Monte Carlo Application for the Use of Detector Response Function on Scintillation Detector Spectra

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The DRF is the pulse height distribution for an incident radiation, and is also a PDF which has the properties of always being greater than or equal to zero and also integrates to unity. The application of the DRF on a simulated spectrum results in the benchmarking of the simulation results with experimental results. The results are the nice Gaussian shapes that are caused by the statistical fluctuations in the energy and collection efficiency of the detector. To find the perfect simulation of the DRF is impossible due to the fact that the detector might have imperfections, where electrons can essentially become trapped and not be collected. One must rely on empirical models of nonlinearity and simulation data to do this. This is what CEARÃØâ'Ơâ"Øs DRF code g03 does. The time consuming task of a code like g03 is the time it takes to simulate the Monte Carlo simulation, in particular the electron transport of it. G03 couples rigorous gamma ray transport with very simple electron transport. By this methodology the non-linearity and the variable flat continua part of the DRF is accounted for. There are some problems and upgrades that needed to be addressed, for instance the difference in the valley region between the Photopeak and Compton Edge and parts of the Compton Continuum. This Monte Carlo simulation also simulates the detector as a bare crystal. It was found that this could account for as much of a reduction of as much 5 percent of the incident energy. And also distort the response function in the lower energy range of the function. For this MCNP was employed to simulate the difference between the bare and covered crystal. The MCNP simulation also included a surface current tally for electrons and photons on the interface between the can and the crystal, and also the interface between the side of the crystal and the can. From the results of the simulation of the can and no can simulation for the pulse height spectra are different. It here when it was determined.

A Monte Carlo Calculation to Simulate Detector Response to Underwater Gamma Rays

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The response function of a scintillation detector surrounded by a monoenergetic gamma-ray source which is uniformly dispersed in an infinite volume of water has been calculated. The method of calculation is that of random sampling (Monte Carlo) and is programmed for the IBM 7090 computer. Rather than starting the sampling by taking gamma-ray sources at random throughout the volume of water the response is determined for a weighted set of secondary gamma-ray sources taken to be on the surface of the detector system. The spectrum of secondary energies chosen is taken to be the quilibrium flux distribution which is obtained in an infinite volume of water in which there is no detector. The detector response is determined by a superposition of the weighted secondary sources. Detector response has been obtaine for gamma-ray sources from Cr51, Cs137, K40, Na24, and Ce144. The calculated response for these sources agrees quite well with the measured response in shape but not in magnitude. Here, it is found that the artificial spectra have an amplitude which is approximately 1.6 times the measured spectra. This difference appears to be mainly due to two sources: the difference in geometry between the actual spectrometer and the 'spectrometer' used for the calculation and the approximation in which the distribution of secondary source neglects the presence of the detector. (Author).

Monte Carlo Calculated Response of the Dual Thin Scintillation Detector in the Sum Coincidence Mode

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The Dual Thin Scintillator (DTS) is a unique neutron detector that is being developed for improved fluence and spectrum measurement. Current attention has been directed towards understanding some details of the detector response in the sum coincidence mode of operation where a peaked pulse height response is exhibited throughout the energy region of interest. As a result of the peaked distribution, the detector efficiency is a weak function of the pulse height bias, allowing the number of recorded events above the bias to be determined with greater certainty. A Monte Carlo code has been used to calculate the sum coincidence pulse height response at several energies within the 1 to 15 MeV region. The detector efficiency as a function of neutron energy has also been calculated. The results of the Monte Carlo calculations, which include the effect of multiple scattering on the shape of the response function and efficiency curve are presented.

A New Monte Carlo Assisted Approach to Detector Response Functions

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The physical mechanisms that describe the components of NaI, Ge, and SiLi detector response have been investigated using Monte Carlosimulation. The mechanisms described focus on the shape of the Compton edge, the magnitude of the flat continuum, and the shape of the exponential tailsfeatures. These features are not accurately predicted by previous Monte Carlosimulation. Probable interaction mechanisms for each detector responsecomponent is given based on this Monte Carlo simulation. Precollision momentum of the electron is considered when simulating incoherentscattering of the photon. The description of the Doppler broadened photonenergy spectrum corrects the shape of the Compton edge. Special attention isgiven to partial energy loss mechanisms in the frontal region of the detectorlike the escape of photoelectric and Auger electrons or low-energy X-rays from the detector surface. The results include a possible physical mechanismdescribing the exponential tail feature that is generated by a separate MonteCarlo simulation. Also included is a description of a convolution effect thataccounts for the difference in magnitude of the flat continuum in the MonteCarlo simulation and experimental spectra. The convolution describes anenhanced electron loss. Results of these applications are discussed.

