Despotic Bodies and Transgressive Bodies

Book Description

Focusing on Spanish culture and society in the second half of the twentieth century, Despotic Bodies and Transgressive Bodies traverses a variety of disciplines: literature, film studies, cultural studies, feminist theory, and history, to examine crucial moments of cultural transition. Beginning with an analysis of the period of autarky—Spain's economic, cultural, and ideological isolation under Francisco Franco's regime— Pavlović then explores the tumultuous passage to capitalism in the late 1950s and 1960s. She follows this by revisiting the complex political situation following Franco's death and points out the difficulties in Spain's transition from dictatorship to democracy. Combining a strong theoretical background with a detailed study of marginalized texts (La fiel infantería), genres (the Spanish comedy known as the comedia sexy celtibérica), and film directors (Jesús Franco), Pavlović reveals the construction of Spanish national identity through years of cultural tensions.

Abuse in the Latin American Church

Book Description

This book addresses the crisis of sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, the region of the world with the highest percentage of Catholics. Bringing together research from across the continent, it demonstrates that abuse within the Church is indeed a global phenomenon, though abuses have taken different forms according to varying sociocultural contexts. With attention to abuses committed against children, women and vulnerable adults – by both men and women – within the settings of parishes, new religious movements and international religious organizations, it also raises questions of justice, asking how to assess the suffering of victims, how to deal with abusers and how to prevent abuses. It will therefore be of interest to scholars of religious studies, sociology, Latin American studies, criminology, theology, and religious leaders with interests in the abuses and scandals that have been revealed in the worldwide Church.

Doing Theology and Theological Ethics in the Face of the Abuse Crisis

Book Description

This volume is the fruit of a "theological laboratory" initiated by the then-Centre for Child Protection and the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC) called "Doing Theology in the Face of Sexual Abuse." Eventually those from the laboratory engaged those meeting for two years via "virtual tables," due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the end, twenty-six scholars offer insights on the crisis itself and pathways for moving forward. There is a certain urgency about this volume, which is not often reflected in works of theology or theological ethics. The sheer scale of the undermining of human dignity through sexual abuse that has occurred within the church asks questions of these disciplines and scholars within them: To what extent have we been blind to these issues? Why have our efforts in theology and theological ethics been so slow to wrestle with this crisis? How are theology and theological ethics implicated in the crisis? And how might the disciplines be constructive in responding? In this volume, we encounter a diverse range of scholars from all around the world wrestling with these and other questions.

Hacer teologia y etica teologica frente a la crisis de los abusos

Book Description

Este volumen titulado "Hacer teología frente al abuso sexual" surge como resultado de un "laboratorio teológico" promovido por el Centro para la Protección Infantil y la Ética Teológica Católica en la Iglesia Mundial (CTEWC). Los participantes, a causa de la pandemia del COVID-19, durante dos años tuvieron que reunirse de manera remota en "mesas virtuales". Tras estos encuentros, veintiséis académicos compartieron sus reflexiones acerca de dicha problemática y sus posibles abordajes. La publicación de esta obra supone cierta urgencia, una urgencia que a menudo no se encuentra en otro tipo de trabajos teológicos o ética teológica. La extensión del daño a la dignidad humana causado por el abuso sexual dentro de la Iglesia plantea profundos dilemas, tanto para las disciplinas como para aquellos que las practican: ¿En qué medida hemos pasado por alto estos problemas? ¿Por qué nuestros esfuerzos en teología y ética teológica han tardado tanto en abordar estos temas? ¿De qué manera están implicadas la teología y la ética teológica en esta crisis? ¿Qué contribuciones específicas podrían ofrecer estas disciplinas para abordar constructivamente este desafío? Este volumen reúne el trabajo de diversos académicos de distintas partes del mundo, todos ellos abocados al análisis y la reflexión sobre estos y otros interrogantes.

When Did we See You Naked?

