My God Favored Me with My Twelve-Step Recovery Wishes

Book Description

I am truly blessed and honored that my God breathed on me, that my Christ Jesus spoke through me, that my Holy Spirit inspired me, and that I was chosen by the Trinity to be their disciple to write, My God Favored Me with My Twelve-Step Recovery Wishes. However, I boast not in myself but entirely in my Heavenly Father, in my Christ Jesus, and in my Holy Spirit, who all favored me and will favor you also if you will allow yourself to be their servant. I am a born-again Christian, and I thank my Heavenly Father for never giving up on me when I was living in the world because the lifestyle I was living could have killed me, but my God had other plans for my life. Thank you Heavenly Father for your unconditional love for me, for never giving up on me, and for giving me a second chance in life.

The Twelve Steps for Everyone

Book Description

This compassionate, insightful book is an adaptation of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous for anyone seeking a practical path to spiritual and emotional freedom. This classic Twelve Step book has sold more than one half-million copies to date. A caring adaptation of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous for anyone seeking a practical path to spiritual and emotional freedom. This compassionate, insightful book is written in the language of the heart, and is used by both lay people and professionals.

The Twelve Step Pathway

Book Description

Uses the hero's journey as the path on which to travel for overcoming addiction and crisis and rescuing your own story. This is a book about becoming heroic. A hero is a person who faces great danger, overcomes incalculable odds, and accomplishes that which would have been thought (especially by the hero) to be impossible to achieve. Considering the fear and pain that a person must experience in such an adventure, it is a role that few would desire for themselves. And yet, more of us find ourselves in circumstances demanding heroism than one might imagine. In fact, people who are never called upon to be heroic at some point in their lives are in the minority, if they exist at all. This is not a book for people who might want to become heroic someday. It is for people who are in the midst of a crisis, and who must make a decision about whether they are going to face their situation, survive, rise above themselves, and share their newfound knowledge with others who may need salvation. And it is for those who are already traveling such a journey and who would like to gain a new understanding of themselves, what their journey was and is about, and why it is so important. Using the twelve step framework for understanding the inner work a person must do in order to overcome addiction, Michael Cowl Gordon walks readers through the journey to inner salvation and peace. Using the hero's journey as the path on which to travel through these steps, he uncovers the deep work that it takes to be the hero in your own story.

God Won

Book Description

My story, which chronicles a long and merciless struggle with alcoholism, is offered to illustrate the human tragedy that we all encounter with a life that is void of the presence of God. In fact, the crux of the story is not about alcoholism, but an on-going battle with God caused by pride. To alleviate my plight, an enormous price had to be paid. The solution was found in two significant books: (1) The Bible and (2) Alcoholics Anonymous (Big Book). The New Testament of the Bible gives us the good news of the Gospel where God has provided us the "Way, the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6) through His Son Jesus Christ, which is our only hope. The twelve steps of the Big Book takes us step by step to a spiritual awakening and the promise that only God can restore us to sobriety and a new life of recovery. The overriding message that is developed in this book is that the solution to our predicament is not found through an intellectual exercise, but by engaging an action plan. I describe in this book the power of the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) along with working the twelve-step action plan resulted in a life-saving spiritual awakening. But more importantly, I demonstrate through my story how a spiritual awakening and the promises of the twelve steps revealed the good news of the Gospel. And the Gospel of Jesus Christ not only saved my life but gave me a whole new life. All the glory is to God.

Don't Trip Chocolate Chip- Because God is in control

Book Description

Twelve-Step Recovery! Beyond the journey, there is a change going on. You have been chosen to come forth to be processed. I make no excuses for the process I traveled to get to today. Realizing that I was chosen for purpose and no matter where this earthly journey might take me, I know that God, in all his majesty, is in control. Don't Trip, Chocolate Chip, Because God Is in Control can be very exciting to read while on your journey to see the King. This book is designed and laid out through the teaching and listening and obeying what to write in this book from the Holy One who resides in me. I sometimes had no idea what I wrote until I was finish writing for that moment. This book will give you a real-life experience of me as an addict realizing that I had a problem and journeying through with uplifting stories that will have you laughing and crying at the same time. Some parts of the book God just wanted many to know I see you too! Let's do this together! Starting at step 1: realizing that your life is out of control rather it be substance abuse, immoralities, finances, relationships, etc., you have become powerless! Journey with me to the end, step 12, where now you have had a spiritual awakening that you not only know the twelve steps to recovery, but you are living in them. So it's on you to tell someone else about your journey home. Don't Trip, Chocolate Chip, Because God is in Control.