Monte Carlo Calculations of Low Background Detector Response

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An implementation of the Electron Gamma Shower 4 code (EGS4) has been developed to allow convenient simulation of typical gamma ray measurement systems. Coincidence gamma rays, beta spectra, and angular correlations have been added to adequately simulate a complete nuclear decay and provide corrections to experimentally determined detector efficiencies. This code has been used to strip certain low-background spectra for the purpose of extremely low-level assay. Monte Carlo calculations of this sort can be extremely successful since low background detectors are usually free of significant contributions from poorly localized radiation sources, such as cosmic muons, secondary cosmic neutrons, and radioactive construction or shielding materials. Validation of this code has been obtained from a series of comparisons between measurements and blind calculations. The singles counting efficiency of a particular counting experiment was reproduced within the accuracy of the known dimensions of the detector components. This allowed the complete simulation of a nuclear decay, including two coincident gamma rays with a non-isotropic angular correlation. In addition, text-book efficiency curves have been reproduced for several sizes of sodium iodide detectors. Examples of the use and several spectral results are presented.

A Monte Carlo Simulation and Deconvolution Study of Detector Response Function for Small Field Measurements

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Different types of radiation detectors are routinely used for the dosimetry of photon beams. Finite detector sizes have certain effects to the broadening of the measured beam penumbra. The problem is more important in small field measurement, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, small beamlet IMRT, etc. The dosimetry associated with small fields is very difficult because of the steep dose gradients and the lack of lateral electronic equilibrium conditions that complicate the interpretation of the dose measurement. Many Researchers have investigated this problem from different points of view utilizing, for example, extrapolation method, analytical method. But their studies were all measurements based. In this study, we investigated the problem using Monte Carlo simulation method. Compared with practical measurements, the advantages of using Monte Carlo simulation are: 1. Simulation can be performed in a scenario where radiation dosimetry is technically difficult or even impossible to accomplish; 2. Possible systematic errors, e.g., setup errors, reading errors, can be eliminated; 3. Simulation of radiation detectors which are not readily available allowed the study of a wider range of detector sizes. In this study we used Monte Carlo methods to develop and apply detector response functions (DRFs) for three types of clinically available radiation detectors and two theoretical detectors. Detector response functions were determined by deconvolving known values of input (simulated true data from Monte Carlo simulation) and output (simulated empirical data from Monte Carlo simulation or empirical data from radiation dosimetry). Deconvolved detector response functions were applied to typical stereotactic radiosurgery fields to obtain the true beam profile. This application was then benchmarked by both Monte Carlo simulation method and dosimetry methods, which include diode dosimetry, radiographic film dosimetry, and Gafchromic film dosimetry. The results of this research demonstrate: 1. Detector response function of cylindrical detectors can be approximately represented as a Gaussian distribution dependent upon the radius of the detector; 2. Deconvolution method can create a more realistic beam profile by reducing the detector size effect, however it can not completely remove this effect limited by the inaccuracy derived from the Fourier transform-based nature of this procedure; 3. Diode dosimetry and Gafchromic film dosimetry both yield satisfactory beam profiles in small field relative measurements and are the preferred measurement techniques.

Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging

Book Description

The handbook centers on detection techniques in the field of particle physics, medical imaging and related subjects. It is structured into three parts. The first one is dealing with basic ideas of particle detectors, followed by applications of these devices in high energy physics and other fields. In the last part the large field of medical imaging using similar detection techniques is described. The different chapters of the book are written by world experts in their field. Clear instructions on the detection techniques and principles in terms of relevant operation parameters for scientists and graduate students are given.Detailed tables and diagrams will make this a very useful handbook for the application of these techniques in many different fields like physics, medicine, biology and other areas of natural science.