Hackea tu cerebro

Book Description

A Nicolás Fernández Miranda le dijeron que nunca sería bueno en Matemática y unos años después se recibió de Contador Público, con honores. Al convertirse en profesor, descubrió que había algo que no estaba bien en el sistema educativo, y era que nadie se había preocupado por enseñarles, ni a sus alumnos ni a él mismo, cómo aprender. Gracias a su pasado, descubrió que su vocación era compartir con el mundo sus conocimientos en la neurociencia aplicada al aprendizaje. Desde entonces, en sus conferencias, en sus clases y en sus redes sociales comparte videos, hacks y métodos en los que busca demostrarles a sus seguidores que aprender es fácil, divertido y necesario. Entender cómo funcionan los procesos de aprendizaje y productividad puede cambiar la vida de todos.

Love Yourself First!

Book Description

Eliminate self-doubt, perfectionism and anxiety and develop more confidence Do you want to live your life without fear of other people's disapproval?Do you wake up dreading the day feeling discouraged with what you've accomplished in life?Do you want to develop more confidence in yourself overcome low self-esteem, insecurity, and self-doubt? In this guide to self-love, international bestselling author Marc Reklau shows you how to boost your self-esteem with simple and practical exercises. Our self-esteem impacts all aspects of our life: our relationships with others, our level of self-confidence, our professional success, our happiness, our inner peace, and the success that we aim to achieve in future. Whether you reach your most meaningful goals, triple your income, create excellent relationships, or simply feel happy and satisfied with who you are. It all starts with healthy self-esteem. Raising your self-esteem will improve your decision-making when choosing partners, projects, or jobs. You'll be more motivated, achieve your goals, and improve your performance. No matter what happened in your past, you are capable of rewriting your story and of building a healthy self-esteem. Stop feeling overwhelmed and start taking action without the fear of self-criticism. In this simple, straightforward book you will learn: How to build and improve your self-esteem How to leave behind your paralyzing fear of what other people might think of you How to eliminate self-doubt and negative thinking. How to silence your inner critic How to make mistakes without feeling guilty and the following ongoing self-torture How to boldly ask for what you want and also get it How to overcome anxiety and stress How to acquire a positive attitude towards yourself and others. and much more... This book will help you get rid of damaging beliefs like "I'm a helpless victim and have no power over what happens in my life," "I'm not good enough," "I don't deserve good things in my life," "There is something bad in all of us." Stop being so hard to yourself and embrace your mistakes, weaknesses, and vulnerability. They are part of you. No need to hide. Learn how to be happy with yourself and to believe that you deserve the good things life has to offer. If you make an effort and time to work on your self-esteem, the rewards will be awesome: More self-confidence, better social relationships, better work relationships, and just making peace with your life are some of them. You will freely express your thoughts, feelings, values, and opinions because your self-worth no longer comes from the acceptance of others. Download your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

Creative Confidence

Book Description

IDEO founder and Stanford d.school creator David Kelley and his brother Tom Kelley, IDEO partner and the author of the bestselling The Art of Innovation, have written a powerful and compelling book on unleashing the creativity that lies within each and every one of us. Too often, companies and individuals assume that creativity and innovation are the domain of the "creative types." But two of the leading experts in innovation, design, and creativity on the planet show us that each and every one of us is creative. In an incredibly entertaining and inspiring narrative that draws on countless stories from their work at IDEO, the Stanford d.school, and with many of the world's top companies, David and Tom Kelley identify the principles and strategies that will allow us to tap into our creative potential in our work lives, and in our personal lives, and allow us to innovate in terms of how we approach and solve problems. It is a book that will help each of us be more productive and successful in our lives and in our careers.

Think and Grow Rich Every Day

Book Description

A daily handbook for cultivating abundance and riches-from the classic writings of Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich has sold millions of copies since its initial publication, and is still one of the bestselling books on the market. With 365 quotations from Napoleon Hill's most important works on success and abundance, this daily guide serves as a companion for everyone who wants to experience more prosperity in their lives. Using Hill's idea that each day matters, and that every day offers new opportunities, Think and Grow Rich Every Day is the perfect gift for every reader who wants to turn this groundbreaking philosophy into reality. Using the most potent writings from Hill's books, Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success, these daily readings will help to turn doubt into confidence, fear into strength, and failure into triumph.

Gestión de conflictos

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Tus tesoros interiores

Book Description

Atrevete a descubrir tus tesoros interiores, usando las claves contenidas en este libro, que te llevaran desde la Claridad hasta el Liderazgo de tu vida. En el trayecto iras encontrando los tesoros que forman parte de tu vida y que posiblemente no has estado usando. Sabes como usar la claridad para conseguir lo que deseas? Disenas tu vida conscientemente o simplemente la recreas, eligiendo cada dia los mismos pensamientos y sentimientos? Conoces el poder de la Fe? Como utilizar la fuerza del amor para vivir en plenitud y armonia? Como defines la Esperanza y que importancia tiene en tu vida? Sabes lo que significa liderarse a si mismo? Te invitamos a comenzar este recorrido con nosotros y aprender como usar tus tesoros juntos. Cuando acabas el libro, comienza el entrenamiento y alli estaremos.

Hombre Alfa: Un Romance De Hombres Lobo Y Compañeros Rechazados Estrategias Efectivas Para Atraer Y Enamorar a Cualquier (Pasos Para Ser Un Hombre Irresistible Para Las Mujeres Cómo Ligar Con La Mujer De Tus Sueños)

Book Description

Todos los hombres, desde su más tierna edad, son adoctrinados en un sistema que les hace creer que la vida es un cuento de hadas, si se sacrificaran de la forma adecuada. Al llegar a la edad adulta, la mayoría de los hombres parten hacia el camino de la vida con una programación en la cabeza llena de defectos. Empiezan a sufrir en sus carnes la crudeza del sistema ginocentrista, un sistema para el cual ninguno fue preparado. Sin querer, toman la píldora roja y tienen su momento de Epifanía. Este libro acelerará esa Epifanía y hará que tu vida dé un vuelco para mejor. Conocerás de cada una de ellas: · Dominio de la Confianza · Lenguaje Corporal Alfa · Conversaciones Magnéticas · Técnicas de Atracción Probadas la confianza y la comunicación efectiva. Cada capítulo está diseñado para ayudarte a entender mejor el lenguaje no verbal, el poder de una buena conversación y cómo ser genuinamente interesante.

Cómo mejorar su autoestima

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Oh, the Places You'll Eff Up

Book Description

A HILARIOUS GRADUATION KEEPSAKE THAT GLEEFULLY EXPOSES THE NOT-ALWAYS-AWESOME REALITIES OF STARTING OUT IN THE ADULT WORLD Congrats! Congrats! You've made it so far. You're an adult now, you're even allowed in a bar. But long before you're going to succeed, You'll eff shit up, 100% guaranteed. This ultimate graduation present is sure to bring a nervous smile to the face of any young adult about to face the wide world.