Natura 2000 et le juge/Natura 2000 and the judge

Book Description

S’inscrivant dans le cadre des activités de l’Observatoire juridique Natura 2000, le thème du présent ouvrage porte sur les questions juridiques que soulève l’application par le juge national – constitutionnel, administratif et judiciaire – des dispositions relatives à Natura 2000, en vue d’évaluer la contribution du juge à l’effectivité de ces dernières. Corps de règles complexe, technique, faisant appel à des concepts scientifiques ardus à interpréter pour un non-scientifique, le régime Natura 2000 n’est guère aisé à appliquer pour un juge non spécialisé. Le recours à l’expertise est souvent indispensable pour déterminer dans quelle mesure tel ou tel standard – par exemple le caractère « significatif » d’un impact – a été respecté ou non. Pour cette raison, les solutions trouvées par le juge aux différents problèmes que pose l’application du régime Natura 2000 dans les différents États membres méritent l’attention et sera enrichissante tant pour le chercheur que pour le praticien. As part of the activities of the Legal Observatory Natura 2000, this book focuses on legal issues arising from the implementation by the national courts – constitutional, administrative and judicial ones – of the provisions relating to Natura 2000, in order to assess the contribution of the judge to the effectiveness of this regime. The enforcement of this legislation, which encompasses a complex body of technical rules, grounded on scientific concepts difficult to interpret for a non-scientist, is not easy to apply by a non-specialized judge. The use of expertise is essential to determine how a particular standard – for example the «significant» character of an impact – has been met or not. For this reason, the solutions found by the judge to the various problems arising from the application of the Natura 2000 provisions in the different Member States deserve attention and will be rewarding for both researchers and practitioners.

Natura 2000 and the judge

Book Description

As part of the activities of the Legal Observatory Natura 2000, this book focuses on legal issues arising from the implementation by the national courts – constitutional, administrative and judicial ones – of the provisions relating to Natura 2000, in order to assess the contribution of the judge to the effectiveness of this regime.0The enforcement of this legislation, which encompasses a complex body of technical rules, grounded on scientific concepts difficult to interpret for a non-scientist, is not easy to apply by a non-specialized judge. The use of expertise is essential to determine how a particular standard – for example the ±significant» character of an impact – has been met or not. For this reason, the solutions found by the judge to the various problems arising from the application of the Natura 2000 provisions in the different Member States deserve attention and will be rewarding for both researchers and practitioners.

EU Environmental Principles and Scientific Uncertainty before National Courts

Book Description

This comparative book explores the dynamics driving how courts across Europe and beyond understand and analyse scientific information in nature conservation. The Habitats and the Birds Directives-the core of EU nature conservation law-are usually seen as the most 'uniform' parts of EU environmental law. This book analyses the case law from 11 current and former EU Member States' courts and explores the dynamics of how, and crucially why, their understandings of scientific uncertainty on the one hand, and EU environmental principles on the other, vary. The courts' scope and depth of review, access to scientific knowledge, and scientific literacy all influence such decisions-as does their interpretation of norms and principles. How have the courts evaluated scientific evidence, encompassing its essential uncertainties? This book answers this and many more questions pertinent to EU environmental law, comparative environmental law, administrative law, and STS studies. Co-edited by experienced leaders in the field, and with outstanding contributors, this book is an essential guide to the dynamics of nature conservation law.

Natura 2000 and the judge

Book Description

As part of the activities of the Legal Observatory Natura 2000, this book focuses on legal issues arising from the implementation by the national courts – constitutional, administrative and judicial ones – of the provisions relating to Natura 2000, in order to assess the contribution of the judge to the effectiveness of this regime.0The enforcement of this legislation, which encompasses a complex body of technical rules, grounded on scientific concepts difficult to interpret for a non-scientist, is not easy to apply by a non-specialized judge. The use of expertise is essential to determine how a particular standard – for example the ±significant» character of an impact – has been met or not. For this reason, the solutions found by the judge to the various problems arising from the application of the Natura 2000 provisions in the different Member States deserve attention and will be rewarding for both researchers and practitioners.

