Book Description

Este libro presenta una introducción al Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF) y fundamentalmente está dirigido a estudiantes, ingenieros y científicos que conocen el cálculo de estructuras. Se parte de la reformulación matricial del método directo de la rigidez con objeto de que se comprenda el enorme potencial que supone la introducción de la idea de aproximación en la formulación débil del problema de barras. La coincidencia de resultados entre la formulación clásica inicial y la del MEF al utilizar funciones de forma lineales y los polinomios de Hermite, permite abordar más fácilmente su formulación general como procedimiento para obtener soluciones aproximadas de las ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales.

El método de los elementos finitos

Book Description

Este libro hace una presentación del método de los elementos finitos como técnica para la solución de ecuaciones diferenciales parciales (EDP) de tipo elíptico, parabólico e hiperbólico. El desarrollo del texto incluye tanto una formulación matemática consistente, como aplicaciones clásicas en el campo de la transferencia de calor, la elasticidad y la mecánica de fluidos. La obra inicia con una breve exposición del método de los residuos ponderados y luego ilustra su aplicación en la solución con elementos finitos de ecuaciones diferenciales. A continuación, se presentan planteamientos con elementos de orden superior, así como consideraciones para el planteamiento de soluciones con condensación estática y elementos jerárquicos. Posteriormente se tratan las EDP elípticas, tanto para el caso de problemas escalares (problemas de conducción de calor) como para problemas vectoriales (elasticidad plana). La construcción de aproximaciones para problemas en estado transitorio es revisada en la siguiente sección, así como el análisis de las condiciones de estabilidad requeridas. De igual forma, se analiza la formulación de elementos finitos para problemas con términos de transporte y se explica detalladamente el origen y la implementación de la técnica de estabilización Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG). En la última sección se expone un breve estudio sobre la construcción de soluciones para EDP no lineales.

El método de los elementos finitos

Book Description

El profesor Zienkiewicz presenta en esta obra una amplia panorámica del estado actual del método de los elementos finitos y sus posibilidades de aplicación práctica. Se pone un especial énfasis en la aplicación de dicho método a problemas de elasticidad, flexión de placas, mecánica de fluidos, etc.

Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation

Book Description

During the life of a dam, changes in safety standards, legislation and land use will inevitably occur, and functional deterioration may also appear. To meet these challenges, these Proceedings from a panel of international experts assess, define and re-evaluate the design criteria for the construction of dams and the many attendant issues in on-going maintenance and management. Authors include international specialists: academics, professionals and those in local government, utilities and suppliers. Practitioners from these same fields will find the book a useful tool in acquiring a comprehensive knowledge of managing and retrofitting dams, so that they can continue to meet society's needs.

Notes on Continuum Mechanics

Book Description

This publication is aimed at students, teachers, and researchers of Continuum Mechanics and focused extensively on stating and developing Initial Boundary Value equations used to solve physical problems. With respect to notation, the tensorial, indicial and Voigt notations have been used indiscriminately. The book is divided into twelve chapters with the following topics: Tensors, Continuum Kinematics, Stress, The Objectivity of Tensors, The Fundamental Equations of Continuum Mechanics, An Introduction to Constitutive Equations, Linear Elasticity, Hyperelasticity, Plasticity (small and large deformations), Thermoelasticity (small and large deformations), Damage Mechanics (small and large deformations), and An Introduction to Fluids. Moreover, the text is supplemented with over 280 figures, over 100 solved problems, and 130 references.

Moving Finite Element Method

Book Description

This book focuses on process simulation in chemical engineering with a numerical algorithm based on the moving finite element method (MFEM). It offers new tools and approaches for modeling and simulating time-dependent problems with moving fronts and with moving boundaries described by time-dependent convection-reaction-diffusion partial differential equations in one or two-dimensional space domains. It provides a comprehensive account of the development of the moving finite element method, describing and analyzing the theoretical and practical aspects of the MFEM for models in 1D, 1D+1d, and 2D space domains. Mathematical models are universal, and the book reviews successful applications of MFEM to solve engineering problems. It covers a broad range of application algorithm to engineering problems, namely on separation and reaction processes presenting and discussing relevant numerical applications of the moving finite element method derived from real-world process simulations.


Book Description

This text is designed for those who already know structural calculation. It starts with the simple exercise of reformulating the direct stiffness method using matrices. The aim is to allow the student to understand the enormous power and generality of the weak formulation for the approximation of strut structure problems by using a formulation which is easy to understand. The correspondence of results of the initial classical formulation with those of the FEM when using linear shape functions and Hermite polynomials allows us to tackle the general formulation of the fundamental concepts of the method more easily. Once the method and the details of its general formulation are understood (although only through its application in a specific structural type), the FEM is presented in a general way, as a procedure for obtaining approximated solutions for partial differential equations. The approaches to field problems and to linear elasticity problems are presented as examples. The method has been now clearly presented and therefore, the selection of the type of element, with the generation of interpolation functions of higher degree and their systematization in element families, can be studied in greater depth. This part finishes with the introduction of the idea of isoparametric transformation that, together with numerical integration, explains the stage of development reached by the method. Finally, the subject relative to plates is dealt with, looking at their specific use as structural elements, and trying to show the difficulty of satisfying the continuity between elements in thin plates, and the shear locking solution in thick plates amongst other things

V Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2011 May 16-21, 2011, Habana, Cuba

Book Description

This volume presents the proceedings of the CLAIB 2011, held in the Palacio de las Convenciones in Havana, Cuba, from 16 to 21 May 2011. The conferences of the American Congress of Biomedical Engineering are sponsored by the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), Society for Engineering in Biology and Medicine (EMBS) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), among other organizations and international agencies and bringing together scientists, academics and biomedical engineers in Latin America and other continents in an environment conducive to exchange and professional growth.

IV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering 2007, Bioengineering Solutions for Latin America Health, September 24th-28th, 2007, Margarita Island, Venezuela

Book Description

The IV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering, CLAIB2007, corresponds to the triennial congress for the Regional Bioengineering Council for Latin America (CORAL), it is supported by the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and the Engineering in Medicine, Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS). This time the Venezuela Society of Bioengineering (SOVEB) organized the conference, with the slogan Bioengineering solution for Latin America health.