Miracles and the Concept of Impossibility: The Resurrection and the Shroud of Turin

Book Description

'Miracles and the Concept of Impossibility' takes a fresh look at the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus. A miracle is inexplicable by the methods of science and thus deemed impossible. I examine the concept of impossibility with primary reference to David Hume’s notion that there is a boundary of probability beyond which the improbable becomes the impossible, calculated at 10150. Physicists have declared that the universe is inevitable and, at the same time, impossible. Its inevitability is obvious, but the mind-boggling improbability that a biocentric universe exists vastly exceeds the probability boundary. If a miracle is defined as an impossibility, the universe is a miracle. The origin of life is just as miraculously impossible because the probability of dead organic molecules evolving into the organic molecules of life is even less than it is for the existence of the universe. ... r> This book also looks at what the Resurrection means in terms of the atonement and the concepts of hell and universal salvation. This is followed by an examination of the evidence for the Resurrection and historical and archaeological reasons for trusting the New Testament. Secular explanations of the Resurrection are examined and pitted against the Christian account in terms of their explanatory scope and power. The last two chapters look at the “silent witness” to the resurrection, the Shroud of Turin bearing the image of a terribly tortured and crucified man. For 125 years, scientists have been unable to discover how the image was imprinted on the cloth; thus, I conclude that it is the “silent witness” to the Resurrection—the authentic Shroud of Jesus Christ.

God and the Big Existential Questions

Book Description

Existential questions are deep and profound, philosophical questions that concern our very existence, such as “How did we get here”? “What is the meaning and purpose of my life’? “Is there a God”? and “What happens to me when I die”? Humans have been asking these questions for as long as we have been able to think and reason, and each possible answer spawns a host of additional questions. Existential questions are perhaps ultimately unanswerable, but we must accept the challenge and try, and must entertain the possibility that they may be. The author looks to science and philosophy for answers to such questions. Both modes of thought seek knowledge in their own manner, but philosophers must develop a greater tolerance for ambiguity than scientists because they ask many questions that are only partially amenable, or not at all, to empirical testing, and for which there are no universally agreed upon answers. Philosophy thus ventures into areas that science cannot or will not go. Scientists and philosophers work with different goals and are judged by different standards, although they both share the tools of logic, conceptual analysis, and rigorous argumentation. Questions for which we can acquire definite answers though mathematics and experimentation are the realm of science; questions for which we have no definite answers are the grist for the philosopher’s mill. It is this intellectual uncertainty in which the value of philosophy resides because it engages a liberating doubt.

The Philosophy and Natural Theology of Religion

Book Description

This book is about the philosophy of religion, with strong scientific content from a theistic perspective. It looks at the origin and evolution of the religious impulse, with an emphasis on Plato and Aristotle. After looking at philosophical, ontological, and cosmological arguments for God’s existence, four chapters look at the religious significance of the Big Bang, abiogenesis, the complexity of DNA, and evolution. It draws on social science and historical data in the evaluation of the atheistic alternative to theism, as well as the multiverse explanation as an alternative to the incredible fine-tuning parameters of our universe. The final chapters take on significant theological issues such as the nature of sacred writings, the problem of evil, hell versus universal salvation, miracles, natural theology, the resurrection, and the Shroud of Turin.

The Shroud of Turin and Historical Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Book Description

The book is about the historical proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead based on verifiable ancient history. The book is also about the 150,000 hours of research done on the ancient relic known as the Shroud of Turin, but also how the information studied proves the resurrection based on the science explained by particle physicists.This treatise identifies the cause of the existential crisis in man which leads to despair and the common issues of anxiety, severe depression, insecurity, and fear. This book provides hope for all in an existential crisis through understanding the meaning and purpose for their existence, God's eternal plan and purpose for individuals, and the in-depth theology of atonement which brings man into a relationship with a loving God. This book is the good news about the Savior of the world and his special love for his elect people. The love was manifested by the sacrifice he made for those foreknown and predestinated by him before the world began. Eric Folds is the Pastor of The Christian Church of God, Inc and the Dean of Christian University and Theological Seminary. He has authored numerous books. He is a Consultant and a Nouthetic Counselor. He has studied Theology, Quantum Physics, Ancient History, Ministry, Archaeology, Apologetics, Behavioral Psychology, and Pastoral Counseling. He works with people that are traumatized. He's an entrepreneur and a small business owner. He has seen the miraculous happen and lives radically transformed by the power of Jesus Christ as the risen savior. He is married to Kimberly Folds. Gabriel Folds and Joshua Folds are his two sons.

New Light on Jesus

Book Description

The Resurrection of the Shroud

Book Description

August 2000 marked an unusual event in history: the new millennium's first public exhibition of the Holy Shroud of Turin. Only the fifth exhibition since 1898 and commemorating the Jubilee anniversary of the birth of Jesus, the event in Italy attracted millions of people world-wide. In this book Mark Antonacci scientifically challenges earlier radiocarbon testing and presents new evidence in determining the Shroud's true age. In addition, he provides the first scientific explanation and demonstration of the cause of the image of the man on the Shroud. Despite centuries of efforts from people of different backgrounds throughout the world, this extraordinary image has never been adequately explained -- until now. Based on extensive research of both the author's twenty years of analysis and the findings of scientists commissioned by the author, this work provides scientific and concrete evidence that The Shroud of Turin was indeed used to wrap the body of the historical Jesus Christ.

The Sign

Book Description

How did a first-century Jew called Jesus manage to spark a new religion? Christianity was born nearly two thousand years ago and has won untold millions of followers. Yet, historians still cannot say how it really began. The Sign finally provides the answer. Traditionally, the birth of Christianity has been explained via the miracle of the Resurrection, but historians have been unable to account for Christianity’s remarkable success without the Resurrection to spark it. If no one really saw the Risen Jesus, how were people convinced that he was their immortal Messiah? Art historian Thomas de Wesselow has spent the last seven years deducing the answer to this puzzle. Reassessing a much-misunderstood historical source and reinterpreting critical biblical passages, de Wesselow shows that the solution has been staring us in the face for more than a century. The Shroud of Turin, widely thought to be a fake, is, in fact, authentic. And it holds the key to the greatest mystery in human history.

The Sign

Book Description

The birth of Christianity, nearly 2000 years ago, has shaped the whole course of human history. Yet historians still cannot explain how it all really began. This book provides an answer that surrounds an enigmatic relic long assumed to be a fake: the Shroud of Turin.