Book Description

Was the stripping and exposure of Jesus a form of sexual abuse? If so, why does such a reading of Jesus’ suffering matter? The combined impact of the #MeToo movement and a further wave of global revelations on church sexual abuse have given renewed significance to recent work naming Jesus as a victim of sexual abuse. Timely and provocative "When did we see you naked?" presents the arguments for reading Christ as an abuse victim, as well as exploring how the position might be critiqued, and what implications and applications it might offer to the Church.

Trauma and Lived Religion

Book Description

This book focuses on the power of the ‘ordinary’, ‘everydayness’ and ‘embodiment’ as keys to exploring the intersection of trauma and the everyday reality of religion. It critically investigates traumatic experiences from a perspective of lived religion, and therefore, examines how trauma is articulated and lived in the foreground of people’s concrete, material actualities. Trauma and Lived Religion seeks to demonstrate the vital relevance between the concept of lived religion and the study of trauma, and the reciprocal relationship between the two. A central question in this volume therefore focuses on the key dimensions of body, language, memory, testimony, and ritual. It will be of interest to academics in the fields of sociology, psychology, and religious studies with a focus on lived religion and trauma studies, across various religions and cultural contexts.


Book Description

While the celebrity victims of Dr. Larry Nassar and the USA Gymnastics sexual abuse scandals rightly got a lot of attention, the number of affected kids is far more numerous in swimming. Underwater tells the almost unbelievable story, in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, Latin America, and the Middle East, of coaches who preyed on children while hopping from program to program, state to state, and even country to country, in a pattern similar to the pedophile priests of the Catholic Church. Irvin Muchnick, an experienced investigative reporter of the dark side of our popular sports entertainments, gained access to thousands of pages of FBI files and other sources to expose scores of such scenarios, as well as the inaction of bureaucrats and even the most highly regarded politicians. The ranks of abusers include some of the most famous and celebrated coaches in swimming history. And there’s no fixing the problem, the author says, so long as hundreds of thousands of young swimmers annually — elite and casual athletes alike — remain at the mercy of the Olympic system’s money-hungry priorities.

Al hilo del tiempo

Book Description

Al hilo del tiempo recoge los artículos publicados por el autor en los últimos treinta años, estructurados en torno a sus dos principales preocupaciones historiográficas: las Cortes, en especial las del Reino de Valencia, y la burocracia de la España Imperial. La primera parte sitúa las Cortes valencianas en el contexto de la península ibérica y de los parlamentos europeos, y se explican los momentos y circunstancias que llevaron al País Valenciano a aceptar la propuesta de la Unión de Armas del Conde Duque de Olivares en las Cortes de 1626. La segunda parte analiza la función de los colegios mayores españoles como instituciones de mecenazgo para la educación de las elites burocráticas del imperio español y el papel que el Colegio español de Bolonia (Italia) juega en esa dinámica. En la parte final se apuntan temas poco conocidos de una España que todavía conservaba un imperio, como los intentos frustrados de crear una colonia penal española y los esfuerzos de Rafael Altamira en la creación del «americanismo» español. El autor nos invita, por último, a repensar, en base a la experiencia del pasado, la relación de los dos países ibéricos: España y Portugal.

How Political Singers Facilitated the Spanish Transition to Democracy, 1960-1982

Book Description

This study offers an examination of the work of popular Spanish singer-songwriters, Victor Manuel, Joaquin Sabina and Ana Belen, and the connection between their works and the broader context of the Spanish democratic transition (1960-1982). This work should appeal to scholars interested in political science, history, cultural studies and Hispanic studies. singer-songwriters Victor Manuel and Joaquin Sabina and in those by well-known female political singer Ana Belen between the years 1968 and 1982. It examines the connections that existed between their works and the broader Spanish context of the Transition (1960-1982) to democracy. It also explores the representations of Spanish national identity - with special reference to gender differences - that appeared in their texts between 1968 and 1982. It compares the relationship that existed between representations of the nation and national identity in their musical work and Francoist notions of Spain and Spanishness as constructed in different hegemonic discourses. Finally, this book examines some of the most relevant roles that Spanish cancion de autor/a, cantautores and cantantes politicos fulfilled at the time of the Transition, especially among different anti-Francoist collectives.


Book Description

Vol. 1 includes "Organization number," published Nov. 1917.