Book Description
My Dearest Love is a Romance and Adventure Novel that is based on a true story. The main character Rob is working aboard ship, and while sailing around the world he is searching for his Soul Mate, or what he calls "My Dearest Love". There are many types of relationship discussed in this book, such as Shipmates, Co-Workers, Romantic Encounters, and how an American Black Man is received in many of the Third World Countries. Just how far a person would go just to find "True Love" is clearly expressed in this story. What it feels like to be betrayed in several way is also expressed, the harsh reality of how cold and lonely the heart feels when being it feels to always just miss when it comes to Love & Happiness. Our story brings to life the empty feeling of never being able to find that which you search after the most, "True Love". The dailystruggle of the women and girls of the Third World Countries is expressed. Most of them are jobless, homeless, and dreamingof a better life. Rob don't mind looking for hisDearest Lovein these Countries, he feels that all women of the world should be treated like the most precious gift that God ever made just for man.Rob treats these women with the same respect that he has for all the women of the world. The thrill of visiting a country for the very first time is expressed inour story, andhow people are all the same no matter their color or what country they live in. There are so many thoughts that goes through a Sailor's mind while spending weeks at sea, with nothing to make you smile but memories of the good times in the last port.