Micro insights on the pathways to agricultural transformation: Comparative evidence from Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

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Most studies of agricultural transformation document the impact of agricultural income growth on macroeconomic indicators of development. Much less is known about the micro-scale changes within the farming sector that signal a transformation precipitated by agricultural income growth. This study provides a comparative analysis of the patterns of micro-level changes that occur among small-holder farmers in Uganda and Malawi in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and Thailand and Vietnam in Southeast Asia (SEA). Our analysis provides several important insights on agricultural transformation in these two regions. First, agricultural income in all examined countries is vulnerable to changes in precipitation and temperature, an effect that is nonlinear and asymmetric. SSA countries are more vulnerable to these weather changes. Second, exogenous increases in agricultural income in previous years improve non-farm income and trigger a change in labor allocation within the rural sector in SEA. However, this is opposite in SSA where the increase in agricultural income reduces non-farm income, indicating a substitution effect between farm and non-farm sectors. These findings reveal clear agricultural transformation driven by agricultural income in SEA, but no similar evidence in SSA.

Perspectives on Agricultural Transformation

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Perspectives on Agricultural Transformation - A View From Africa

Structural Transformation from a Microeconomic View

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Structural transformation and corresponding labor productivity growth are fundamentals of economic development. This dissertation, titled Structural Transformation from A Microeconomic View, explores the path of the structural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In the last 20 years in SSA, structural transformation was not always accompanied by overall labor productivity growth. The first essay of this dissertation, titled Education, Profitability, and Household Labor Allocation in Rural Uganda, explores the microeconomic factors that explain non-growing-productivity structural change with a focus on the role of education. I jointly estimate household hourly profit (wage) and labor supply functions. The estimation result is supportive of the hypothesis that the level of education, profitability of an activity, and time allocation to that activity can be not positively correlated while education positively increases total household profit from the activity. To trigger structural transformation, the governments of SSA and donors have allocated a vast amount of resources into agricultural programs for over 20 years. Aggregate agriculture productivity, however, has shown little growth in the last 20 years. Yet the share of employment in agriculture has constantly decreased since 2000. Whether agriculture productivity growth advances the labor shift from the agriculture sector to the non-agriculture sector is still an open question and of great interest for efficient investment in agriculture development and the economic growth of the countries. The second essay, titled Land and Labor Bias of Farm Technology and the Household's Labor Allocation Decisions, explores the effect of land- and labor-augmenting farm technologies on the household's labor decisions. I provide a theoretical model to describe the household responses to land- and labor-augmenting farm technical change. I classify agricultural households into six regimes based on the participation in on- and off-farm labor markets and the constraint of off-farm work opportunities. I derive propositions to examine the behaviors of the households in each regime. In the empirical part of the study, I apply the model to microeconomic data from Tanzania to test the propositions. The estimation results show that for Tanzanian maize farmers, the adoption of land-augmenting technology, that is organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, or irrigation, increases on-farm labor and decreases off-farm labor while the adoption of labor-augmenting technology, including sprayers, pesticides, herbicides, animal traction, or tractors, decreases on-farm labor and increases off-farm labor when the elasticity of substitution between labor and land is sufficiently large. Taken together, these essays shed light on important policy implications for the acceleration of structural transformation in SSA. The estimation result from the first essay suggests that the expansion of the industry in which higher levels of education increase profitability of work would pull laborers from farming into nonfarm activities. Relaxing the labor market constraints of individuals, especially from relatively less educated households, would shift hours of labor allocation from less profitable activities towards more profitable activities. Also, raising household incomes or standard of living would increase the preference of individuals for leisure relative to income, and increase the optimal marginal productivity of labor, and consequently the profitability of labor. The second essay provides evidence that depending on the conditions of a country such as the level of elasticity of substitution between land and labor and the constraints around off-farm work opportunities, labor-augmenting agricultural technologies have a good potential for speeding up the structural transformation.

