My Cancer Is Me

Book Description

The inspiring story of one man’s relationship with his cancer and how it healed him . . . ‘You have cancer.’ These simple words come as a terrible shock. Life, as you know it, changes in an instant and nothing is the same again. Panic and fear overwhelm you as you desperately pin your hopes on doctors and on medical treatment. But this is only part of the story. While your doctors work towards healing your body, you must heal your inner self, just as Vijay Bhat did to beat his cancer. When he focused on himself, Vijay realized that his cancer originated within and only then manifested as a ‘tumour’ in his body. The authors believe that healing requires a ‘person-centric’ approach, where the focus is the whole person and all the aspects of his inner and outer life, rather than an ‘organ-centric’ one, where the focus is merely the disease or affected organ. According to them, cancer is the result of your physical lifestyle along with your mental, emotional and spiritual processes and the ‘stressors’ associated with these processes. For instance, negative thoughts and attitudes are mental stressors while negative emotions such as anger and guilt are emotional stressors. Healing these aspects of yourself is essential for physical healing. The authors guide you through your process of self-discovery, showing you how to find your stressors and teaching you how to recover from them. The book also gives useful information on the biological aspects of cancer and its causes; dietary and nutritional needs of cancer patients; how to maintain optimum immunity; how to confront loss and death; and the role of the caregiver. My Cancer Is Me is a thought-provoking and sensitive guide for anyone who has cancer or is supporting a loved one with cancer.

My Cancer Journey – a Rendezvous with Myself

Book Description

My book My Cancer Journey A rendezvous with myself is a candid narration of my encounter with breast cancer. It is the story of an ordinary woman who was put in extraordinary circumstances, and who undertook her cancer journey with the utmost courage. This memoir is not just about describing a difficult medical condition. It is about going through the experience, and emerging from it wiser and stronger. It is about using cancer as a life changing experience, despite all the trauma and the loss and the change neednt be for the worse. It is about understanding the choice that a human being has the choice to accept what cannot be changed, and to use one of the toughest fights of life to evolve into a better person, irrespective of the prognosis. Pick up a copy to embark on a rendezvous with your inner self! A factual, informative and profound book, truly from the heart. I highly recommend this book, and it offers some important insights from holistic therapy. Lorraine Smillie, Homeopath and Holistic Healer, UK Paruls account of her experience with breast cancer and what she found helpful will be a useful companion for other young women finding themselves in a similar situation. Dr Caroline Hoffman OAM, PhD, clinical and research director, The Haven, London This is book is a very personal and very honest story of survival from breast cancer. Parul has shown enormous courage to emerge as a strong,determined woman with everything to live for. Beverley van der Molen, Macmillan Information and Education Officer, Pauls Cancer Support Centre and St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and author of Taking Control of Cancer

My Cancer, My Miracle

Book Description

I think I should start with my name, my name is Spencer William Porter and I am the proud son of Emma Kate Porter. The story of how this wonderful book came about is quite incredible. I remember it distinctively, it was a hot summer Christmas day in Australia and I was around 14 years old at the time. Now, Christmas for me was always a time I wondered what it would be like to wake up, walk down the stairs and be greeted by mum and dad at the Christmas tree - I'm not saying that my Christmas was ever bad or not enjoyable, because I was always greeted with amazing gifts and the lovingness of my family growing up. Though one Christmas stands out with hindsight as one of the best. I say this because on Christmas morning my Dad approached me with a cassette tape ( me having no idea what a cassette tape ) - now at the time my Dad's car still had a cassette tape player, so he asked me to sit down in the car and listen to what he had found. The tape was titled 'My Cancer, My Miracle' and the title was something that truly intrigued me. I pressed play as Dad walked away, and to my surprise, it was my mother's voice, her real voice, she truly sounded like she was sitting next to me... Before I knew it, I had tears dripping down my face without even thinking about it, she started the tape with talking about how she wanted to write a book - and that book, she wanted to be published one day after she passed away. She articulated that her hands weren't strong enough to write with, so she was going to record it via tape in hope that someone could write it for her. That person was me, so if you're ready to shed a few tears or many - then buy this book...

