Métodos de investigación clínica y epidemiológica + StudentConsult en español

Book Description

Se presenta la nueva edición de la obra de los Dres. Josep Ma Argimon y Josep Jiménez, en la que se mantiene la filosofía que les llevó a escribir la primera edición en el año 1991. Así, el hilo conductor de la obra sigue siendo la elaboración de un protocolo de estudio, de forma que aquellos profesionales que se enfrentan al reto de diseñar una investigación puedan seguir, paso a paso, las diferentes fases, desde los planteamientos iniciales y la definición del objetivo, hasta la planificación de la estrategia de análisis. Este título, muy consolidado entre el público profesional a lo largo de sus sucesivas ediciones, constituye una guía práctica y de referencia para el estudio de los fundamentos del método científico y, en concreto, el diseño y desarrollo de un protocolo de estudio y la lectura e interpretación crítica de un artículo científico. En esta nueva edición, además de revisar todos los contenidos, especialmente algunos relacionados con la gestión del proyecto, se ha incluido un nuevo capítulo dedicado específicamente a la variable de respuesta. También se han revisado en profundidad y ampliado los aspectos relacionados con los estudios de equivalencia y no-inferioridad. Con la finalidad de que la obra sea lo más didáctica posible, los conceptos teóricos se ilustran con más de 300 ejemplos, actualizados y revisados, que se diferencian del texto para no entorpecer la lectura de los capítulos. Otra importante novedad es la inclusión de contenidos online accesibles a través de la plataforma www.studentconsult.es . Dichos contenidos incluyen: - Casos de estudio, - Presentaciones didácticas, - Glosario de términos en español e inglés, - Preguntas abiertas de cálculo, - Preguntas con respuesta verdadero/falso, - Preguntas de múltiple elección. Nueva edición, muy consolidada, de esta guía práctica y de referencia para el estudio de los fundamentos del método científico y, en concreto, del diseño y desarrollo de un protocolo de estudio, y la lectura e interpretación crítica de un artículo científico. Esta edición mantiene el hilo conductor de la obra original: la elaboración de un protocolo de estudio, de forma que aquellos porfesionales que se enfrentan al reto de diseñar una investigación puedan seguir, paso a paso, las diferentes fases, desde los planteamientos iniciales y la definición del objetivo, hasta la planificación de la estrategia de análisis. Como novedades de la cuarta edición se destacan, entre otras, la ampliación de la parte dedicada a la comunicación y difusión de la investigación. Además, en esta nueva edición se refuerza su contenido a través de un ampio recurso online vinculado a la obra: 120 preguntas tipo test de elección múltiple, 20 casos-estudio en forma de ejemplos comentados, glosario de alrededor de 200 términos con su significado y su equivalente en inglés, así como prácticos recursos docentes.

NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses

Book Description

Fully updated and revised by authors T. Heather Herdman, PhD, RN, FNI, and Shigemi Kamitsuru, PhD, RN, FNI, Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification 2018-2020, Eleventh Edition is the definitive guide to nursing diagnoses, as reviewed and approved by NANDA International (NANDA-I). In this new edition of a seminal text, the authors have written all introductory chapters at an undergraduate nursing level, providing the critical information needed for nurses to understand assessment, its link to diagnosis and clinical reasoning, and the purpose and use of taxonomic structure for the nurse at the bedside. Other changes include: 18 new nursing diagnoses and 72 revised diagnoses Updates to 11 nursing diagnosis labels, ensuring they are consistent with current literature and reflect a human response Modifications to the vast majority of the nursing diagnosis definitions, including especially Risk Diagnoses Standardization of diagnostic indicator terms (defining characteristics, related factors, risk factors, associated conditions, and at-risk populations) to further aid clarity for readers and clinicians Coding of all diagnostic indicator terms for those using electronic versions of the terminology Web-based resources include chapter and reference lists for new diagnoses Rigorously updated and revised, Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification 2018-2020, Eleventh Edition is a must-have resource for all nursing students, professional nurses, nurse educators, nurse informaticists, and nurse administrators.

Métodos de investigación clínica y epidemiológica

Book Description

- Nueva edición de la obra de los Dres. Josep Ma Argimón y Josep Jiménez, en la que se mantiene la filosofía que les llevó a escribir la primera edición en el año 1991. Así, el hilo conductor de la obra sigue siendo la elaboración de un protocolo de estudio, de forma que aquellos profesionales que se enfrentan al reto de diseñar una investigación puedan seguir paso a paso las diferentes fases, desde los planteamientos iniciales y la definición del objetivo hasta la planificación de la estrategia de análisis. - La obra combina los contenidos teóricos con temas más prácticos, como la solicitud de una ayuda para la financiación de la investigación, una guía para la elaboración de los protocolos de estudio, los preparativos para la puesta en marcha y tablas para el cálculo del tamaño de la muestra en la mayoría de las situaciones. - Métodos de investigación clínica y epidemiológica mantiene el material complementario online, renovado y actualizado como son las preguntas tipo test, los casos de estudio, el glosario de términos y los recursos docentes (presentaciones PowerPoint de distintos temas relacionados con el libro para que puedan ser utilizadas en seminarios o sesiones clínicas).

