Metal Induced Growth of Si Thin Films and NiSi Nanowires

Book Description

Thin film silicon has many useful purposes. Among the applications are solar cells and thin film transistors. This project involves a new and potentially lower cost method to produce thin silicon films. The method is called metal induced growth (MIG). A thin catalyst metal layer deposited on a foreign low cost substrate serves as the basis for growth of a nanocrystalline silicon thin film with thickness of 5-10 microns and preferred orientation of (220). The silicon deposition by magnetron sputtering on the heated substrate resulted in columnar structured grains having a diameter up to about 0.5 microns. Schottky barrier solar cells fabricated on these films gave a photocurrent of about 5 mA/sq cm and open circuit voltage of 0.25 volts. A modified process gave NiSi crystalline nanowires with length up to 10 microns and diameter of about 50 nm.

Silicon and Silicide Nanowires

Book Description

Nanoscale materials are showing great promise in various electronic, optoelectronic, and energy applications. Silicon (Si) has especially captured great attention as the leading material for microelectronic and nanoscale device applications. Recently, various silicides have garnered special attention for their pivotal role in Si device engineering

Controlled Growth and Orientation in Aluminum-mediated Crystallization of Silicon Nanowires and Thin Films

Book Description

Metal-mediated silicon crystallization has received extensive study as a means to form silicon wires and thin films for electronic and photovoltaic applications. Typical metals used in these processes, such as gold, silver, nickel, and copper, are expensive and act as deep-level traps in silicon, making incorporation into the final silicon crystal undesirable. In contrast, aluminum is earth-abundant and acts as a p-type dopant in silicon, and the low Al-Si eutectic temperature (577C) enables silicon crystallization under conditions compatible with a wide variety of substrates.In this thesis, aluminum-mediated silicon nanowire and thin film growth is investigated, and the effects of growth parameters such as temperature, pressure, and substrate surface energy on nanowire orientation and morphology and thin film morphology are investigated. In particular, through controlled growth temperature, reactor pressure, and silane partial pressure, growth on aluminum-catalyzed silicon nanowires in high energy growth directions such as 110 and 100 can be realized. Wires grown in high-energy growth directions have unique morphologies that suggest a different growth mechanism than the standard vapor-liquid-solid nanowire growth mechanism. Because these wires are grown in a region with partially depleted silane concentrations, this regime is described as silane-depleted vapor-liquid-solid growth. Along with promoting growth in high energy growth directions, reactor temperature and pressure can be used to change the shape of 111 wires to pyramids. These pyramids have improved anti-reflective properties compared to vertical nanowire arrays, enabling black silicon textures to be grown on silicon substrates. Because the wires and pyramids are p-type, growth on n-type substrates enables black silicon solar cells to be fabricated in a process that combines texturing and junction formation into a single step.Aluminum-induced crystallization of silicon thin films offers a unique method for producing highly (111) oriented polycrystalline thin films on amorphous substrates. Al and a-Si are deposited on glass or other substrates, and then annealed below the Al-Si eutectic temperature. For film thicknesses below 50nm, the a-Si diffuses through the Al film and nucleates at the Al/substrate interface. By using plasma surface treatments to change the surface energies of the fused quartz substrates, silicon crystallization rates and grain sizes can be manipulated. Furthermore, by combining multiple surface treatments on a single substrate, preferential crystallization at the low-energy interface can be realized, allowing for the formation of patterned AIC-films from uniform, continuous initial a-Si and Al layers.Finally, along with pattern formation, these AIC-Si films are able to act as seed layers for III-nitride semiconductor growth on fused quartz and other substrates. Through use of an AlN buffer layer, highly c-axis oriented GaN films can be grown using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on AIC-Si substrates. Post growth characterization indicates that the GaN films follow the template provided by the AIC-Si films, with uniform surface normal orientation and random in-plane orientation. Defect analysis suggests that threading dislocation densities within grains are comparable to GaN grown on bulk Si (111) substrates. Additional studies have extended the GaN on AIC-Si process to other substrates, including oxidized Si (001) and polycrystalline diamond, with GaN films showing similar morphologies to those grown on AIC-Si on fused quartz.Overall, this thesis demonstrates how aluminum-mediated crystallization of silicon can be used to fabricate thin films and nanowires with a variety of orientations and morphologies. Furthermore, the initial demonstration of these wires and thin films in photovoltaic and electronic applications is also presented. Ultimately, aluminum-mediated silicon crystallization is demonstrated to be a flexible, controllable approach for producing a variety of technologically relevant nanowires and thin films.


Book Description

Understanding and building up the foundation of nanowire concept is a high requirement and a bridge to new technologies. Any attempt in such direction is considered as one step forward in the challenge of advanced nanotechnology. In the last few years, InTech scientific publisher has been taking the initiative of helping worldwide scientists to share and improve the methods and the nanowire technology. This book is one of InTechs attempts to contribute to the promotion of this technology.

Silicon-based Nanomaterials

Book Description

A variety of nanomaterials have excellent optoelectronic and electronic properties for novel device applications. At the same time, and with advances in silicon integrated circuit (IC) techniques, compatible Si-based nanomaterials hold promise of applying the advantages of nanomaterials to the conventional IC industry. This book focuses not only on silicon nanomaterials, but also summarizes up-to-date developments in the integration of non-silicon nanomaterials on silicon. The book showcases the work of leading researchers from around the world who address such key questions as: Which silicon nanomaterials can give the desired optical, electrical, and structural properties, and how are they prepared? What nanomaterials can be integrated on to a silicon substrate and how is this accomplished? What Si-based nanomaterials may bring a breakthrough in this field? These questions address the practical issues associated with the development of nanomaterial-based devices in applications areas such as solar cells, luminous devices for optical communication (detectors, lasers), and high mobility transistors. Investigation of silicon-based nanostructures is of great importance to make full use of nanomaterials for device applications. Readers will receive a comprehensive view of Si-based nanomaterials, which will hopefully stimulate interest in developing novel nanostructures or techniques to satisfy the requirements of high performance device applications. The goal is to make nanomaterials the main constituents of the high performance devices of the future.

Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures

Book Description

As nanotechnology has developed over the last two decades, some nanostructures, such as nanotubes, nanowires, and nanoparticles, have become very popular. However, recent research has led to the discovery of other, less-common nanoforms, which often serve as building blocks for more complex structures. In an effort to organize the field, the Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures presents an informal classification based mainly on the less-common nanostructures. A small nanotechnological encyclopedia, this book: Describes a range of little-known nanostructures Offers a unifying vision of the synthesis of nanostructures and the generalization of rare nanoforms Includes downloadable resources with color versions of more than 100 nanostructures Explores the fabrication of rare nanostructures, including modern physical, chemical, and biological synthesis techniques The Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures discusses a classification system not directly related to the dimensionality and chemical composition of nanostructure-forming compounds or composite. Instead, it is based mainly on the less-common nanostructures. Possessing unusual shapes and high surface areas, these structures are potentially very useful for catalytic, medical, electronic, and many other applications.