Monetary Theory in Retrospect

Book Description

An objective and perceptive account of the literature of monetary theory, this volume, by a central banker who has studied monetary theory over the last quarter of a century, clearly shows how its inherent complexity is much enriched by the study of its history. In three parts Filippo Cesarano: focuses on the innovative ideas of distinguished economists who anticipated modern theories, elaborating on them along lines that suggest original research programmes examines the impact of expectations on the effectiveness of monetary policy, illustrating how different assumptions within the classical paradigm lead to diverse hypotheses and policy design investigates the role of monetary theory in shaping monetary institutions. Deserving of a wide readership among both academic economists and monetary policy practitioners, this collection of essays is key reading for students and researchers engaged with monetary theory and the history of economics and policy makers seeking to weigh up the assumptions underlying different theories in order to select the models best suited to the problems they face.

Economic Theory in Retrospect

Book Description

This book focuses on the economic theories in the leading works and mainstream ideas.

Modern Money Theory

Book Description

This second edition explores how money 'works' in the modern economy and synthesises the key principles of Modern Money Theory, exploring macro accounting, currency regimes and exchange rates in both the USA and developing nations.

Studies in the History of Monetary Theory

Book Description

This book presents an alternative approach to monetary theory that differs from the General Theory of Keynes, the Monetarism of Friedman, and the New Classicism of Lucas. Particular attention is given to the work of Hawtrey and his analysis of financial crises and his explanation of the Great Depression. The unduly neglected monetary theory of Hawtrey is examined in the context of his contemporaries Keynes and Hayek and the subsequent contributions of Friedman and of the Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments. Studies in the History of Monetary Theory aims to highlight the misunderstandings of the quantity theory and the price-specie-flow mechanism and to explain their unfortunate consequences for the subsequent development of monetary theory. The book is relevant to researchers, students, and policymakers interested in the history of economic thought, monetary theory, and monetary policy.

The Causes, Costs and Compensations of Inflation

Book Description

It is difficult to give justice to this intriguing book within the confines of a short review. Ernst Juerg Weber, History of Economics Review Coleman s book provides an impressively clear, lively, and intuitive discussion of three of the most important issues in all of monetary economics. I recommend it highly to all readers with an interest in these issues. Peter N. Ireland, Journal of Economic Literature William Coleman s book offers a highly original and insightful discussion of the state of modern monetary theory. Professor Coleman covers difficult issues with a lightness of touch that makes for a very readable discussion. It will benefit students as well as professional economists and policymakers. Kevin Dowd, University of Nottingham, UK This book explores the causes, costs and benefits of inflation. It argues that while the cause of inflation is essentially monetary, the costs and benefits of inflation lie in inflation s distortion of the economy's responses to real shocks. The book begins by securing the Quantity Theory of Money from certain critiques. The theory is defended from the fiscal theory of the price level by a refinement of the theory of money demand, and from post Keynesianism by the construction of a theory of the supply of inside money. To cope with the endogeneity of outside money, a simple and tractable neo-Wicksellian theory of inflation is advanced, which is shown to exhibit a striking homology with the Quantity Theory. The author then traces the costliness of inflation, not to any disturbance of the money market, but to the damage inflation does to the bond market s function of sharing out disturbances to consumption caused by technological shocks. The same damage, however, imparts an egalitarian dynamic to the accumulation of wealth, which will not occur without risky inflation. The Causes, Costs and Compensations of Inflation will be of great interest to policy makers, central bankers, researchers, and both post-graduate and undergraduate students in macroeconomics, money and banking.

The Evolution of Economic Ideas

Book Description

An introduction to the history of economics for undergraduate students. Puts some of the current theoretical controversies into long-term perspective by tracing their historical antecedents and parallels.

Money and Monetary Systems

Book Description

Monetary theory not only provides the tools to analyse monetary arrangements, it also shapes them in an essential way. The selected papers gathered together in this book deal with a variety of topics concerning both aspects of this twofold relationship. A number of controversial issues regarding the demand for money are empirically investigated and the functioning of a cashless economy is clarified by critically assessing the new monetary economics. Filippo Cesarano shows the important role played by monetary theory in shaping the evolution of monetary arrangements. This principle is illustrated by focusing on several issues relating to both current and future developments of monetary institutions: the optimum quantity of money, the international monetary system and monetary unions. Equilibrium models are viewed as a benchmark against which the actual conditions of the economy must be set. Money and Monetary Systems will be of great interest and value to economists specialising in monetary theory and international monetary economics, postgraduate students in economics and economic historians.

Money Upside Down

Book Description

A historic analysis of the evolution of money and credit reveals how the nature of money changed: private property plus interest, tally sticks, coinage, fractional reserve banking, gold standards, fiat currencies, debasement of fiat against gold. The results of the historic analysis are combined with the new theories of money, credit, and finance of Bethmann, Heinsohn, Kindleberger, Kutyn, Malik, Martin, Minsky, Nuri, Rothbard, Soddy, Soros, and Steiger. Their integration forms a stringent economic theory that is able to explain the past and present economic and financial system from a very new perspective executing a paradigm shift in economics, finance, and monetary theory.

Monetary Theory

Book Description

Competing Schools of Economic Thought

Book Description

1. 1 Introduction This book was born out of our reaction to the way in which the usual texts cover the subject of the history of economic thought. In most of these texts, there is a tendency to emphasize the similarities and differences between all the important economists and form a repository of encyclopedic knowledge where one can study the seemingly important economic ideas. In this book, we argue that it is much more fruitful to focus on the essential ideas of each and every school of economic thought and relate them to present-day problems, than to engage into a sterile discussion of the ideas and the lives of the great economists of the past. Thus, although this book deals with the history of economic thought, it does not necessarily follow a historic (in the sense of the order of presentation) approach, but rather a logical one, that is to say it deals with the social conditions associated with the emergence of a school of economic thought, its evolution, and its contemporary in?uence. One cannot write a book on the history of economic thought without writing separate chapters on the major economists of the past, that is, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, and J. M. Keynes. Of course these economists formed schools of economic thought, that is, the classical and the Keynesian.