Gray's Atlas of Anatomy E-Book

Book Description

Clinically focused, consistently and clearly illustrated, and logically organized, Gray's Atlas of Anatomy, the companion resource to the popular Gray's Anatomy for Students, presents a vivid, visual depiction of anatomical structures. Stunning illustrations demonstrate the correlation of structures with clinical images and surface anatomy - essential for proper identification in the dissection lab and successful preparation for course exams. - Build on your existing anatomy knowledge with structures presented from a superficial to deep orientation, representing a logical progression through the body. - Identify the various anatomical structures of the body and better understand their relationships to each other with the visual guidance of nearly 1,000 exquisitely illustrated anatomical figures. - Visualize the clinical correlation between anatomical structures and surface landmarks with surface anatomy photographs overlaid with anatomical drawings. - Recognize anatomical structures as they present in practice through more than 270 clinical images - including laparoscopic, radiologic, surgical, ophthalmoscopic, otoscopic, and other clinical views - placed adjacent to anatomic artwork for side-by-side comparison. - Gain a more complete understanding of the inguinal region in women through a brand-new, large-format illustration, as well as new imaging figures that reflect anatomy as viewed in the modern clinical setting. - Evolve Instructor site with an image and video collection is available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at https://evolve.elsevier.com.

The Soils of Mexico

Book Description

Mexico is an extensive country with an extremely complex mosaic of landscapes. The soils of Mexico have still not been completely studied, and there are few publications available on this subject. This book provides a state-of-the-art view on Mexican soils, their geographical distribution, their use and degradation. This is a first attempt to give a systematized characteristic of the soil resources of Mexico. Land resources of the second-biggest economy in Latin America are critical for its sustainable development, and a demand for adequate soil information is high. The information contained within can be used for any soil-related research done in Mexico and in neighboring countries. The book includes detailed characteristics of soils of all the physiographic regions of Mexico with maps, photos and explanatory schemes. The book is based on the experiences of the authors in research and soil survey, as well as on the existent, mainly ‘grey’ literature on Mexican soils. The book is recommended for researchers and university readers, students of all levels and decision-makers, working in the area of soil science, environmental issues, Earth sciences, land management and nature conservation.

Long Live the Free Pericardium !

Book Description

This book explains in a clear and simple way what life is and how it flows within our cells, between people and through people. It is a practical manual that will help us to "feel" life, to vibrate and breathe the life inside of our bodies and of all living beings. A key focus of this work is how emotional impact affects our pericardium, which is the membrane that envelops, maintains and protects the heart.

The Biology of Rattlesnakes

Book Description

Anatomy Trains

Book Description

An accessible comprehensive approach to the anatomy and function of the fascial system in the body combined with a holistic.

Electrotherapy Explained

Book Description

Electrotherapy Explained is an excellent research-based exploration of the major types of electrophysical agents used in clinical practice, particularly human and also animal. For the fourth edition, two new authors join the writing team, presenting the latest information for today's clinicians. The text has been completely updated with a major rewrite of the material, particularly that on electrical stimulation. This book continues to focus on evidence: clinical and biophysical evidence that affects how and which electrotherapies may be of use clinically and when. The inclusion of biophysics as well as clinical evidence and principles of application, enables clinicians to move away from traditional 'recipe-based' approaches and rely more on their own clinical reasoning. The focus remains on humans but the relevance of the principles for using and applying different modalities is explained clearly, providing guidelines for clinicians across disciplines and specialties. Up to date research detailing the evidence both supportive and deprecatory for the use of each modality Written by experts from biophysics and the clinical domains Comprehensive and well referenced Clear and well chosen illustrations elucidate the text Text boxes and summary sections help to break down what is sometimes a complex subject into manageable and memorable chunks Contraindications and risks have been updated in light of the most recent research Three books for the price of one - the website (http://booksite.elsevier.com/9780750688437) contains the entire texts of 'Physical Principles Explained' by Low and Reed, and 'Biophysical Bases of Electrotherapy' by Ward. The text directs readers to the website for further reading at relevant points.

Clinical Electrophysiology

Book Description

Organized by therapeutic goals, the Third Edition of this comprehensive textbook on electrotherapies provides a fundamental understanding of contemporary, evidence-based intervention and assessment procedures. The text takes a problem-oriented approach and recommends interventions consistent with both theory and the clinical efficacy of the intervention for specific, clearly identified clinical disorders. This edition has a new chapter on electrical stimulation and biofeedback for genitourinary dysfunction, including incontinence management in both women and men. All the intervention-based chapters have a new format that emphasizes evidence-based practice and practical application. Additional self-study questions are included in each chapter. NEW TO THIS EDITION: New chapter on Electrical Stimulation and Biofeedback for Genitourinary Dysfunction (Chapter 9) includes topics such as incontinence management in both women and men, and gives solid evidence to support or refute specific procedures. New organization Chapter on mechanisms of pain transmission and pain control with electrotherapy will be moved up to chapter 4 to make the first four chapters the theoretical basis for the clinical application chapters that follow. Chapter on electrophysiologic evaluation will become the last chapter (chapter 12) in order to enable students to meet core educational competencies. New chapter format for the intervention chapters (chapters 5-11) adds consistency and clarity to emphasize evidenced-based practice and practical application. Additional self-study questions are included in each chapter to enhance understanding of key concepts. New emphasis on evidence-based preferential practice patterns.