Modeling Shock Initiation in Composition B.

Book Description

A hydrodynamic modeling study of the shock initiation behavior of Composition B explosive was performed using the {open_quotes}Ignition and Growth of Reaction in High Explosive{close_quotes} model developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The HE (heterogeneous explosives) responses were computed using the CALE and DYNA2D hydrocodes and then compared to experimental results. The data from several standard shock initiation and HE performance experiments was used to determine the parameters required for the model. Simulations of the wedge tests (pop plots) and failure diameter tests were found to be sufficient for defining the ignition and growth parameters used in the two term version of the computational model. These coefficients were then applied in the response analysis of several Composition B impact initiation experiments. A description of the methodology used to determine the coefficients and the resulting range of useful application of the ignition and growth of reaction model is described.


Book Description

Shock initiation experiments on the explosives Composition B and C-4 were performed to obtain in-situ pressure gauge data for the purpose of determining the Ignition and Growth reactive flow model with proper modeling parameters. A 101 mm diameter propellant driven gas gun was utilized to initiate the explosive charges containing manganin piezoresistive pressure gauge packages embedded in the explosive sample. Experimental data provided new information on the shock velocity versus particle velocity relationship for each of the investigated materials in their respective pressure range. The run-distance-to-detonation points on the Pop-plot for these experiments showed agreement with previously published data, and Ignition and Growth modeling calculations resulted in a good fit to the experimental data. These experimental data were used to determine Ignition and Growth reactive flow model parameters for these explosives. Identical ignition and growth reaction rate parameters were used for C-4 and Composition B, and the Composition B model also included a third reaction rate to simulate the completion of reaction by the TNT component. The Composition B model was then tested on existing short pulse duration, gap test, and projectile impact shock initiation with good results. This Composition B model can be applied to shock initiation scenarios that have not or cannot be tested experimentally with a high level of confidence in its predictions.


Book Description

Shock initiation experiments on the explosives Composition B and C-4 were performed to obtain in-situ pressure gauge data for the purpose of providing the Ignition and Growth reactive flow model with proper modeling parameters. A 100 mm diameter propellant driven gas gun was utilized to initiate the explosive charges containing manganin piezoresistive pressure gauge packages embedded in the explosive sample. Experimental data provided new information on the shock velocity--particle velocity relationship for each of the investigated material in their respective pressure range. The run-distance-to-detonation points on the Pop-plot for these experiments showed agreement with previously published data, and Ignition and Growth modeling calculations resulted in a good fit to the experimental data. Identical ignition and growth reaction rate parameters were used for C-4 and Composition B, and the Composition B model also included a third reaction rate to simulate the completion of reaction by the TNT component. This model can be applied to shock initiation scenarios that have not or cannot be tested experimentally with a high level of confidence in its predictions.

Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants, Second Edition

Book Description

Charles Mader, a leading scientist who conducted theoretical research at Los Alamos National Laboratory for more than 30 years, sets a new standard with this reference on numerical modeling of explosives and propellants. This book updates and expands the information presented in the author's landmark work, Numerical Modeling of Detonations, published in 1979 and still in use today. Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants incorporates the considerable changes the personal computer has brought to numerical modeling since the first book was published, and includes new three-dimensional modeling techniques and new information on propellant performance and vulnerability. Both an introduction to the physics and chemistry of explosives and propellants and a guide to numerical modeling of detonation and reactive fluid dynamics, Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants offers scientists and engineers a complete picture of the current state of explosive and propellant technology and numerical modeling. The book is richly illustrated with figures that support the concepts, and filled with tables for quick access to precise data. The accompanying CD-ROM contains computer codes that are the national standard by which modeling is evaluated. Dynamic material properties data files and animation files are also included. There is no other book available today that offers this vital information.

Modeling The Shock Initiation of PBX-9501 in ALE3D.

Book Description

The SMIS (Specific Munitions Impact Scenario) experimental series performed at Los Alamos National Laboratory has determined the 3-dimensional shock initiation behavior of the HMX-based heterogeneous high explosive, PBX 9501. A series of finite element impact calculations have been performed in the ALE3D [1] hydrodynamic code and compared to the SMIS results to validate the code predictions. The SMIS tests use a powder gun to shoot scaled NATO standard fragments at a cylinder of PBX 9501, which has a PMMA case and a steel impact cover. The SMIS real-world shot scenario creates a unique test-bed because many of the fragments arrive at the impact plate off-center and at an angle of impact. The goal of this model validation experiments is to demonstrate the predictive capability of the Tarver-Lee Ignition and Growth (I & G) reactive flow model [2] in this fully 3-dimensional regime of Shock to Detonation Transition (SDT). The 3-dimensional Arbitrary Lagrange Eulerian hydrodynamic model in ALE3D applies the Ignition and Growth (I & G) reactive flow model with PBX 9501 parameters derived from historical 1-dimensional experimental data. The model includes the off-center and angle of impact variations seen in the experiments. Qualitatively, the ALE3D I & G calculations accurately reproduce the 'Go/No-Go' threshold of the Shock to Detonation Transition (SDT) reaction in the explosive, as well as the case expansion recorded by a high-speed optical camera. Quantitatively, the calculations show good agreement with the shock time of arrival at internal and external diagnostic pins. This exercise demonstrates the utility of the Ignition and Growth model applied in a predictive fashion for the response of heterogeneous high explosives in the SDT regime.

Shock Initiation Modelling of Explosives

Book Description

In this report, a description is given of the modeling work on the subject of shock initiation of explosive materials that has been carried out at TNO Prins Maurits Laboratory (TNO-PML) in recent years. Initially, simulations were carried out with the Lee-Tarver shock initiation model, implemented in the hydrocode Autodyn. Although several aspects of shock initiation can be described satisfactorily with this model, the model cannot describe the experimentally observed dependencies of the initiation behaviour on the explosive particle size. Therefore the model has been adjusted by incorporating a viscoplastic pore collapse initiation mechanism, based on the work of Khasainov et al. The first results obtained with the adjusted model show that some experimental results can already be explained and that the incorporation of the pore collapse mechanism is a good starting point for further development of the shock initiation model.

Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants

Book Description

Major advances, both in modeling methods and in the computing power required to make those methods viable, have led to major breakthroughs in our ability to model the performance and vulnerability of explosives and propellants. In addition, the development of proton radiography during the last decade has provided researchers with a major new experimental tool for studying explosive and shock wave physics. Problems that were once considered intractable – such as the generation of water cavities, jets, and stems by explosives and projectiles – have now been solved. Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants, Third Edition provides a complete overview of this rapidly emerging field, covering basic reactive fluid dynamics as well as the latest and most complex methods and findings. It also describes and evaluates Russian contributions to the experimental explosive physics database, which only recently have become available. This book comes with downloadable resources that contain— · FORTRAN and executable computer codes that operate under Microsoft® Windows Vista operating system and the OS X operating system for Apple computers · Windows Vista and MAC compatible movies and PowerPoint presentations for each chapter · Explosive and shock wave databases generated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Russian Federal Nuclear Centers Charles Mader’s three-pronged approach – through text, computer programs, and animations – imparts a thorough understanding of new computational methods and experimental measuring techniques, while also providing the tools to put these methods to effective use.