Meditation and the Initiation Process: Vol 6 of A Treatise on Mind

Book Description

This book provides practical background information and teachings on meditation primarily for a Western audience. Through meditation, compassionately focused actions, and group sharing the Heart centre is awakened and Bodhicitta is manifested. For this to occur the development of wisdom is essential. The associated process concerning the path of Initiation into the Mysteries of being/non-being, and the planetary Head centre (Shambhala) shall be provided. The subtleties of the Initiation path will be revealed through an esoteric interpretation of passages from the Bible, as the New Testament constitutes a major text on this subject. This philosophy is complimentary to the Buddhist foundation presented in the previous volumes of this series.

The Constitution of Shambhala

Book Description

The Constitution of Shambhala The theme of the first of the two parts of this volume concerns the feminine deva hierarchy, their relation to Hierarchy and Shambhala. Many concepts are introduced that most seekers have little cognisance (e.g., the nature of the deva Lord Varuna). The Mother of the World’s role is revealed, and the feminine function in cosmos, (e.g., the Pleiades). Advanced teaching concerning the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumāra), and the higher Initiations are provided. The second part is a long esoteric poem detailing many inner plane revelations concerning the type of vision obtained when accessing Shambhala, plus Initiation teachings for disciples.

Mandalas: Their Nature and Development

Book Description

Maṇḍalas – Their Nature and Development This book deals with the question of what exactly constitutes a ‘cell’ metaphysically. The cell is viewed as a unit of consciousness that interrelate with other cells to form maṇḍalas of expression. Each such cell can be considered a form of ‘self’ that has a limited, though valid, body of expression. It is born, sustains a form of activity, and consequently dies when it outlives its usefulness. This mode of analysis is extended to include the myriad forms manifest in the world of phenomena known as saṃsāra including the existence and functioning of chakras. A Treatise on Mind Outline Volume 1 The “Self” or “Non-self” in Buddhism Volume 2 Considerations of Mind—A Buddhist Enquiry Volume 3 The Buddha-Womb and the Way to Liberation Volume 4 Maṇḍalas: Their Nature and Development Volume 5 An Esoteric Exposition of the Bardo Thödol Volume 6 Meditation and the Initiation Process Volume 7 The Constitution of Shambhala Whilst the numbers of Buddhists are growing in the world, the techniques and discourses of Buddhism have not changed to meet the radically different conditions of the contemporary world. Thus Buddhism needs a true restorative flowering to rival that of the renaissance of debate and innovative thinking of the early post-Nāgārjunian era. In order to achieve this it must synthesise the present wealth of scientific knowledge, alongside the best of the Western world’s philosophical output – this is the primary task of this seven volume treatise. The treatise investigates Buddhist ideas concerning what mind is and how it relates to a concept of a ‘self’. It is principally a study of the complex interrelationship between mind and phenomena, from the gross to the subtle—the physical, psychic, supersensory and supernal. This entails an explanation of how mind incorporates all phenomena in its modus operandi, and how eventually that mind is liberated from it, thereby becoming awakened. Thus the treatise explores the manner in which the corporeally orientated, concretised, intellectual mind eventually becomes transformed into the Clear Light of the abstracted Mind; a Buddha-Mind.

The Buddha-Womb and the way to Liberation

Book Description

The Buddha-Womb and the way to Liberation This volume resolves the ontology from the two previous volumes concerning the concept of a ‘subtle self’. First a commentary of the Tantra Great Gates of Diamond Liberation, that presents detailed information concerning the nature of the Heart, Throat, Diaphragm, and Splenic centres I and II. This adds to what was earlier provided on the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base of Spine centres. The focus of this book concerns the attributes of the Sambhogakāya Flower, utilising The Uttaratantra of Maitreya and the Buddha’s testimony, thus revealing an esoteric doctrine that has been veiled in Buddhist scriptures.

An Esoteric Exposition of the Bardo Thodol Part B

Book Description

Part A dealt with the process of conversion of saṃskāras into enlightenment attributes, whereas part B explains the nature of those attributes in terms of the natural radiance of the Clear Light of Mind. The various aspects of the conversion of mind into Mind are explicated in this exploration of chapter 4 of the Bardo Thödol, titled ‘Natural Liberation through Naked Perception’. This ground-breaking study explains the importance of the Throat and Heart chakras in generating and transmitting attributes of Mind, as well as the zodiacal implications. It also shows how the sections of the two chapters are correlated in one complete thesis of praxis and result.

