Migration and Irregular Work in Austria

Book Description

"This meticulously researched study of irregular migrant work in Austria holds many broader lessons for countries all over Europe. The book derives many of its fascinating insights from systematic in-depth interviews with migrants themselves. The authors demonstrate that it is no longer enough to divide the world of foreign employment into "legal" and "illegal" work. Instead, over the past few years, particularly in the context of progressive EU-enlargement in Europe, new manifestations of "irregular migrant work" have evolved. Moreover, the authors convincingly argue that irregular migrant work is based on both supply and demand, and is therefore unlikely to fade away in the foreseeable future"--Publisher's description.

Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe

Book Description

This open access book explores the conceptual challenges posed by the presence of migrants with irregular immigration status in Europe and the evolving policy responses at European, national and municipal level. It addresses the conceptual and policy issues raised, post-entry, by this particular section of the migrant population. Drawing on evidence from different parts of Europe, the book takes the reader through philosophical and ethical dilemmas, legal and sociological analysis to questions of public policy and governance before addressing the concrete ways in which those questions are posed in current policy agendas from the international to the local level. As such this book is a valuable read to researchers, practitioners and policy makers as well as to students working on irregular migration in Europe in a comparative and/or country based perspective.

Between Mobility and Migration

Book Description

This open access book offers a critical perspective on intra-European mobility and migration by using new empirical data and theoretical discussions. It develops a theoretical and empirical analysis of the consequences of intra-European movement for sending and receiving urban regions in The Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Poland and Czech Republic. The book conceptualizes Central and Eastern European (CEE) migration by distinguishing between different types of CEE migrants and consequences. This involves a mapping of migration corridors within Europe, a unique empirical analysis of consequences for urban regions, and an analysis of governance responses. Next to the European and country perspectives on this phenomenon, the book focuses on the local perspective of urban regions where most mobile citizens settle (either permanently or temporarily). This way the book puts the analysis of intra-European movement in the perspective of broader theoretical debates in migration studies and beyond.

Irregular Migration and Invisible Welfare

Book Description

Focusing on care workers for the elderly, this book examines the paradoxical position of irregular migrants in European society, who are often labelled as 'illegal' residents but who in fact provide much needed, essential support to welfare systems.

National Paradigms of Migration Research

Book Description

The varying traditions in the migration research of different countries are closely connected to the respective national political landscape and the way in which the respective national state views itself – affirmative and positive or perhaps more self-critical. Seen side by side, much emerges to be discussed and challenged that was previously beyond doubt. The present volume introduces the reader to the traditions of migration research in twelve different countries: the more traditional immigration countries of Canada and Australia, four European countries with decades of experience (United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Netherlands), countries newer to immigration such as Italy, Poland and Japan, and finally the postcolonial countries of India, Malaysia and Nigeria. Through this comparative approach this volume presents a new approach to understanding the different research traditions. The reader is confronted with the various ways in which emigrants are included or excluded from society, thereby gaining an understanding of the existing intellectual discourses as well as learning to qualify them in the light of other solutions and traditions. Because the approaches of the respective migration research tradition are not always the same, the volume is attractive for a number of professionals: Sociologists, political scientists, ethnologists, economists, and philosophers can join together to discuss the terms migration, integration, and their relationship to social structures. This in turn challenges premises that previously were held to be a matter of course.

Migration Policymaking in Europe

Book Description

Deze studie ontwikkelt een geheel nieuwe benadering van het vraagstuk: Hoe wordt migratie- en integratiebeleid in tien Europese landen gemaakt? Wie is daarbij betrokken? Welke invloed hebben wetenschappers en maatschappelijke partners op de vorming en uitvoering van beleid? De auteurs concluderen dat beleid begrepen moet worden als resultaat van nationale historische verhoudingen en opvattingen binnen nationale contexten enerzijds, en anderzijds ontstaan is onder invloed van wereldwijde en supra-nationale invloeden.

New Labour Laws in Old Member States

Book Description

The enlargement of the EU in 2004 and 2007 has led to greatly increased free movement of workers from 'new' to 'old' member states. The unprecedented scale of this migration has had a profound impact on the regulation of labour law in Europe. This book compares the ways trade unions have responded to the effects of the enlargements, and in particular to the increased migration of workers across borders. It undertakes a contextualised comparison of trade union responses in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Sweden and the UK, and examines the relationship between trade unions and labour law at a national and European level. This analysis illustrates how trade unions can use law to better respond to changing regulatory and opportunity structures, and indicates the kinds of laws that would benefit trade unions at a national and European level.

Crossing Central Europe

Book Description

This volume studies elements of Austro-Hungarian or Central European culture that were common across linguistic, national, and ethnic communities, and shows how some of these commonalities survived or were transformed by the turmoil of the 20th century: two world wars, a major depression between the wars, Stalinism and the Iron Curtain

Labour Migration in Malaysia and Spain

Book Description

De overheid wordt in de regulering van arbeidsmigratie geconfronteerd met een dubbele paradox. Ten eerste: terwijl markten een op en grenzenbeleid vereisen om aan de behoefte van arbeidsmigranten en de marktvraag tegemoet te komen, leggen de grenzen die inherent zijn aan burgerschap een zekere afsluiting van de buitenwereld op. Ten tweede: terwijl de exclusiviteit die burgerschap met zich meebrengt een gesloten lidmaatschap vergt, ondermijnen burgerschap- en mensenrechten de mogelijkheid van de staat om buitenlanders uit te sluiten zodra zij zich in het land bevinden.