you can use to coach and consult in any competing space. This book shows you how to practice your coaching and consulting based on a simple and fundamental idea that everyone in the world has a strategic position which they need to carefully plan and establish as well as strategically defend and advance. Coaching and consulting become easy and practical as well as effective and lucrative when you have a proven strategy system you can follow and apply time after time. This strategy edition offers you this proven strategy system you have been looking for. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


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Money Flows: Let The Money Flow shows you how to plan and develop your strategic position based on Sun Tzu Achiever Model™ that will let you take advantage of your chosen business opportunities so that you can move up and scale up as well as make a lot of money and create massive wealth. In this book you will discover the art of how to win and succeed no matter what industry and business you are in. You will discover proven and powerful strategy principles that will make you decisive and effective in the way you lead your people and make your decisions as well as competitive and adaptive in the way you perform and make your money flow. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


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Dominate Worldwide shows how you can implement proven strategy principles and strategy formulas from Sun Tzu The Art of War™ for scaling up your business and expanding your brand so that you can dominate your global business competition. You expand and dominate by constantly advancing your business strategic position which is made up of five strategy elements as shown in Sun Tzu Achiever Model™. Strategy skills you learn in this book will make you decisive and effective in the way you lead and make decisions and will make you adaptive and competitive in the way you perform and take actions as a global dominator in the age of globalization. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


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Sell Sale Sold™ is a selling strategy system designed based on a simple and fundamental idea that all buyers and sellers have a similar strategic position made up of the same five elements of strategy they always defend and advance. They defend and advance their strategic position by trading their energy and their economic value with one another. Sell Sale Sold™ is designed to help sellers and sales professionals understand why buyers buy and how buyers make their buying decisions so that they can close more sales more effectively. Sell sale sold™ is a strategy-base sales philosophy rather than a sales tactic that consists of a set of linear selling scripts. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


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Stacks: Make Your Own Stacks shows how you can develop your business authority skills that allow you to generate unlimited business value and make countless stacks of cash, applying a simple strategy model called Sun Tzu Achiever Model™. Strategy principles and formulas in this book derive from sun Tzu The Art of War™. They are designed to make you decisive and effective with how you lead your team and make your business decisions as well as adaptive and competitive with how you perform your work and take your business actions so that you can generate unlimited business value and make unlimited stacks of money in your competing space. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and

SUN TZU 2030™

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Sun Tzu 2030™ gives you a real success blueprint you can follow today to achieve and accomplish anything you want in business and in life, starting from where you are now and moving forward to secure a stronger position in your industry that will give you many advantages for years to come. This success blueprint is based on a fundamental idea that naturally you have a strategic position which you need to carefully plan and establish as well as strategically defend and advance from where it is now to where you want it to be. The more you can defend and advance your strategic position the more unstoppable and more successful you become. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


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Sales: Sun Tzu Closer™ Playbook shows you how to practice strategy principles and strategy formulas that you have discovered and learned in Sales: Five Elements In Four Steps so that you can become a true sales professional and Sun Tzu Closer™. You will be able to make more sales and close more deals when you understand how buyers make their buying decisions based on the five elements of sales in four strategic closing steps. These five elements of sales and four strategic closing steps make up a comprehensive strategy-base sales philosophy and a comprehensive strategy-base sales system that you can use to close anyone in any sales circumstances. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and