Considerations of Mind - a Buddhist Enquiry

Book Description

Considerations of Mind - a Buddhist Enquiry This volume primarily focuses upon the Yogācāra- Vijñānavādin concepts of mind and its means of expression such as the various consciousnesses, the nature of the bījas, and the ālayavijñāna. From this basis, related topics such as the nature of light, the simile of a river with respect to the flow of a consciousness-stream, and the nāḍīs that convey prāṇas, are explored. This allows consideration of the attributes of time and certain chakras that exist below the diaphragm. The ‘soul’ concept then comes into view and its relation to śūnyatā is revealed.

The Revelation (New Revised Edition)

Book Description

This book presents basic postulates concerning many esoteric concepts. These include the concept of ‘God’, what constitutes evil, the nature and function of karma, the manifestation of energy from the subtle planes of perception, the nature of manifest Divinity, as veiled by the concept of the Christ in the Bible, and the mysteries of Being. The analysis moves from my earlier Buddhist writings to focus upon the information in the Bible, especially in relation to the nature of the reappearance of the Christ, which here is equated with the externalisation process of the Hierarchy of Enlightened Being. This doctrine concerns the mode of the evolution of transcendent perception by humanity. The awakening of higher spiritual perceptions via the enlightenment path, and the understanding of the psychic constitution of the nāḍīs and chakras are also explained. A syncretic approach is therefore espoused through the comparison between Eastern doctrines and the presented esoteric Christianity. In doing so many of the veiled, hidden mysteries in the Gospel story and the book of Genesis are revealed. The text shows how these religions are but aspects of one fundamental religious evolution, of the historical development of what is known in the East as the dharma, and in the Western tradition as the ‘Law of God’.

The 'Self' or 'Non-self' in Buddhism

Book Description

The 'Self' or 'Non-self' in Buddhism This book is a cogent reinterpretation of many of the key arguments of Mahāyāna philosophy, providing new insights in relation to the question of what a ‘self’ may or may not be, relativistically perceived as an I-consciousness in light of the doctrine of the Void (śūnyatā). The major classical logic relating to such things as the Two Truths, Dependent Origination, the Sevenfold Reasoning, are properly examined by presenting an esoteric view (the Dharmakāya Way) that represents the middle way between extremes. In doing so many concepts are modernised and inherent errors expunged via the presentation of a new valid hermeneutic.

Summary of Vishen Lakhiani's The 6 Phase Meditation Method

Book Description

Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 6-phase meditation is not a religion; it is a tool that anyone can use to hack their mind for optimal performance and well-being. It’s not a prerequisite for success, but it sure does help! -> The 6 Phase Meditation is not a religion, and it’s not a prerequisite for success. It’s a tool that anyone can use to hack their mind for optimal performance and well-being. #2 Don’t expect yourself to be able to meditate right away. The first time you listen to the 6 Phase Meditation, you may not get much out of it. Or you may find that, in contrast to all the other meditations I’ve shared with you so far, this one is completely new and completely foreign. New and foreign is a good thing! Let that sit with you, and give it a chance. When you first start meditating, this will be true for every meditation we do. After I recorded the 6 Phase Meditation, I gave it a test run with my close-knit group of meditation friends. Some reported they got it right away, while others said they took a few tries to get it down. It didn’t seem to matter at all. The point here is not to compare your results to others, but rather to simply keep practicing and give the meditation a chance to become second nature. -> The 6 Phase Meditation is not a religion, and it is not a prerequisite for success. It is a tool that anyone can use to hack their mind for optimal performance and well-being. #3 Start your meditation practice first thing in the morning, as that’s when your brain is in a perfect state for meditation. #4 You can start your meditation practice first thing in the morning, as your brain is in a perfect state for meditation. If you live with others, consider asking them to not disturb you for your meditation time.

Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha

Book Description

The very idea that the teachings can be mastered will arouse controversy within Buddhist circles. Even so, Ingram insists that enlightenment is an attainable goal, once our fanciful notions of it are stripped away, and we have learned to use meditation as a method for examining reality rather than an opportunity to wallow in self-absorbed mind-noise. Ingram sets out concisely the difference between concentration-based and insight (vipassana) meditation; he provides example practices; and most importantly he presents detailed maps of the states of mind we are likely to encounter, and the stages we must negotiate as we move through clearly-defined cycles of insight. Its easy to feel overawed, at first, by Ingram's assurance and ease in the higher levels of consciousness, but consistently he writes as a down-to-earth and compassionate guide, and to the practitioner willing to commit themselves this is a glittering gift of a book.In this new edition of the bestselling book, the author rearranges, revises and expands upon the original material, as well as adding new sections that bring further clarity to his ideas.