Thanks for the Mammaries

Book Description

Thanks for the Mammaries is an honest recount of author Kate Gale's journey with cancer. After being diagnosed at the young age of twenty-seven with breast cancer, she fought a hard, uphill battle, stared it in the eye, and won. Life was getting back to normal when tragedy struck Kate's young family again, when her husband was diagnosed with renal cancer five years later. What followed was the biggest curveball that Kate had been handed to date when roles were reversed, and she was sitting on the other side of a cancer diagnosis. It opened her eyes to life, what was important, who was important, and which direction she wanted to go in. Kate had now seen both sides of the disease, from two different perspectives, and knew that she had to break down the barriers that surrounded cancer. Her positive, inspiring, and honest attitude towards her battles are not only refreshing, but something that will leave you wondering what is important to you. Kate shows you how dreaming big, giving back, and having a never give up kind of attitude can turn a negative into a positive whilst continuing to smile.

My Cancer, My Cure

Book Description

As we look around us, we see illness and disease everywhere. Whether it be heart disease, auto-immune disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, a tumor, or a silent illness such as IBS, Crohn's disease, diabetes, asthma, chronic fatigue, depression, or something as simple as the aging process, we all have or know someone that has a body that is in an "imbalanced" state and suffering. "My Cancer, My Cure," is my journey to optimal health after being diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, a terminal blood cancer in 2009. I went through all the same emotions most cancer patients go through. The denial, the hate, the pity and the depression. I not only was sick and weak, I was in a state of mind that I felt I almost couldn't get out of. Then just before Christmas that year, I remember being wrapped in a blanket, sitting by the fire, trying to keep my bones warm thinking, this is just not right. How could the Lord want this for me? I saw the scared look in my children's eyes as they saw me melting away to just skin and bones. How could I do that to them or to my husband? They didn't deserve that. They had been nothing but supportive through all my illness and they didn't deserve to have to bury me. I didn't deserve that. I wasn't a bad person. I spent my whole life trying to do for others, but maybe that was the point. I needed to fix what was broken "my spirit" so I could continue to help others. With a diagnosis of no hope, I had forgotten what was really important in life. I was letting the word "cancer" take over my very being. I had forgotten who I was and I was letting my spirit die. I was "Mindy," I was a "fighter," I was not a "disease." So I got on my computer and started reading everything I could find about this cancer of mine. I decided to write this book entitled, "My Cancer, My Cure" because the information I have found on this journey of mine applies to everyone. It's the information and research that I have found and tested on my

Me, My Cancer, and I

Book Description

Me, My Cancer, and I is an inspirational story about a young woman winning the battle over a life-threatening episode of breast cancer. She lost her child and her breast, but she never lost her faith to make it through it all with a smile. She talks about the trials and tribulations of her transition of going from nurse to patient, her surgeries, treatments, and emotional roller coaster rides over a period of a year, and her faith determination to survive it all.

The Adventures of Cancer Girl and God

Book Description

Cancer diagnosis and treatment can make a person feel both frightened and powerless; Anna Fitch Courie takes a different approach: Join her as she embarks on an epic journey with God after finding out she has cancer. Cancer Girl wraps herself in a cape of grace, freely sharing her experiences of diagnosis, traversing the medical system, finding faith in God again, and learning to live with cancer. Cancer Girl learns that there is no stronger “magic word” than “Trust God.” Part journal, part sage advice, Fitch Courie weaves her experience as a nurse throughout her story. Using her real-time blog posts during the course of diagnosis, treatment, and living with the disease, Fitch Courie covers the cycle of grief and relearning a new norm, offering assurance to others that they are not alone. Each chapter opens with Scripture that reflects the theme of the day. Section 1 covers early stages of the journey; Section 2 offers learnings from the experience; and Section 3 offers questions for the individual to reflect on their own illness and how they felt. Readers are encouraged to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with their illness in order to contribute to overall healing.

