Birth to Psychic Life

Book Description

Based on rich clinical experience and on theory from numerous psychoanalytical works, this book explores and analyzes the emergence and development of the psychic life. Birth to Psychic Life explores the genesis of the psychic apparatus, reconstructs the development of subjectivity, with its ups and downs in babies as in all subjects, and studies the relationship between mental states at the dawn of psychic life and those characteristic of psychopathology. The book refers to Freudian, Kleinian and post-Kleinian works, proposing articulations between the different theoretical models. The referenced works’ contributions to the understanding of early psychic disorders, as well as to the implications of infantile psychic suffering in adulthood, are essential. The authors identify the three psychic constellations, recognized by many, that accompany the psychic birth and suggest new more adequate names in view of current works on subjectivity: the auto-sensual position, the symbiotic position and the depressive position. Many other new and original proposals are developed by the authors. Providing tools to think about the processes of psychic growth, this book will be of interest to all psychoanalysts and psychotherapists working with infants and interested in the impact of early psychic development throughout life.

The Clinic of Disability

Book Description

This book focuses on the clinical treatment of disability from French researchers in the fields of psychology, anthropology, psychiatry, and philosophy. It provides English-speaking readers with an insight into the way French authors raise the relevant issues and implement innovative practices.

Book Description

Le processus psychothŽrapeutique

Book Description

Pascal Becu est psychotherapeute et exerce a Limoges, ou il recoit de nombreux patients, adultes et enfants, en consultation. Le livre: Le processus psychotherapeutique constitue donc un resume de sa methode, ainsi que le temoignage de son experience. Il offre au lecteur interesse, a la fois la possibilite de comprendre les processus conscients et inconscients, qui animent la vie psychique, mais egalement ceux qui fondent l'experience clinique. A ce titre, ce temoignage est extremement precieux, en ce qu'il relie la theorie et la pratique de maniere concrete, tout en possedant l'exigence et la rigueur qu'impose l'analyse conceptuelle.Ce livre s'adresse donc a un large public et interessera tous ceux qui, de l'etudiant au praticien, du patient a son entourage, cherchent a approfondir leur connaissance de la vie psychique.

Education Nouvelle Et Sciences de L'éducation

Book Description

This book is about the tumultuous and even passionate relationship between New Education and Educational Sciences, which are regarded as an inseparable «couple», intrinsically linked and surprisingly fruitful. Yet they remain irreconcilable and are mutually contradictory in a number of their elements and characteristics. Do Educational Sciences offer a scientific base or ideological support for New Education? Do the numerous new educational initiatives and reforms provide a «laboratory» for Educational Sciences or alternatives to the new scientific paradigms? Is this at the risk of their merging? And what is the price of these tensions? Specialists in the history of Educational Sciences and New Education from various geographical, cultural and disciplinary horizons explore the complex links between this powerful reforming movement and the nascent disciplinary field that emerged during the first half of the 20th century. Cet ouvrage analyse les relations tumultueuses - passionnelles même - de l'Education nouvelle et des Sciences de l'éducation: un couple indissociable - intrinsèquement lié et d'une étonnante fécondité - autant qu'inconciliable, nombre de leurs présupposés et caractéristiques se contredisant mutuellement. Les Sciences de l'éducation offrent-elles la base scientifique ou l'appui idéologique de l'Education nouvelle ? Les nombreuses expériences et réformes éducatives constituent-elles des laboratoires des Sciences de l'éducation ou des alternatives aux nouveaux paradigmes scientifiques ? Au risque de leur fusion ? Au prix de quelles tensions ? Des spécialistes de l'histoire des Sciences de l'éducation et de l'Education nouvelle d'horizons géographiques, culturels et disciplinaires divers explorent les rapports complexes entre ce puissant mouvement réformiste et le champ disciplinaire naissant durant la première moitié du 20e siècle.


Book Description

Applied Psychology

Book Description

Now available as single volumes as well as in a 13-volume set, the rare proceedings collected here were originally published between 1920 and 1958. This set documents international activity in applied psychology between the wars and during the post-War reestablishment of international scientific collaboration. The proceedings of each Congress are reproduced with a short individual preface discussing their content and import.

Proceedings [of the Congress]

Book Description

Le processus psychosomatique

Book Description

Ce livre vous invite a explorer les profondeurs de l'inconscient pour determiner les bases du fonctionnement psychosomatique de l'etre humain. Sur le plan physique a partir de l'etude du cerveau et des fonctions neurophysiologiques. Sur le plan psychique, en reprenant les bases du fonctionnement psychologique. La synthese psychosomatique s'opere ensuite a travers les circuits electromagnetiques du corps humain. Pour justifier ses propos, l'auteur se refere egalement a differentes sources traditionnelles, telles les meridiens d'acupuncture, la cabale ou l'astrologie. Il demontre ainsi que la fusion psychosomatique represente a la fois la source et la finalite du processus vital. Cet essai magistral aboutit a une definition de l'etre humain qui integre les aspects physiques et psychiques de la personnalite en une synthese energetique unique, a l'interieur de laquelle s'opere la relation psychosomatique.

The Skin-Ego

Book Description

In this classic work, the author presents and develops his theory of the importance of 'the Skin-ego'. Just as the skin is wrapped around the body, so the author sees the 'Skin-ego' as a psychical wrapping containing, defining and consolidating the subject. From this perspective, the structure and functions of the skin can provide psychoanalysts and general readers with a fertile and practical metaphor. The author's concept of the Skin-ego is the answer to questions he regards as crucial to contemporary psychoanalysis: questions of topography which were left incomplete by Freud; the analysis of fantasies of the container as of the contained; issues of touch between mothers and babies; extending the concept of prohibitions within an Oedipal framework to those derived from a prohibition on touching; and questions pertaining to the representation of the body and to its psychoanalytic setting. This new translation of Le Moi-peau is based on the second and last (1995) edition.