Biodiversity Offsets

Book Description

This book deals with the new concept of biodiversity offsets. The aim of offsetting schemes is to achieve no let loss or even net gain of biodiversity. Offsets obey a mitigation hierarchy and reflect the precautionary and polluter-pays principle in regard to project impacts. Readers gain insights into current debates on biodiversity policies, with top experts outlining theoretical principles and the latest research findings. At the same time the focus is on practical application and case studies. Today there is a lively international discussion among practitioners and scientists on the optimal legal framework, metrics and design of habitat banks to ensure the success of biodiversity offsets and to minimise the risks of failure or misuse. Contributing to the debate, this volume presents the activities and practices of biodiversity offsetting already implemented in Europe in selected EU member states, and the lessons that can be learnt from them. Readers may be surprised at how much experience already exists in these countries. A further aim of the book is to offer grounded insights on the road ahead, and foster a more intensive and fruitful discussion on how offsetting can be extended and improved upon, so that it becomes a key and effective component of Europe’s biodiversity conservation policy framework.

Managing Natura 2000 Sites

Book Description

"Article 6 of the "Habitats" Directive plays a crucial role in the management of the sites that make up the Natura 2000 Network. With the spirit of integration in mind, it indicates the various tasks involved so that the nature conservation interests of the sites can be safeguarded. Many questions have been raised about the significance of this article by Member States and operators. At first glance it seems to be broad and not well defined, but a thorough analysis, linking it with the other articles of the directive, makes it easier to understand and apply. Nevertheless, Article 6 should not be seen in isolation. In particular, if its application leads to specific requirements, it should be remembered that Article 8 envisages the co-financing of some of the measures necessary to meet the objectives of the directive"--Foreword.

The Supreme Court of Canada and its Justices 1875-2000

Book Description

A commemoration of two significant dates, The Supreme Court of Canada and its Justices is also a colourful portrait and an indispensable reference book. A bilingual co-publication of Dundurn Press and the Supreme Court of Canada, the book contains biographies, with portraits or photographs, of every Justice appointed to the Court since its inception. The Supreme Court of Canada and its Justices also features a preface by Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin and a history of the Court by former Chief Justice Antonio Lamer. A succession list and a selected bibliography are included for researchers. A key section of the book deals with the Court’s distinguished building, which was designed by renowned architect Ernest Cormier. Written by Professor Isabelle Gournay of the University of Maryland and France Vanlaethem of the Universite du Quebec a Montreal, this section is illustrated with Cormier’s own watercolours and drawings, as well as current photographs. The Supreme Court of Canada and its Justices is a fitting commemoration of the Supreme Court’s 125 years and its fiftieth year as the court of last resort in Canada.

Natura 2000 and Forests

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Natura 2000 – A Coherent Nature Conservation Network?

Book Description

This book offers a fresh perspective on the Habitats Directive's rules on designating Natura 2000 - the European biodiversity conservation network. Although the Habitats Directive came into force in the early 1990s, the network is not yet optimally set up and lacks coherence and connectivity. The author examines the Habitats Directive’s provisions regarding the designation of Natura 2000 and discusses possible reasons for the EU Member States’ ongoing lack of compliance with their designation duties. She reassesses the 2015 REFIT Fitness Check of the Nature Directives to look for the Member States’ reasons for not having optimally complied with their designation duties yet. She then analyses the Habitats Directive to reveal elements of non-optimal drafting in its designation provisions. Sensible law reforms that do not interfere with the general framework of the Habitats Directive and which keep in mind the relevant national, regional, and international biodiversity law and policy,as well as the relevant case law will be discussed to this end. As a result, this book presents an enhanced legal designation framework that can support Member States’ compliance with their designation obligations. The book finally goes beyond the European biodiversity legislation, also shedding light on the effects of the suggested reforms for the broader biodiversity and environmental law and policy landscape, and concludes that reforming the Habitats Directive would benefit a variety of contemporary areas of law. This book targets academics and policy-makers in the field as it provides a scholarly as well as a hands-on approach to the subject of strengthening European biodiversity law.