A Journey in Grace

Book Description

My Journey to Grace

Book Description

Cindy Hyles Schaap was a sought after speaker and counselor, as well as a pastor's wife of a megachurch. All that came crashing down when her husband was arrested and sent to prison. Cindy became unwillingly and unwittingly involved in public scandal.In My Journey to Grace: What I Learned About Jesus in the Dark, the author shares her moving and intimate account of a life turned upside-down by tragedy.This book helps to answer many questions that arise when someone is faced with public or private shame.How do you go about forgiving yourself, or the other people involved?How do you begin to rebuild?How does one find strength to face the world again?Fortunately, there is hope in the transformative power of God.The book you're holding is a "behind the scenes tour." It's not a tell-all written to set the record straight or to justify decisions made. Rather it's a private glimpse of how Jesus walks people through the darkness. It's a unique view of His mercies in the face of our failures. It's a reminder that when one walks through the valley of the shadow, God is with us and He won't let us go.

My Journey to Embrace God's Grace

Book Description

This is the story of one woman’s journey through life. This is my story. You are invited to travel this road with me as I relive hardship as well as all the joys life has to offer. This is an inspirational story. The intention of this book is to show you that, even in adversity, if you set your vision high enough you can overcome anything. “With God all things are possible.” As you read, you will see how I turned my misfortune into victory through relentless faith. This book was written to motivate and encourage. I sometimes find myself at the top of the mountain filled with joy and then in the depths of the valley filled with despair. The one constant is that God is on that mountain rejoicing with me and is also in the valley healing my wounds. When you start reading this book, you will see me as the author, but by the time you are finished you may see me as your friend. “No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is truly in our hearts” (1 John: 4–12).

My Journey in Grace

Book Description

Each day, God extends grace to us. Jesus lived and practiced grace when He walked among us. We must reciprocate this same grace by forgiving others who have done wrong to us. During the past few years, I have learned much about the importance of grace. This journey has taught me much. I see what grace has done for me and observe what grace does for others when I extend it. Not only has it brought a change in my heart, but a change in my life. God has shown me why grace is important to Him. And now, it is just as important to me!!!

My Journey of Grace

Book Description

Born in Poland and having survived World War II, author Rev. Daniel A. Kolke's life was signi cantly transformed in 1951 while working as an immigrant in a Canadian lumber camp. A severe re left him badly burned, leading to over a year of hospitalization. is moment began his call into the ministry and a life of study of God’s plan for our lives. In My Journey of Grace, Kolke shares the lessons he learned during his ninety-one years of living, about the grace he was shown and the grace we are called as believers to show to others. Each chapter is a blog post written by Kolke from July 2020 through April 2021, and the nal chapter is a eulogy written by his wife upon his death. Heavy with scripture, My Journey of Grace studies and then explains scripture, and it asks and answers questions about our individual existence, about being called into service, about temptation, receiving grace, showing grace, being afraid to fail, losing self-con dence, why God doesn’t stop evil, and more. rough his writings, Kolke demonstrates his love for life, communicating how he was blessed by God throughout all of his experiences.

My Journey to Embrace God’S Grace

Book Description

This is the story of one womans journey through life. This is my story. You are invited to travel this road with me as I relive hardship as well as all the joys life has to offer. This is an inspirational story. The intention of this book is to show you that, even in adversity, if you set your vision high enough you can overcome anything. With God all things are possible. As you read, you will see how I turned my misfortune into victory through relentless faith. This book was written to motivate and encourage. I sometimes find myself at the top of the mountain filled with joy and then in the depths of the valley filled with despair. The one constant is that God is on that mountain rejoicing with me and is also in the valley healing my wounds. When you start reading this book, you will see me as the author, but by the time you are finished you may see me as your friend. No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is truly in our hearts (1 John: 412).

My Journey of Grace

Book Description

Her journey of grace is about God's redemptive power of her deliverance from the kingdom in darkness into his marvelous light and her process of surrendering to his sovereign will and learning how to walk by faith on the battleground. She is in the making of something precious in his eyes as the Lord unwraps his gifts, talents, and abilities concealed within her before the foundation of the world. During her training in the wilderness, she discovers God's faithfulness and walks in his supernatural power.After her encounter with the Lord being transported into the heavens to have a meeting with God, the memory is forever imprinted within the very depth of her heart. Although she is bound by drugs, it leaves an everlasting impression of Jesus's love for humanity. Progressively, her deliverance springs forward but not as quickly as she wants. Only when she wholeheartedly surrenders to God, he suddenly and supernaturally moves on her behalf.She is enrolled in God's university of training for a lifestyle of obedience and self-crucifixion. Her faith is on trial as she undergoes series of tests and deliverance in the midst of her fiery furnace, such as near-death experience, spirit of infirmity, daughter's brush with death, and spiritual war. She seeks Jesus daily in prayer in order to be sustained by his amazing grace in spiritual warfare and learns that she has authority and power in the name of Jesus.Through it all, the ministry of prayer and intercession is birthed out of her pain and a revelation of the omnipotent God's triumph against the power of darkness as she worships him through her valley of despair and her wilderness of temptation. Holy Spirit, her senior companion, teaches her how to soar over the winds of adversity.

The Journey Into Grace

Book Description

I can be who God created, I can be perfect, complete, & holy. I can be free from sin, guilt, shame, & condemnation. I can be secure, confident, and accepted. I can be at rest and at peace. The journey has taken time! But God, through the apostle Paul, in the Book of Romans, revealed the Lord Jesus Christ and His gift of Grace to me. And, I received it with joy and thanksgiving! Come, experience the Gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as you travel your own journey into grace. You will delight in this beautiful interactive tool for reflection and growth in the truth of the grace of Jesus Christ.

My Journey to Grace

Book Description

This is a book I wrote about myself and how the paths you take in your life catch up with you. I wrote this book to let teens know there are consquences for your actions and that a firm faith in the Lord is needed growing up. I also wrote this book for older women to show that we serve a forgiving God who never leaves our side. This is a book about my journey to grace.

Sixty Days of Grace

Book Description

In todays world, women desperately struggle to meet the unrealistic expectations of others and of themselves. Society tells women they can do it all, and yet they instinctively know they do not have the resources to accomplish all the demands placed upon them. Drawing on their own strength is not enough; in order to survive, women must draw on God. Sixty Days of Grace shares sixty stories from author Dorothy Ruppert, who has struggled through life and succeeded, only because of Gods grace. This grace is the prevalent theme of the Bible. From beginning to end, the accounts of the lives of biblical figures demonstrate His eternal grace. However, in modern society His grace is often overlooked. There are many challenges women face as daughters of the King living in a broken environment. Ruppert has been there, as mother, grandmother, working woman, and retiree. Thanks to His grace, she found her strength. All women can do the same, with the power of God. Its time to turn away from self-sufficiency and lean on Gods everlasting arm, because His grace is sufficient for the journey; His power is made perfect in human weakness.