My Step-Dad's Brother

Book Description

He's a globe-trotting photo-journalist.And her new step-dad's brother.She's 18.He's 30.We don't really need to say more, right?Admit it... You're already hooked!

My Dad Is My Uncle's Brother

Book Description

The family is a thing of many parts - a complicated puzzle made of brothers, sisters, mums, dads, uncles, friends, grandparents. Sooner or later all of us get lost in the maze of kinship, trying to understand who is a great-uncle and a stepfather, who's married to whom, what in-laws are, and why someone who's only just been born can immediately becomes uncle or nephew to someone. The protagonist of this hilarious book, together with his father, ventures to climb his own genealogical tree, happily finding his own place as a part of this big, lively, crowded universe.

The Old Man and the New Man

Book Description

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Ray Berto and his wife, Karen currently reside Sumner Washington, They are active members of their local church. Ray has four children, and all have accepted Jesus into theirs hearts to be their Lord and Savior. This book came about through many years of prayer. Ray wants this book to be his voice for Jesus, so that he can reach as many as he can with the story of God's miraculous saving grace. It is his prayer that as you read his story you will know that God can do the same for you. Jesus is coming again and the time is short. Are you ready to meet God? Isaiah 55:6 says "Seek the LORD while He may be found." Will you do this today? Ray and Karen have started Lighthouse Rescuer Ministries and would like the opportunity to pray with you, talk with you and answer any questions you might have. Call or write. Jesus has done a tremendous work in Ray - healing emotions like hate, fear, anger, depression and suicide. He has put within him a love and compassion for others and vision to see them healed as he was. Ray gave his old man to Jesus and Jesus gave him a new man. His life is forever changed and God will do the same for you. Ray and Karen Berto Phone: 253-863-3033 Lighthouse Rescuer Ministries Web: P.O. Box 748 Email: [email protected] Sumner, WA 98390 Ray & Karen Berto c/o Faith Family Church Phone: 253-922-7773 1702 Milton Way Milton, WA 98352

Heaven on Our Side!

Book Description

Heaven On Our Side! Believe In It & It Will Take You There!This is a book of stories that will tell you about my journey into Psychic Medium Awareness and how it came about.I was a fifty-year old woman who hated and feared everything. I was a recovering alcoholic of thirteen years. I had been married and divorced three times. I had failed at being a Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, Daughter, Aunt, and Sister. My life still was in total turmoil. I had low self-esteem, felt worthless, and had lived a life of abuse. The abuse was not only from others but also from me to me. After thirteen years of sobriety, I felt my life was no better than when I was drunk. I felt useless and had even contemplated suicide again.It was the day I went to see a well-known medium at one of his Seminars in Virginia that changed my life forever.My journey through the Psychic Medium Study was not easy at all. There were many times I wanted to walk away from all this but I somehow would be drawn right back. It was the intent and desire of wanting this that kept me going. I wanted to learn and to give to others. I wanted to teach them what so many others along the way had given to me. I was given a second chance. I was given a new way of life.There were no Psychic Medium Awareness Spiritualist Churches, Development Groups, or anyone else studying the Psychic Medium Awareness locally, to my knowledge, at the beginning of my journey. I read, studied, and practiced a well known professional medium's materials to learn from, including his books, TV shows, movies, CD's, tapes, website, resource page, chat logs, and interviews to gain more knowledge about Psychic Medium Awareness.Then, I ventured out into other spiritual circles online, participated in chats, read other books, and learned from others. I studied anything that had to do with the Psychic Medium Awareness.As I tell my stories, I will also be speaking of others that inspired me along the way and gave me the courage to continue on my path of the Psychic Medium Studies. I tell this now because these same wonderful people are still in my life and will be mentioned time and again in my other books. They continue to help me through the good times and the bad.Many people that knew me all my life could not believe I was a Medium. There was so many around me at this time that did not believe in Psychic Medium Awareness.We are all psychic to some degree is what I was taught. Today I teach this also. I hope my story will inspire others to search and find their true self as I have done and to learn exactly all they can become. I was told in the beginning in Alcoholics Anonymous that I had to get to the bottom in order to be willing to get sober and stay sober. Recently in a detailed reading from Alison Baughman, Visible by Numbers, she tells and explains in a life chart number reading, how each step of my life went. Not only from my past, in between, and present, but how my life would unfold in the future. Alison even told me how I would be moving forward from the day of her reading to me on the phone. So far, everything that was said has been totally accurate. Right today I am living what she predicted.Alison also told me, "that I had to experience everything I did to be able to help and teach others." This reminds me of what my Father always said, "You have to walk in another man/woman's shoes to truly know him/her." I had to experience loses, struggles, and trials. I needed to do this and help others from my experiences to help them work through theirs. I guess we could say I was to learn compassion, empathy, and unconditional love.In the stories that follow, it may seem I am scattered. It was recommended to me to be more organized in the stories. However, the way it happened was all scattered, confusing, and sometimes scary. I wrote what came to me in the order that it came to me. I hope the ones who read this book will keep in mind that I am not the most educated person. This is my fault I know. I am hopeful that all who read this book will find inspiration and insight, rather than focus on my writing ability and mistakes in this book.I start off my book with, "The Fatal Plane Crash", the prologue, for that was when I first started seeking answers to what happened to me that night. Join me in my journey and see how I found out the answer that I was searching to find for years.Namaste - May the Divinity in you find the Divinity in me! May the Divinity in me find the Divinity in you!

