Multiresolution Frequency Domain Technique for Electromagnetics

Book Description

Presents a general frequency domain numerical method similar to the finite difference frequency domain (FDFD) technique. The objective of developing this new technique is to achieve a frequency domain scheme which exhibits improved computational efficiency figures compared to the traditional FDFD method.

Multiresolution Frequency Domain Technique for Electromagnetics

Book Description

In this book, a general frequency domain numerical method similar to the finite difference frequency domain (FDFD) technique is presented. The proposed method, called the multiresolution frequency domain (MRFD) technique, is based on orthogonal Battle-Lemarie and biorthogonal Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau (CDF) wavelets. The objective of developing this new technique is to achieve a frequency domain scheme which exhibits improved computational efficiency figures compared to the traditional FDFD method: reduced memory and simulation time requirements while retaining numerical accuracy. The newly introduced MRFD scheme is successfully applied to the analysis of a number of electromagnetic problems, such as computation of resonance frequencies of one and three dimensional resonators, analysis of propagation characteristics of general guided wave structures, and electromagnetic scattering from two dimensional dielectric objects. The efficiency characteristics of MRFD techniques based on different wavelets are compared to each other and that of the FDFD method. Results indicate that the MRFD techniques provide substantial savings in terms of execution time and memory requirements, compared to the traditional FDFD method. Table of Contents: Introduction / Basics of the Finite Difference Method and Multiresolution Analysis / Formulation of the Multiresolution Frequency Domain Schemes / Application of MRFD Formulation to Closed Space Structures / Application of MRFD Formulation to Open Space Structures / A Multiresolution Frequency Domain Formulation for Inhomogeneous Media / Conclusion

Multiresolution Time Domain Scheme for Electromagnetic Engineering

Book Description

The rapid development of computer techniques and information technologies in recent decades has fueled the need for efficient tools for electromagnetic modeling of millimeter-wave integrated circuits, high-speed and high-density VLSI circuits, including computer chips and wireless computer applications.

MRTD (Multi Resolution Time Domain) Method in Electromagnetics

Book Description

This book presents a method that allows the use of multiresolution principles in a time domain electromagnetic modeling technique that is applicable to general structures. The multiresolution time-domain (MRTD) technique, as it is often called, is presented for general basis functions. Additional techniques that are presented here allow the modeling of complex structures using a subcell representation that permits the modeling discrete electromagnetic effects at individual equivalent grid points. This is accomplished by transforming the application of the effects at individual points in the grid into the wavelet domain. In this work, the MRTD technique is derived for a general wavelet basis using a relatively compact vector notation that both makes the technique easier to understand and illustrates the differences between MRTD basis functions. In addition, techniques such as the uniaxial perfectly matched layer (UPML) for arbitrary wavelet resolution and non-uniform gridding are presented. Using these techniques, any structure that can be simulated in Yee-FDTD can be modeled with in MRTD.

Iterative Multi-region Technique for the Analysis of Large Scale Electromagnetic Problems

Book Description

In this work an iterative approach using the finite difference frequency domain method is presented in order to solve the problem of scattering from large scale electromagnetic structures. The idea of the proposed iterative approach is to divide one computational domain into smaller sub-regions and solve each sub-region separately. Then the sub-region solutions are combined iteratively to obtain a solution for the complete domain. As a result, a considerable reduction in the computation time and memory is achieved. This procedure is referred to as the Iterative Multi-Region technique.

Double-Grid Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (DG-FDFD) Method for Scattering from Chiral Objects

Book Description

This book presents the application of the overlapping grids approach to solve chiral material problems using the FDFD method. Due to the two grids being used in the technique, we will name this method as Double-Grid Finite Difference Frequency-Domain (DG-FDFD) method. As a result of this new approach the electric and magnetic field components are defined at every node in the computation space. Thus, there is no need to perform averaging during the calculations as in the aforementioned FDFD technique [16]. We formulate general 3D frequency-domain numerical methods based on double-grid (DG-FDFD) approach for general bianisotropic materials. The validity of the derived formulations for different scattering problems has been shown by comparing the obtained results to exact and other solutions obtained using different numerical methods. Table of Contents: Introduction / Chiral Media / Basics of the Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (FDFD) Method / The Double-Grid Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (DG-FDFD) Method for Bianisotropic Medium / Scattering FromThree Dimensional Chiral Structures / ImprovingTime and Memory Efficiencies of FDFD Methods / Conclusions / Appendix A: Notations / Appendix B: Near to Far FieldTransformation

Double-Grid Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (DG-FDFD) Method for Scattering from Chiral Objects

Book Description

This book presents the application of the overlapping grids approach to solve chiral material problems using the FDFD method. Due to the two grids being used in the technique, we will name this method as Double-Grid Finite Difference Frequency-Domain (DG-FDFD) method. As a result of this new approach the electric and magnetic field components are defined at every node in the computation space. Thus, there is no need to perform averaging during the calculations as in the aforementioned FDFD technique [16]. We formulate general 3D frequency-domain numerical methods based on double-grid (DG-FDFD) approach for general bianisotropic materials. The validity of the derived formulations for different scattering problems has been shown by comparing the obtained results to exact and other solutions obtained using different numerical methods. Table of Contents: Introduction / Chiral Media / Basics of the Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (FDFD) Method / The Double-Grid Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (DG-FDFD) Method for Bianisotropic Medium / Scattering FromThree Dimensional Chiral Structures / ImprovingTime and Memory Efficiencies of FDFD Methods / Conclusions / Appendix A: Notations / Appendix B: Near to Far FieldTransformation

Wavelet Applications in Engineering Electromagnetics

Book Description

Written from an engineering perspective, this unique resource describes the practical application of wavelets to the solution of electromagnetic field problems and in signal analysis with an even-handed treatment of the pros and cons. A key feature of this book is that the wavelet concepts have been described from the filter theory point of view that is familiar to researchers with an electrical engineering background. The book shows you how to design novel algorithms that enable you to solve electrically, large electromagnetic field problems using modest computational resources. It also provides you with new ideas in the design and development of unique waveforms for reliable target identification and practical radar signal analysis. The book includes more then 500 equations, and covers a wide range of topics, from numerical methods to signal processing aspects.

Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Time-domain Numerical Electromagnetics

Book Description

Therefore, they are excellent computer analysis and design (CAD) tools. The book starts by introducing the FDTD technique, along with challenges related to its application to the analysis of real-life microwave and optical structures. It then proceeds to developing an adaptive mesh refinement method based on the use of multiresolution analysis and, more specifically, the Haar wavelet basis. Furthermore, a new method to embed a moving adaptive mesh in FDTD, the dynamically adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) FDTD technique, is introduced and explained in detail. To highlight the properties of the theoretical tools developed in the text, a number of applications are presented, including: Microwave integrated circuits (microstrip filters, couplers, spiral inductors, cavities); Optical power splitters, Y-junctions, and couplers; Optical ring resonators; Nonlinear optical waveguides.