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Artes de México

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Tennis Medicine

Book Description

This book will serve as a key resource for all clinicians working in orthopedics, sports medicine, and rehabilitation for the sport of tennis. It provides clinically useful information on evaluation and treatment of the tennis player, covering the entire body and both general medical and orthopedic musculoskeletal topics. Individual sections focus on tennis-related injuries to the shoulder, the elbow, wrist, and hand, the lower extremities, and the core/spine, explaining treatment and rehabilitation approaches in detail. Furthermore, sufficient sport science information is presented to provide the clinical reader with extensive knowledge of tennis biomechanics and the physiological aspects of training and rehabilitation. Medical issues in tennis players, such as nutrition and hydration, are also discussed, and a closing section focuses on other key topics, including movement dysfunction, periodization, core training, and strength and conditioning specifics. The expansive list of worldwide contributors and experts coupled with the comprehensive and far-reaching chapter provision make this the highest-level tennis medicine book ever published.

Divination on stage

Book Description

Magicians, necromancers and astrologers are assiduous characters in the European golden age theatre. This book deals with dramatic characters who act as physiognomists or palm readers in the fictional world and analyses the fictionalisation of physiognomic lore as a practice of divination in early modern Romance theatre from Pietro Aretino and Giordano Bruno to Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca and Thomas Corneille.


Book Description

Históricamente la palabra deporte ha estado ligada a los conceptos de recreación, ocio y entrenamiento. Con la aparición del profesionalismo y la alta competición, estas connotaciones han pasado a formar parte de otro tipo de manifestación deportiva llamado genéricamente Deporte para todos o Deporte de Recreación. En este sentido es donde se aplican las ideas del presente trabajo. Las actividades en forma de juegos y ejercicios que nos plantean los autores de este libro son perfectamente aplicables al ámbito de la Educación Física Escolar. Dentro de la gran variedad de actividades planteadas encontramos no sólo ejercicios y sus fundamentos, sino la motivación sugerente para que el propio lector y practicante apliquen su creatividad a nuevas y diferentes formas de las actividades a realizar. Las 1000 diferentes actividades que plantea el libro son aplicables a todas las edades y pueden practicarse en cualquier entorno. Un bote de yoghurt, cajas, cañas, cuerdas, escaleras, escoba, gomas elásticas, neumáticos, papel, pelotas, sillas, mesas, tiza, etc. Todo es válido para jugar y aprender, y los ejercicios aquí descritos nos dan pie a pensar que pueden haber otros materiales a utilizar y que seguramente los mismos niños pensarán en ellos. Realizando los ejercicios y juegos presentados en el libro, el niño trabajará: la estructuración espacio-temporal, la coordinación general, la coordinación óculo-segmentaria, la fuerza, la velocidad, la resistencia, la movilidad articular, el equilibrio, etc., además de aprender a cooperar con los compañeros y a oponerse a los compañeros. Cada uno de los ejercicios consta de una breve explicación, las posibles variantes, el ámbito donde practicarlo, los objetivos y la edad.

Cecilia Valdés or El Angel Hill

Book Description

Cecilia Valdés is arguably the most important novel of 19th century Cuba. Originally published in New York City in 1882, Cirilo Villaverde's novel has fascinated readers inside and outside Cuba since the late 19th century. In this new English translation, a vast landscape emerges of the moral, political, and sexual depravity caused by slavery and colonialism. Set in the Havana of the 1830s, the novel introduces us to Cecilia, a beautiful light-skinned mulatta, who is being pursued by the son of a Spanish slave trader, named Leonardo. Unbeknownst to the two, they are the children of the same father. Eventually Cecilia gives in to Leonardo's advances; she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl. When Leonardo, who gets bored with Cecilia after a while, agrees to marry a white upper class woman, Cecilia vows revenge. A mulatto friend and suitor of hers kills Leonardo, and Cecilia is thrown into prison as an accessory to the crime. For the contemporary reader Helen Lane's masterful translation of Cecilia Valdés opens a new window into the intricate problems of race relations in Cuba and the Caribbean. There are the elite social circles of European and New World Whites, the rich culture of the free people of color, the class to which Cecilia herself belonged, and then the slaves, divided among themselves between those who were born in Africa and those who were born in the New World, and those who worked on the sugar plantation and those who worked in the households of the rich people in Havana. Cecilia Valdés thus presents a vast portrait of sexual, social, and racial oppression, and the lived experience of Spanish colonialism in Cuba.