Metaphysical Science for Success

Book Description

Most of what you want to achieve, accomplish or obtain, this book Metaphysical Science for Success can help you to help yourself achieve, accomplish or obtain it. Can I guarantee you this book can help you to help yourself succeed? I can make you two guarantees: 1. One day you will die... guaranteed. 2. Unless you make some changes in your life now, your life will stay the same or get worse... guaranteed.

Beyond Matter

Book Description

Does science have all the answers? Can it even deal with abstract reasoning beyond the world we experience? How can we ensure that the physical world is sufficiently ordered to be intelligible to humans? How can mathematics, a product of human minds, unlock the secrets of the physical universe? Should all such questions be considered inadmissible if science cannot settle them? Metaphysics has traditionally been understood as reasoning beyond the reach of science, sometimes even claiming realities beyond its grasp. Because of this, metaphysics is often contemptuously dismissed by scientists and philosophers who wish to remain within the bounds of what can be scientifically proven. Yet scientists at the frontiers of physics unwittingly engage in metaphysics, as they are now happy to contemplate whole universes that are, in principle, beyond human reach. Roger Trigg challenges those who deny that science needs philosophical assumptions. Trigg claims that the foundations of science themselves have to lie beyond science. It takes reasoning apart from experience to discover what is not yet known and this metaphysical reasoning to imagine realities beyond what can be accessed. “In Beyond Matter, Roger Trigg advances a powerful, persuasive, fair-minded argument that the sciences require a philosophical, metaphysical foundation. This is a brilliant book for newcomers to the philosophy of science and experts alike.” —Charles Taliaferro, professor of philosophy, St. Olaf College

The Tools of Metaphysics and the Metaphysics of Science

Book Description

Metaphysics has shifted ground, moving away from necessity and possibility as the lens through which we look at things. Ted Sider shapes the agenda for the subject by exploring how this shift transforms the project of understanding the objects, properties, and quantities of the universe, and the relations between them, in terms of structures.

Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science

Book Description

The question of the proper role of metaphysics in philosophy of science is both significant and contentious. The last few decades have seen considerable engagement with philosophical projects aptly described as "the metaphysics of science:" inquiries into natural laws and properties, natural kinds, causal relations, and dispositions. At the same time, many metaphysicians have begun moving in the direction of more scientifically-informed ("scientistic" or "naturalistic") metaphysics. And yet many philosophers of science retain a deep suspicion about the significance of metaphysical investigations into science. This volume of new essays explores a broadly methodological question: what role should metaphysics play in our philosophizing about science? These new essays, written by leading philosophers of science, address this question both through ground-level investigations of particular issues in the metaphysics of science and by more general methodological inquiry.

Metaphysics and Science

Book Description

This collection brings together the latest new work within an emerging philosophical discipline: the metaphysics of science. A new definition of this line of philosophical enquiry is developed, and leading academics offer original essays on four key topics at the heart of the subject—laws, causation, natural kinds, and emergence.

Metaphysical Secrets for Health and Success in Life

Book Description

Metaphysical Secrets for Health and Success in Life is a handbook of metaphysical techniques to improve the quality of your life. The historic psychic knowledge is updated into simple, easy-to-understand terms. Also included are background scientific theories showing how mystical methods are based on science. This book is a true blending of metaphysical and scientific thought. The mysticism of future prediction, healing, and using the subtle energies about us have been distilled into non ritual techniques that anyone can use. Centuries of healing techniques have been updated into new, easy-to-use methods. You will learn about: ] History of Metaphysics ] Realms of Existence] Your Personal Map of the Universe ] Mapping Future Success ] Levels of Consciousness ] Energy Fields ] Energy Management ] Building Blocks of the Universe ] Auras ] Chakras ] Cleansing Techniques ] Healing Techniques ] Energy Management ] Using Psychic Energy ] Healing Techniques ]

Success as a Way of Life

Book Description

Success as a way of life is a philosophy created by Dr. Rolls. This is a philosophical approach to living your life fully each day, with purpose, coupled with being a positive contributing member of society and doing your part, big or small, to help make the world a better place to live in, beginning with you. After completing this book and adopting, "success as a way of life." you will be able to say, yes!! The world is a better place because you are here.