Book Description

Growing up Meth

Book Description

In this book you will read a side of addiction not yet read about, a side of the story of addiction we often forget. The children's side, how do they come out of this? How does it effect them? How do they overcome this?

Fight For Me

Book Description

“Tell me one thing.” With those four words, she takes up permeant residence in my heart. Makes me want to pour out all my secrets, to let her in like no one else before her. There’s only one problem—she’s the last girl in the world I’ll ever be allowed to keep. I’ve always been the guy everyone can count on. The big brother. The perfect son. The nephew who makes the whole family proud. What they don’t know is how hard I’ve worked to be what they want me to be. Or how scared I am to lose it all. And that’s what will happen if I let myself love her. I’ll lose. Yet somehow, I can’t seem to help myself. I know it’s dangerous, but I still want more. More time with her. More secrets. More stolen kisses. She may be the one woman I can never have, but she’s also the only woman I can’t seem to give up. And for the first time in my life, I’m starting to wonder if love just might be worth the risk.

I Married Dr. Jekyll and Woke Up Mrs. Hyde

Book Description

Why is one marriage out of two today doomed to end in divorce? My interviews with 71 divorced women searched for answers. Did they love their husbands when they married? Did they believe at the time that it was 'till death do us part'? Were there other lovers in the lives of the couple at the time of the divorce? Is there any connection between an unhappy childhood and a failed marriage? Do women tend to lose their identities in marriage? To my surprise, I saw the majority of interviews take on a similar shape, which revealed who the women were and how the divorces fit into the pattern of their lives. In my years of practice as a psychoanalyst, I saw how badly people need others with whom to identify. With this collection, divorcees can see their own fears, despair, grief, hopes, and aspirations reflected in the lives of women passing through similar experiences. I hope the fact that all the subjects came away from their divorces with greater strength, insight, and self-esteem will serve as an inspiration to all survivors of loss and pain. As Queen Isabella said in Henry V, "Happily, a woman's voice may do some good."

Courage to Leave!

Book Description

The book of short stories COURAGE TO LEAVE is about Marion Heliconia, who has survived the traumas that no human should have to bear in life. It is the only life she knew, and as she grew, Marion only knew this kind of life until it was almost too late. Most people only encounter a few of the things that happened to her, and then only the least severe ones. But Marion has been battered, traumatized, and assaulted relentlessly by everyone that she loved or cared about, and some she didnt even know. And yet, she has survived!