Messiah's Ministry

Book Description

The Jews in the first century wondered: who would He resemble? Would He be a prophet like Moses? A priest like Melchizedek? A king like David? He would surprise them all, from the day He entered the Jordan River until He went through a metamorphosis on a high mountain. He would be tested in a harsh wilderness-and pass the test! He would deliver those tormented by demons and feed both a Jewish and a Gentile multitude, and yet be rejected by his neighbors. So here is His ministry, in the midst of an intensely Jewish world of Pharisees and Sadducees and Essenes, confounding them all because no man spoke quite like Him. Come and see Him also beside the lovely waters of the Sea of Galilee. You will never be the same if you behold His ministry in the light of the Scriptures that He so loved, lived, and fulfilled.

Mysteries of the Messiah

Book Description

Are you settling for half the story? Highlighting connections that have been hidden from non-Jewish eyes, Rabbi Jason Sobel will connect the dots between the Old and New Testament, helping you see the Bible with clarity as God intended. Most people—even people of faith—do not understand how the Bible fits together. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance, content to embrace merely the New Testament, while Jewish people may often experience the same by embracing only the Old Testament. But God has an intricate plan and purpose for both the Old and the New. In Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel reveals the many connections in Scripture hidden in plain sight. Known for his emphatic declaration “but there’s more!” he guides us in seeing the passion and purpose of the Messiah. Mysteries of the Messiah: Uncovers connections between the Old and New Testaments Connects the dots for readers with details about Jesus, the Torah, and biblical characters Written with the unique perspective of a rabbi with an evangelical theological degree No matter how many times you have read the Bible, Mysteries of the Messiah will bring fresh perspective and insight. God’s Word, written by many people over thousands of years, is not a random selection of people and stories. Rabbi Jason Sobel connects the dots and helps us see with clarity what God intended.

Life and Ministry of the Messiah

Book Description

What would it be like to haul in a miraculous draft of fish at the command of the Master . . . or hear the ram's horn sound from Herod's temple at the very moment when Jesus is breathing his last breath? What would you think? How would you think? What meanings would the places and events in the life of Jesus hold for you as a person of a different time and culture? Thanks to Ray Vander Laan and That the World May Know Ministries, you can understand their significance in a way that transforms your faith today. Filmed in Israel by Focus on the Family, Faith Lessons on the Life and Ministry of the Messiah helps small groups understand Jesus from the mindset of a citizen of those times. Using the new, proven ZondervanGroupWare approach, this powerful curriculum provides a dynamic way for participants to engage with biblical truths in a life-changing, group-interactive format. Faith Lessons on the Life and Ministry of the Messiah includes an all-new Leader's Guide and Participant's Guide designed for maximum clarity, relevance, and ease of use. Drawing on Ray Vander Laan's video presentations, participants will enjoy spirited discussions and find practical applications that turn faith lessons learned from past millennia into faith lessons lived today.

Life and Ministry of the Messiah Discovery Guide

Book Description

Pack your bags. We're going on a journey. A quest to uncover Scripture and its meaning across history. Filmed on location in Israel and throughout the Middle East, the Faith Lessons DVD series is an adventure in biblical learning. You will discover why Jesus turned the world upside down with his compelling call to follow him. Teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan brings together history, culture, and geography to illuminate the Gospels. Eight DVD lessons supported by an interactive Discovery Guide will let you, your family, or your small group walk with Jesus through the days of his ministry on this earth. The insights you gain will transform your reading of the Gospels and inspire a deeper faith commitment. Faith Lessons on the Life and Ministry of the Messiah focuses on the birth of Jesus, his life, and his short but powerful ministry---a ministry that has shaped empires and changed the course of history. Faith Lessons on the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah focuses on the last week of Jesus' life, his death and resurrection, and the Holy Spirit's visit on Pentecost.

The Ministry of Jesus Christ, the Messiah

Book Description

The Ministry of Jesus Christ, the Messiah is an abridged compilation of the four gospelsone continuous writing containing the words of Christ so the reader can read and study the entire ministry of Jesus Christ in one continuous fluid document. Also included in appendices are biblical presentations of Creation and the Flood and other important Christian statements of belief, such as the Apostolic and Nicene Creeds. The following four Bible study topics are included: 1. The Lords Prayer 2. Messiah by George Frideric Handel 3. Precepts of the Christian faith 4. Joy, peace, and contentment Modern day English translations of the four Gospels were used or referenced by the author. When the Apostles spoke of the same event, their words were blended into one account. The author worked to ensure thought or meaning from Scripture containing a description of an event was not lost. If not absolutely clear that the same event was being written about, or if the event could not logically be taken out of context of the particular book, then no blending of text was done. Footnotes help explain key thoughts presented in Scripture because translation from the original Greek does not often lend itself to the modern English language nor common grammatical form, hence the many different translations available today. Regardless of whether a translation uses a very literal translation of Greek or a simpler paraphrase, the original meaning or thought the Lord intended can be unclear without reference to other Scripture.

Can you Handle this Messiah?

Book Description

Jesus Christ is God, the living Word, who became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. Therefore, He is perfect Deity and true humanity united in one person forever. He lived a sinless life and voluntarily atoned for the sins of men by dying on the cross as our substitute, thus satisfying divine justice and accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Him alone. It is His life, the ‘Word made flesh’, that we will look at in detail in this book. His personality and ministry as set out in the Gospels. By understanding His personality I hope to develop a revelation in your heart of how Emmanuel, “God with us” can enable you to see how Jesus can identify with your infirmities. By studying His personality and His ministry it is hoped that all readers will develop a fuller understand of His attributes so that all can have a healthy perspective of who He is. The reason I say this is that many artists have tried to capture the personality Jesus Christ on canvas, but sad to say they have never been able to encapsulate every attribute or a true perspective of our great God, Jesus. Jesus is the Living Word and therefore we need only to delve into the written Word of God to get a clear picture of Him. He is found in the Word of God and that will leave a deep impression in your heart.

Messiah in His Sanctuary

Book Description

Nearly 25 centuries ago, the angel Gabriel foretold the time Christ would transfer His ministry from the holy place to the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary in preparation for the time when divine intercession for man's salvation would be finished. Christ has revealed His plans about the reward of the righteous and the final disposition of evildoers inside the pages of the Bible. The Most High has assured us in His word that the root and branches of sin will be consumed into smoke and ashes - evil shall not rise the second time. The Sanctuary is mentioned in both the beginning and end of the Bible. Between these entries are some of the most fascinating and inspiriting themes that can occupy the human mind is revealed. The study of the sanctuary may properly engage the interest of the one who desires to understand the purposes of the Creator in the salvation of the rigorous and the final disposition of evil.

The Rabbi who Found Messiah

Book Description

Investigates the story of the 108-year-old Jewish rabbi who proclaimed he knew the name of the real Messiah, cryptically sealed it in a message, and ordered it not be revealed until one year after his death.

The Messiah in the Old Testament

Book Description

The Old Testament both tells the story of Israel and points to the coming Messiah. Kaiser distinguishes between Old Testament passages that describe national Israel's glorious future and those that point to Christ and his kingdom. Kaiser's chronological approach traces Israel's developing concept of Messiah through different time periods.