Microeconomics: Study guide to accompany McConnell and Brue microeconomics

Book Description

McConnell and Brue's Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies is the leading Principles of Economics textbook because it is innovative and teaches students in a clear, unbiased way. The 17th Edition builds upon the tradition of leadership by sticking to 3 main goals: help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and the policy alternatives; help the student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters; and promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy.

Study Guide to Accompany Microeconomics

Book Description

There are more than 200 new full-color transparencies for the seventeenth edition. They encompass all the figures appearing in Economics. Additionally, the figures and tables from the text are found on the Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM.


Book Description

McConnell, Brue, and Flynn's Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies is the #1 Principles of Economics textbook in the world. It continues to be innovative while teaching students in a clear, unbiased way. The 19th Edition builds upon the tradition of leadership by sticking to 3 main goals: Help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and the policy alternatives; help the student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters; and promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.