Book Description
This book provides the ICP with a review of the principles and practices in disinfection,sterilization and antisepsis and highlights recent advances in practice and technology toaid in preventing nosocomial infections. The text summarizes the Hand HygieneGuideline published by CDC in October 2002, the Disinfection and SterilizationGuideline scheduled to be published by CDC in 2004, and the multi-society guideline forendoscope reprocessing. It also provides cutting edge information on a diverse range oftopics including: current regulatory activities that affect disinfectants, antiseptics andsterilization; links between germicide use and antibiotic resistance; activity of germicidesagainst bioterrorism agents; special problems in antisepsis; new technologies andproducts; sterilization of tissue (bones, tendons); reprocessing endoscopes; surface disinfection;contribution of the environment to disease transmission; factors influencingthe efficacy of germicides; and the tests used to measure the germicidal activity of disinfectantsand antiseptics. The Panel Sessions document the participants? questions andthe speakers? responses. Authors: Practicing experts in the field of infection controlwrote all the chapters.