Climate change, income sources, crop mix, and input use decisions: Evidence from Nigeria

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This paper combines panel data from nationally representative household-level surveys in Nigeria with long-term satellite-based spatial data on temperature and precipitation using geo-referenced information related to households. It aims to quantify the impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity, income shares, crop mix, and input use decisions. We measure climate change in harmful degree days, growing degree days, and changes in precipitation using long-term (30 year) changes in temperature and precipitation anomalies during the crop calendars. We find that, controlling for other factors, a 15 percent (one standard deviation) increase in change in harmful degree days leads to a decrease in agricultural productivity of 5.22 percent on average. Similarly, precipitation change has resulted in a significant and negative impact on agricultural productivity. Our results further show that the change in harmful degree days decreases the income share from crops and nonfarm self-employment, while it increases the income share from livestock and wage employment. Examining possible transmission channels for this effect, we find that farmers change their crop mix and input use to respond to climate changes, for instance reducing fertilizer use and seed purchases as a response to increases in extreme heat. Based on our findings, we suggest policy interventions that incentivize adoption of climate-resilient agriculture, such as small-scale irrigation and livelihood diversification. We also propose targeted pro-poor interventions, such as low-cost financing options for improving smallholders’ access to climate-proof agricultural inputs and technologies, and policy measures to reduce the inequality of access to livelihood capital such as land and other productive assets.

The economic importance of cowpea in Nigeria trends and Implications for achieving agri-food system transformation

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Nigeria is the largest producer of cowpea in the world and one of the highest consumers. This paper documents the challenges in cowpea production and consumption, export, and import trends in Nigeria. The critical and comparative review reveals several important insights. Cowpea is important for households and communities due to its substantial contributions to food security, nutrition, and revenue production. It plays a pivotal role in supporting various stakeholders involved in the value chain, including producers, processors, traders, and food vendors. Thus, cowpea is a crucial multipurpose crop. Although Nigeria is the largest producer of cowpea in the world, with a total production of 3.6 million tons in 2021, the demand for cowpea surpasses its supply due to factors such as the country's large population and low productivity. We describe the main challenges encountered in Nigeria's cowpea production, encompassing a range of issues such as high susceptibility to pests and diseases from planting to storage phases, low adoption of improved cowpea seed varieties, poor soil fertility, drought, and heat stress. The data suggest that low input use, low-yield varieties, and low productivity characterize the current level of cowpea production. Our findings suggest the need for tailored strategies to support the adoption of improved cowpea varieties in Nigeria to increase domestic production, adherence to quality standards, exploration of international markets for export opportunities, and ultimately, household income and improve nutritional outcomes.

Climate risks and damage abatement effects of pesticides: Evidence based on four-wave panel data in Nigeria

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Managing biotic stress, such as pests, diseases, and weeds, remain critical in enhancing the productivity of agrifood systems in developing countries, including Nigeria. The public sector continues to seek solutions for efficient and effective measures for addressing these biotic stresses, ranging from varietal technologies, improved crop husbandry, and the application of agrochemicals. The field-level evidence remains scarce regarding the effectiveness of these measures in developing countries like Nigeria. Furthermore, increasing climate uncertainty poses further challenges in identifying effective measures. This study assesses the damage abatement effects of agrochemicals in Nigeria and how these effects are affected by weather shocks. We extend the standard damage abatement framework to 4 waves of farm panel data to minimize the potential bias due to the endogeneity in agrochemical use decisions. Our results indicate that weather shocks have significant effects. In particular, rising nighttime minimum temperatures above 20 ℃ have significantly increased damage abatement effects of pesticides in Nigeria. This is possibly because of increased pest activities induced by the warmer nighttime temperatures, which, in the absence of pesticide uses, would cause more significant damage to crops. These results hold for all crops combined, as well as individual crops, including cowpea and maize, for which Nigeria has intensified its effort in pest control through both agrochemicals and Bt varieties in recent years.

Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa

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This book contributes to the understanding of smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa through addressing the dynamics of intensification and diversification within and outside agriculture in contexts where women have much poorer access to agrarian resources than men

Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: A Framework for Africa

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This framework presents ten interrelated principles/elements to guide Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa (SAMA). Further, it presents the technical issues to be considered under SAMA and the options to be analysed at the country and sub regional levels. The ten key elements required in a framework for SAMA are as follows: The analysis in the framework calls for a specific approach, involving learning from other parts of the world where significant transformation of the agricultural mechanization sector has already occurred within a three-to-four decade time frame, and developing policies and programmes to realize Africa’s aspirations of Zero Hunger by 2025. This approach entails the identification and prioritization of relevant and interrelated elements to help countries develop strategies and practical development plans that create synergies in line with their agricultural transformation plans. Given the unique characteristics of each country and the diverse needs of Africa due to the ecological heterogeneity and the wide range of farm sizes, the framework avoids being prescriptive.