Ionospheric Heating with Oblique Waves. Volume 2. Applications to High-Frequency Radio Propagation

Book Description

This volume presents numerical calculations of ionospheric electron density perturbations and ground-level signal changes for several electric field distributions produced by high-frequency (HF) transmitters. This volume applies theory developed in earlier work (Vol. 1) to the problem of possible self-effects of powerful obliquely incident radio waves. Using the results from this earlier work, we use field-driven changes in ionospheric electron density to calculate modified ambient refractive index profiles and the consequent effects on ground signal intensity for sample transmitters. Our calculations indicate that ground-level field-intensity changes of several dB might be produced by joule-heating of the ionosphere by intense oblique HF waves. Our results are extremely sensitive to the model ionosphere and therefore indicate that an experiment should employ the widest possible range of frequencies and propagation conditions. (RH).

Propagation of ELF Waves Generated by an HF Ionospheric Heater in the Earth's Plasma Environment

Book Description

Electromagnetic waves in the Extremely Low Frequency range (ELF, 30-3000 Hz) have broad application in physics and engineering such as ionospheric and underground remote sensing and global submarine communications. Additionally, ELF waves can resonantly interact with energetic electrons, an important process that results in the removal of trapped electrons from the radiation belts. ELF waves can be generated by lightning discharges and by natural processes in the Earth's magnetosphere. However, it is extremely difficult to generate ELF waves artificially due to their long wavelengths. In this work, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitter array is used to generate ELF waves. The HAARP array generates ELF waves by heating the lower ionosphere with a powerful (3.6 MW) high frequency (2.75-10 MHz) beam. The heating is modulated at an ELF frequency resulting in modulation of the natural auroral electrojet current, which in turn radiates at the ELF frequency. For four years, a set of experiments was conducted in which ELF signals generated by HAARP were detected by the DEMETER satellite at an altitude of 670 km. In addition to observations, the distribution of ELF power is examined with several modeling techniques to explain the observed features. In the experiments and modeling, three distinct regions of ELF radiation are identified. Region 1, the most important region, is a column of radiation propagating upward into space with a horizontal extent of about the size of the heated region (50-100 km) and average field strengths of 100-150 uV/m at 2 kHz. In Region 2, which can extend up to 300 km laterally from HAARP, it is believed that the waves reach the satellite by propagating directly from the source in the ionosphere without reflection from the ground. In contrast, in Region 3, which can extend to 1000 km from HAARP, the generated waves first propagate in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide and partially leak through the ionosphere to be detected on the spacecraft. During the nighttime, the intense column of radiation (Region 1) is displaced by about 100 km horizontally to the south from the HAARP field line. During the daytime, there is no substantial north-south displacement from the HAARP field line. A horizontally homogeneous full-wave model is used to facilitate the physical understanding of the wave propagation. The model accurately predicts the extents of the three regions during daytime and nighttime conditions as well as the location of Region 1 during daytime. However, during the nighttime the model predicts that the column should be up to 100 km north of the HAARP field line. It is proposed that the displacement in observations during the nighttime is caused by a horizontal electron density gradient within the main ionospheric trough. Using ray tracing simulations, we estimate that the gradient of this trough should be an order of magnitude change over a latitude range of 3-5 degrees. It is also demonstrated that the main ionospheric trough is an important parameter of the medium above HAARP not only for ELF observations but also for other types of experiments too. It is found to occur over HAARP during the nighttime in at least 50% of our cases. The first satellite observations of one-hop and two-hop ELF waves generated via HF heating are reported. Among the important new understandings is the fact that daytime is preferential for this type of ELF generation and propagation to the conjugate region. The signal during the daytime is observed almost two times more often than during the nighttime, and triggered emissions are observed only in the daytime. We also find that the region with the strongest signal is displaced about 300 km toward the equator, and the signal is overall higher toward the equator than toward the pole. It is hypothesized that this can be the result of plasmapause guiding. Another important result is the fact that one/two-hop signals are observed over a long range of distances (> 1000 km) and over a wide range of L-shells, although always with roughly constant time delay. This observation suggests that the propagation in the magnetosphere is within the narrow range of L-shells or within a duct, and wide range in the observations is the result of ELF wave backscattering from the ionosphere.

Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere

Book Description

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 201. Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System brings together for the first time a detailed description of the physics of the IT system in conjunction with numerical techniques to solve the complex system of equations that describe the system, as well as issues of current interest. Volume highlights include discussions of: Physics of the ionosphere and thermosphere IT system, and the numerical methods to solve the basic equations of the IT system The physics and numerical methods to determine the global electrodynamics of the IT system The response of the IT system to forcings from below (i.e., the lower atmosphere) and from above (i.e., the magnetosphere) The physics and numerical methods to model ionospheric irregularities Data assimilation techniques, comparison of model results to data, climate variability studies, and applications to space weather Providing a clear description of the physics of this system in several tutorial-like articles, Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System is of value to the upper atmosphere science community in general. Chapters describing details of the numerical methods used to solve the equations that describe the IT system make the volume useful to both active researchers in the field and students.

Hf Propagation Through Actively Modified Ionospheres

Book Description

We have developed a computer modeling capability to predict the effect of localized electron density perturbations created by chemical releases or high-power radio frequency heating upon oblique, one-hop hf propagation paths. We have included 3-d deterministic descriptions of the depleted or enhanced ionization, including formation, evolution, and drift. We have developed a homing ray trace code to calculate the path of energy propagation through the modified ionosphere in order to predict multipath effects. We also consider the effect of random index of refraction variations using a formalism to calculate the mutual coherence functions for spatial and frequency separations based upon a path integral solution of the parabolic wave equation for a single refracted path through an ionosphere which contains random electron density fluctuations. 5 refs., 8 figs.

Space Weather Monitoring by Ground-Based Means

Book Description

This book demonstrates that the method, based on the ground polar cap magnetic observations is a reliable diagnosis of the solar wind energy coming into the magnetosphere Method for the uninterruptive monitoring of the magnetosphere state (i.e. space weather). It shows that the solar wind energy pumping power, can be described by the PC growth rate, thus, the magnetospheric substorms features are predetermined by the PC dynamics. Furthermore, it goes on to show that the beginning and ending of magnetic storms is predictable. The magnetic storm start only if the solar energy input into the magnetosphere exceeds a certain level and stops when the energy input turns out to be below this level.

Ionospheric Modeling and Propagation Analysis

Book Description

This report describes several studies performed toward improving our knowledge of the properties of High-Frequency communication circuits. These studies included the development of three dimensional electron density models and the analysis of various propagation modes in the ionosphere. Several vertical electron density models were constructed that proved to be useful in both global and polar region HF applications. Improvements were made to existing models for individual ionospheric layer parameters. Some of the properties of long range ducted modes have been isolated using ray tracing techniques. The relative probability of establishing and maintaining ducted modes as a function of HF circuit parameters for various ionospheric conditions has been explored. The stability of these modes for small perturbations to the ambient ionosphere has also been studied. Injection into ionospheric ducts by artificially heating localized regions of the ionosphere has been investigated. Spatial distributions and intensity patterns have been obtained for irregularities in the electron density which align themselves with the local geomagnetic field.

Low-Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas

Book Description

Low-frequency waves in space plasmas have been studied for several decades, and our knowledge gain has been incremental with several paradigm-changing leaps forward. In our solar system, such waves occur in the ionospheres and magnetospheres of planets, and around our Moon. They occur in the solar wind, and more recently, they have been confirmed in the Sun’s atmosphere as well. The goal of wave research is to understand their generation, their propagation, and their interaction with the surrounding plasma. Low-frequency Waves in Space Plasmas presents a concise and authoritative up-to-date look on where wave research stands: What have we learned in the last decade? What are unanswered questions? While in the past waves in different astrophysical plasmas have been largely treated in separate books, the unique feature of this monograph is that it covers waves in many plasma regions, including: Waves in geospace, including ionosphere and magnetosphere Waves in planetary magnetospheres Waves at the Moon Waves in the solar wind Waves in the solar atmosphere Because of the breadth of topics covered, this volume should appeal to a broad community of space scientists and students, and it should also be of interest to astronomers/astrophysicists who are studying space plasmas beyond our Solar System.