Multiple-Field Multispectral Imaging Using Wide-Angle Lenses

Book Description

Inopticalsolutions Notebooks are concise technical books that offer Ronian Siew's insights into specific topics in optics and optical systems. Wide-angle lenses possess a characteristic that off-axis ray bundles tend to "de-cluster" in front of the first element of the lens system, which enables an array of bandpass filters to be mounted there. This allows subareas across a wide field to be imaged through different spectral bands simultaneously, and through a shared aperture (i.e., the system's aperture stop). Ronian calls this "Multiple-Field Multispectral" (MFMS) imaging. One of the advantages of this approach to spectral imaging is that there is minimal spectral shift of the bandpass through each filter, as the central ray within ray bundles from each field is at normal incidence to the filter. This also results in minimal astigmatism introduced by the filter. This book discusses the optical design of MFMS imaging systems and suggests practical applications. Want a "feel" for the book's content? CUT AND PASTE the following link to preview first pages (note that the content in the printed book is in BLACK & WHITE): https: //

Multispectral Image Sensors Using Metasurfaces

Book Description

This book presents how metasurfaces are exploited to develop new low-cost single sensor based multispectral cameras. Multispectral cameras extend the concept of conventional colour cameras to capture images with multiple color bands and with narrow spectral passbands. Images from a multispectral camera can extract significant amount of additional information that the human eye or a normal camera fails to capture and thus have important applications in precision agriculture, forestry, medicine, object identifications, and classifications. Conventional multispectral cameras are made up of multiple image sensors each externally fitted with a narrow passband wavelength filters, optics and multiple electronics. The need for multiple sensors for each band results in a number of problems such as being bulky, power hungry and suffering from image co-registration problems which in turn limits their wide usage. The above problems can be eliminated if a multispectral camera is developed using one single image sensor.​

Development of a New Multispectral Imaging System Consisting of a Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter

Book Description

[ANGLÈS] The aim of this study was to develop a new portable multispectral system basically composed of a monochrome digital camera, a liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) and a laptop. The system had a high spatial resolution (pixels of the camera) as well as a high spectral resolution, which was determined by the number of available spectral bands (from 400 to 720 nm with a 10-nm step). The software to control the system was developed, and its physical properties, especially the transmission of the spectral bands and the spatial uniformity, were characterized. Furthermore, the optimal objective lens was selected according to the desired requirements (field of view, angle-of-acceptance etc.). Using the developed setup, multispectral images of several scenes were captured and the spectral radiance and reflectance on any pixel were computed. This novel system is a good alternative to conventional spectrophotometers when high spatial resolution is required, nevertheless some arrangements are still needed to improve its performance.

Scientific Examination of Art

Book Description

Examines the application of scientific methods to the study and conservation of art and cultural properties. This work addresses scientific topics of broad interest, cutting across the boundaries of traditional disciplines and attracting up to 250 leadingresearchers in the field.

Ultra-narrowband Multispectral Imaging

Book Description

"This book provides insight into an unconventional modality of imaging where several spectral images are captured by a single snapshot under multi-laser illumination, ensuring high-speed imaging within extremely narrow spectral bands. This method has three distinct advantages, if compared to common commercial multispectral imaging systems - considerably improved spectral selectivity (or colour sensitivity) of imaging, avoided motion artefacts in the spectral image sets, and simpler/faster image processing as integrals over the spectral bands of imaging are replaced by numbers of the fixed working wavelengths. The basic principles and progress in this field are reviewed, focusing on applications for human skin diagnostics and printed forgery detection. The designs of ten different lab-developed prototypes that implement this method are described, along with results of their laboratory, clinical and/or forensic tests. This research leads to the development of new equipment and protocols for better skin diagnostics and the advanced detection of money, document, and artwork forgeries. Chapter 1 explains the basics of spectral imaging, including the main principles of multispectral and hyperspectral imaging. Chapter 2 introduces the snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging (SMSLI) method, focusing on lasers as multi-wavelength illumination sources. Chapter 3 describes multi-laser illumination designs while Chapter 4 presents main specifications of the lab-assembled prototype devices implementing such designs. Results of the test measurements confirming applicability of the developed solutions for analysis/mapping of colour pigments in clinical diagnostics and forgery detection are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6, respectively. This will be a valuable reference for laser and imaging professionals, photonics researchers and engineers, clinicians (dermatologists, plastic surgeons, oncologists), forensic experts, and students of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering"--

Dynamic Multispectral Imaging System with Spectral Zooming Capability and Its Applications

Book Description

The main focus of this dissertation is to develop a multispectral imaging system with spectral zooming capability and also successfully demonstrate its promising medical applications through combining this technique with microscope system. The realization of the multispectral imaging method in this dissertation is based on the 4-f spatial filtering principle. When a collimated light is dispersed by the grating, there exists a clear linear distribution spectral line or spectrum at the Fourier plane of the Fourier transform lens group base on the Abbe imaging theory and optics Fourier Transform principle. The optical images, not the collimated light, are applied into this setup and the spectrum distribution still keeps linear relationship with the spatial positions at Fourier plane, even through there exists additional spectral crosstalk or overlap. The spatial filter or dynamic electrical filters used at the Fourier plane will facilitate randomly access the desired spectral waveband and agilely adjust the passband width. It offers the multispectral imaging functionality with spectral zooming capability. The system is flexible and efficiency. A dual-channel spectral imaging system based on the multispectral imaging method and acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) is proposed in the dissertation. The multispectral imaging method and the AOTF will form spate imaging channels and the two spectral channels work together to enhance the system efficiency. The AOTF retro reflection design is explored in the dissertation and experimental results demonstrate this design could effectively improve the spectral resolution of the passband. Moreover, a field lens is introduced into the multispectral imaging system to enhance the field of view of the system detection range. The application of field lens also improves the system spectral resolution, image quality and minimizes the system size. This spectral imaging system can be used for many applications. The compact prototype multispectral imaging system has been built and many outdoor remote spectral imaging tests have been performed. The spectral imaging design has also been successfully applied into microscope imaging. The prototype multispectral microscopy system shows excellent capability for normal optical detection of medical specimen and fluorescent emission imaging/diagnosis. Experiment results have demonstrated this design could realize both spectral zoom and optical zoom at the same time. This design facilitates fast spectral waveband adjustment as well as increasing speed, flexibility, and reduced cost.

Vegetation Monitoring

Book Description

This annotated bibliography documents literature addressing the design and implementation of vegetation monitoring. It provides resources managers, ecologists, and scientists access to the great volume of literature addressing many aspects of vegetation monitoring: planning and objective setting, choosing vegetation attributes to measure, sampling design, sampling methods, statistical and graphical analysis, and communication of results. Over half of the 1400 references have been annotated. Keywords pertaining to the type of monitoring or method are included with each bibliographic entry. Keyword index.

NASA Tech Briefs

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Laser Diagnostics for Combustion Temperature and Species

Book Description

Focusing on spectroscopically-based, spatially-precise, laser techniques for temperature and chemical composition measurements in reacting and non-reacting flows, this book makes these powerful and important new tools in combustion research