Book Description
It is a young-adult Christian book for teens and their families; addresses bullying at school and home; topics include bullying related to food allergies, food intolerances, dyslexia, and physical appearances. Here is the back cover synopsis: "It was the worst day of my life. The biggest bully in seventh grade punched me, and everybody at school ignored my existence-I felt invisible. Then I ditched class and was caught by the principal. And when I finally had the courage to tell my parents that my brother also bullies me at home, they said I was exaggerating. Really?I'm Louie Pickle, and my twisted life in middle school has been more gut-wrenching than my friends and I could've ever imagined. We've been teased, picked on, and punched for words we can't read and foods we can't eat-like peanut butter, cheese pizza, and chocolate ice cream-which is why I'm writing this story. The weird thing is that occasionally I make up dorky poems and prayers to deal with stress. But the cool part is how we stand up to Bobblebutt and the group of bullies by drinking braaaain juice, growing rhino skin, and being brave like Commander Courageous. Middle school is about to become the best adventure on the planet!"