A Day at a Time

Book Description

Based on the spiritual foundations of Twelve Step programs, these daily readings—part of Hazelden’s meditation series—offer inspiration, affirmation, and hope to those of us in recovery from addiction. Drawing upon insightful phrases often overheard in the rooms of recovery, the daily reflections and prayers in this collection are intended to offer comfort and guiding reminders to those recovering from alcoholism, drug addiction, substance use disorders, process addictions, or other compulsive behaviors. Recovery is a process that happens a day at a time, and this daily reader will support your journey.

A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps

Book Description

How many of us have felt like Phillip Z? He has a staunch belief in the Twelve Steps, yet struggles with the concept of a Higher Power.

In A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps, the author investigates each of the Twelve Steps to gain a deeper understanding of a higher power. He examines what may seem like ""unsettling"" concepts to us including surrendering one's will and life to God, and he encourages us to understand the spiritual journey of recovery despite our skepticism.

Breathing Under Water

Book Description

TENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION “Brother Rohr may just take you to places you’ve both avoided and longed for, to truth, union, joy, laughter, and, greatest of all, to your own precious self, here on earth with us, child of God.”—Anne Lamott, from the foreword We all suffer from unhealthy dependencies that we continually return to in hopes of having a better life. But after yet another TV show is streamed or another drink is swallowed, we find we once again feel worse, not better, than we did before. Where is the hope for that fully awakened life we long to live? World-renowned author Richard Rohr says we can only be healed and find true fulfillment by facing our dependencies head-on. In Breathing Under Water he will guide you to: Disentangle from cultural cycles of sin and emptiness Discover how to get free from your personal toxic dependencies Learn how the Twelve Step program can supplement Christian teaching Find compassion for others and yourself Enjoy a deeper spiritual life, feeling certain of God’s love for you Those who are ready to break negative patterns and experience greater internal freedom will find bold hope and transformation in this insightful book.


Book Description

I found God in the “stillness.” This book is a testimony to the incredible healing power and the promises of the Twelve Step Recovery Program. As a recovering alcoholic I quickly worked through the Twelve Steps with a sponsor. Step “11” states that we must seek through prayer (asking God,) and meditation (listening to God,) to form “conscious contact” with the God of our understanding. I practiced this step faithfully. On May 15, 2005 to my utter amazement a dialog with God began whom I now lovingly refer to as “My Holy One.” There is one major reason I do believe that I established this communication, I BELIEVED THAT GOD WOULD ANSWER ME IF I ASKED! Enclosed in this book are some of the questions I always wanted to ask God such as: Creation, Souls, Heaven, evolution, the physics of the Universe, Biblical accuracy, the devil, war, poverty, Mary and Jesus, and much more. I also discovered that God has needs. He needs us to listen to Him. This extraordinary contact is not for the “special” or for the “chosen ones.” Anyone can do this if they truly desire it. It is our birthright. We All inherited this ability from God. God also wants us to know that He does not exist in a far away corner of the universe, He exits everywhere. He is even in the dirt that we walk upon. He assures us that We Are One. There is no separation between “Us.” God lives and breathes with us. He experiences our life journeys by way of an exchange of information with our souls. As spiritual entities we were ALL born in One Holy Moment of Creation and when we leave this earth we will surely return to Our Divine Nature once again. If you are searching to fill a void in your heart when or if all other Gods have failed, if you are looking for a Higher Power who can be a mentor, a friend, and a Father, I humbly ask you to give this “One” a try. As I was taught in AA…………. God is either EVERYTHING, or He is NOTHING.

Stick with the Winners! How to Conduct More Effective 12-Step Recovery Meetings Using Conference-Approved Literature

Book Description

Ever heard, You can't talk about Jesus or the Bible at an A.A. meeting? Want to establish or modify an A.A. meeting or a Christian Recovery meeting so that it can include information on the roles played by God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible in early A.A.'s astonishing successes? Stick with the Winners! by Dick B. and Ken B. may be just what you need to carry the message more effectively.