The Metaphysics of Science and Aim-Oriented Empiricism

Book Description

This book gives an account of work that I have done over a period of decades that sets out to solve two fundamental problems of philosophy: the mind-body problem and the problem of induction. Remarkably, these revolutionary contributions to philosophy turn out to have dramatic implications for a wide range of issues outside philosophy itself, most notably for the capacity of humanity to resolve current grave global problems and make progress towards a better, wiser world. A key element of the proposed solution to the first problem is that physics is about only a highly specialized aspect of all that there is – the causally efficacious aspect. Once this is understood, it ceases to be a mystery that natural science says nothing about the experiential aspect of reality, the colours we perceive, the inner experiences we are aware of. That natural science is silent about the experiential aspect of reality is no reason whatsoever to hold that the experiential does not objectively exist. A key element of the proposed solution to the second problem is that physics, in persistently accepting unified theories only, thereby makes a substantial metaphysical assumption about the universe: it is such that a unified pattern of physical law runs through all phenomena. We need a new conception, and kind, of physics that acknowledges, and actively seeks to improve, metaphysical presuppositions inherent in the methods of physics. The problematic aims and methods of physics need to be improved as physics proceeds. These are the ideas that have fruitful implications, I set out to show, for a wide range of issues: for philosophy itself, for physics, for natural science more generally, for the social sciences, for education, for the academic enterprise as a whole and, most important of all, for the capacity of humanity to learn how to solve the grave global problems that menace our future, and thus make progress to a better, wiser world. It is not just science that has problematic aims; in life too our aims, whether personal, social or institutional, are all too often profoundly problematic, and in urgent need of improvement. We need a new kind of academic enterprise which helps humanity put aims-and-methods improving meta-methods into practice in personal and social life, so that we may come to do better at achieving what is of value in life, and make progress towards a saner, wiser world. This body of work of mine has met with critical acclaim. Despite that, astonishingly, it has been ignored by mainstream philosophy. In the book I discuss the recent work of over 100 philosophers on the mind-body problem and the metaphysics of science, and show that my earlier, highly relevant work on these issues is universally ignored, the quality of subsequent work suffering as a result. My hope, in publishing this book, is that my fellow philosophers will come to appreciate the intellectual value of my proposed solutions to the mind-body problem and the problem of induction, and will, as a result, join with me in attempting to convince our fellow academics that we need to bring about an intellectual/institutional revolution in academic inquiry so that it takes up its proper task of helping humanity learn how to solve problems of living, including global problems, and make progress towards as good, as wise and enlightened a world as possible.

Practical Metaphysics

Book Description

"Practical Metaphysics" combines science, spirituality and success principles (including the Law of Attraction) to provide a ground-breaking and modern understanding of God and spirituality based on science and reason. This is further supplemented with a range of highly effective strategies for emotional healing, finding happiness, achieving goals and becoming successful in every facet of your life! This book was written with the guidance of my spiritual teachers and is truly unique and easy to read. The PDF is completely free, so you can sample the material before purchase if you like. Please note: the PDF download at this website has black-and-white images, but if you would prefer a copy with colour images, go here:

The Science of Successful Living

Book Description

“FEW PEOPLE think of life as a creative experiment. Most of us are so busy with routines that we take life for granted. We expect an endless routine of work, a hectic social life each weekend and two weeks’ vacation each year. I trust that the readers of this book will derive from it a new interest in life, a zest for doing what needs to be done, and a technique to live with joyous enthusiasm. “Looking at life from an inspired viewpoint you can see those things which are on the side of greatness and cease resisting the petty and the unimportant. Life is a process of intelligence. It always acts intelligently. Problems are the result of living life unintelligently. “The universe is actually a mental system. Its primary nature is the process of ideas becoming form. Every fact in your world is also an idea in your mind. To get new things in your world you must have new ideas in your consciousness. Few people do enough abstract thinking to create new ideas in their minds. They continually think about what they already know and have known for years. This explains the monotony of their lives. “Select the idea of some new experience you want and then think it without ceasing. Mind will deliver to you everything you need in order to accomplish your demonstration. This is far from being impossible. The great, the wise, and the true have proven this to be so. You have done it and so have your friends. You may not have thought of the process as being either spiritual or psychological. You intuitively knew a new idea. Your thinking in terms of this idea caused something to happen in your experience. “This book has been written for that large section of today’s population which is spiritually liberal and psychologically aware. Those bound by traditional beliefs will cast it aside. It is my desire that thousands will be helped and healed by reading these pages.”—Raymond Charles Barker