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Book Description

Opium, once used for ritual purposes, is a substance which dulls pain and offers access to an artificial world, and has long been idealized by artists and markets. Baudelaire, Picasso, and Dickens were all inspired to create by the blue clouds of smoke. Known as either a sacred drug or the worst of poisons, opium rapidly became popular in Great Britain and a source of commerce with Imperial China. This illustrated work presents the history and quasi-religious rites of opium’s use.


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The final book of the Bible, known both as The Book of Revelation and The Apocalypse of John, is a prophesy of the events that will occur at the end of time. During the Middle Ages, in a society which held a deep belief in God and was mainly ruled by religious authorities, this apocalyptic theme recurs in art, through various media, including tapestries, illuminations, sculpture, and painting. This book pools the most famous pieces of art inspired by this theme, such as the Apocalypse drapery from Angers Cathedral, the carved tympanum of the Autun Cathedral, and the fresco in Albi Cathedral. The theme of the Apocalypse was a means to impress minds, whilst also allowing artists to develop their imaginations; its symbolic content allowing for many different interpretations.

Arcimboldo and artworks

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If, as the famous saying goes, you really are what you eat, then Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593) was a consummate painter of the human soul. This artist was a master draftsman whose finely wrought canvases captured the imagination of his generation. In this fascinating book, Liana De Girolami Cheney takes a closer look at the critical history of Arcimboldo’s work, from his initial popularity and the tragic obscurity that followed his death, to the ventual triumphant revival of his work and vision by Surrealist admirers of the 1920s.

Van Gogh

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Persian Miniatures

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Dieses Buch stellt eine der größten Zivilisationen der Welt durch seine Miniaturmalerei vor und erzählt die Geschichte des großartigen Perserreiches mithilfe seiner Tradition einer kleinen, aber pulsierenden Kunstform. Die farbenfrohen Bilder, die eigentlich Buchillustrationen darstellen, führen ein in eine seltsame Welt voller Abenteuer, Helden und Herrscher. Das Layout dieser Mega Square-Ausgabe hebt drei Details jedes Bildes hervor und lässt den Betrachter so wundervolle Einzelheiten erkennen. In seinem praktischen Format ist diese einzigartige Sammlung das perfekte Geschenk für alle Kunstliebhaber.

The Minds Behind PlayStation Games

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Featuring interviews with the creators of 43 popular video games--including Spyro the Dragon, Syphon Filter, NFL GameDay 98 and Final Fantasy VII--this book gives a behind-the-scenes look at some of the most influential (and sometimes forgotten) titles of the original PlayStation era. Interviewees recall the painstaking development, challenges of working with mega publishers and uncertainties of public reception, and discuss the creative processes that produced some of gaming's all-time classics.


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Simply Organized

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Are you living in cramped quarters with no space to breathe? Do you feel overwhelmed by all that clutter? You’re not alone. Inside you’ll find page after page of hints, tips, and strategies that help you set up and organize a home office anywhere, maximize closet and shelf space, sell what you no longer need or want, tuck away kitchen utensils in hidden storage spaces, and so much more. This book proves that you can live large in even the smallest of spaces by making every square inch count. It’s simple! Getting organized doesn’t have to take days or enormous amounts of effort. And think of how relieved you’ll be once you put your house in order.

Making Use of PHP

Book Description

PHP has an edge over locked-in solutions such as JSP and ASP for most Web development work because it is a cross-platform technology. Surveys indicate that PHP is rapidly becoming the most widely used Web scripting language and PHP skills are now considered essential for many Web developers. * Explains why PHP is easier to learn than Perl or JavaScript and how it is useful in server-side development and administration tasks * Offers guidance to fully utilizing the possibilities of PHP * Enables Web designers and others with HTML skills to quickly gain essential abilities for site administration and content development