The "C" Word

Book Description

This book is me – talking to you. It’s not grammatically correct – I fragment a lot. It probably has some errors – I’m not perfect and neither is this book. It certainly is not politically correct and may even offend some people. I tell it like it is, as I have always done. You rarely have to wonder where I stand on something – I have an opinion on almost everything. I have written this in my style – like I’m sitting next to you in the same room telling you my story. I was diagnosed with Stage III cancer in November, 2008. I experienced a short period of remission until my Stage IV – terminal diagnosis in February, 2010. This book covers the period of my initial diagnosis to where I am now in May, 2010. Cancer is a dirty word! I have accepted that I will probably die from cancer. I have not accepted that my life is over. This book is intended as a gift. A gift from me to the reader. I’m not telling anyone how to do this or that they should handle it the way I am approaching it. It’s just my story of how I am dealing with it and attempting to turn devastation into opportunity. Every dollar we bring in with the sale of this book will go towards my dream project – My Sister’s Place, Too – a transitional housing program for women and children who have made the decision to leave their abusive situations and start a new life. There is a chapter devoted to this project. You can help me achieve my dream by purchasing this book for yourself or better yet as a thoughtful gift for anyone on the cancer journey.

The Taste of Becoming Me

Book Description

In The Taste of Becoming Me, Murielle shares her journey of discovering who she really is, the catalyst being her cancer diagnosis in 2011 - a journey of deep healing, of courage, and of discovering a new and abundant taste of life. Within each of the seven steps of her journey, she shares stories about her ongoing process of growth and healing. The stories relate to the digging into the depths of herself, the discoveries made, the courage needed, and the difficulties faced - they provide the reader with the space necessary for their own healing and growth. Each story ends with five valuable tips on how the readers can go about changing their mindset and enter the journey themselves. In this time where more and more people are looking for answers and are ready to change direction, this book will give them the courage and power to do so. The Taste of Becoming Me satisfies the reader's need to relate, to connect, and to feel part of something bigger.

Cancer Grabbed Me By The Throat!

Book Description

This book may save lives! The first 3 chapters demostrate my thought process, my dismissive behaviour of the evil that lurked within. The earlier you detect cancer, the quicker you can get cured. It also gives you more of chance to get cured. By clicking on "Look Inside" above the book cover on the Kindle version you can read the first 3 chapters of my new book. My 1st 3 chapters are about pre-diagnosis. I decided to write my book after reading 1 in 2 people would get cancer in their lifetime. That to me is one hell of a scary statistic. I have published my book in large font, 16pts, my reason? Many people who read my book may struggle with small text, most people get cancer in their twilight years, although I do understand cancer is not ageist, racist or judgemental on any human it chooses to attack. Often myself, have to resort to reading glasses, so my decision was based on that. It's a comfort thing. However, I have already had some feedback that the larger font has helped readers to be able to read my book quicker. I have also had many compliments on the cover I chose, my reason for this particular cover was, it reminded me of my dreams I had when I was at my most ill stage, very dark, very blurred, very creepy and very strange. My book is a journey of a man in his early 50's going about his business, living life, enjoying life but then finding out he has cancer. It is a journey from pre-diagnosis, to diagnosis, to treatment, to recovery. So, a full 360 journey. It is a true story, with real time social media posts, maybe this may end up being a new way of writing for future generations. My cancer journey on social media received 724,505 views 4,833 comments 7,036 Likes and loves I hope you enjoy my book, I hope you will like how I kept it in real time, to show how I was truly feeling as all my ordeals happened. The highs and lows, the pain, the laughs, the desire for real food. If you are someone thinking you may have cancer, please seek professional advice ASAP. If you have just been diagnosed with cancer, don't be tempted to look up cures on Google, leave it to the experts to explain. If you are a cancer survivor, please write your own book to help others. Whoever you are, "Always put up a good fight!"