Nature Detective: British Wild Flowers

Book Description

An easy-to-follow identification guide for children to more than 50 of the most common wild flowers found in Britain today. Concise and clear descriptions of distinguishing features such as colour, leaf size and shape, habitat, berries and flowers, will help you to recognise which flower is which. Beautiful, large colour photographs will help make identification easy. Includes information about the parts of a flower, plant life cycles, photosynthesis and looks at why wild flowers need to be protected. Follow a fun and simple step-by-step activity to make your own wild flower window-box, hanging basket or garden. Become a nature detective and explore the natural world around you. If you enjoy this book, then why not search out the other titles in this series: British Birds; British Mammals; British Trees; British Insects; British Butterflies; Urban Widlife and British Seashore. Features the following flowers: Common Mallow; Red Campion; Ragged-Robin; Field Bindweed; Heather; Rosebay Willowherb, Foxglove; Harebell; Common Comfrey; Tufted Vetch; Teasel; Spear Thistle; Common Poppy; Scarlet Pimpernel; Meadow Buttercup; Creeping Buttercup; Common Bird's-foot-trefoil; Dandelion; Perforate St John's Wort; Tansy; Wild Daffodil; Yellow Iris; Lesser Celandine; Marsh-marigold; Shepherd's Purse; Cuckoo Flower; Dog-Rose; Bramble; Wild Strawberry; Meadowsweet; Cow Parsley; Hemlock; Yarrow; White Clover; Common Daisy; Oxeye Daisy; Garlic Mustard; Ramsons; Wood Anemone; Lily-of-the-Valley; Common Snowdrop; Cleavers; Stinging Nettle; White Deadnettle; Field Forget-Me-Not; Viper's Bugloss; Bluebell; Cornflower.

The Complete Naturalist

Book Description

A complete practical introduction to observing, understanding and investigating the natural world written by an experienced and well travelled naturalist. Nick Baker's fascination with the natural world began at an early age, inspired by Gerald and Lee Durrell's classic book The Amateur Naturalist. Whether you want to understand what makes an insect and insect, rear a family of frogs for your garden pond, or record bird songs and calls, Nick can give you all the advice and information you need. Fact-packed and brimming with practical tips, techniques and activities, The Complete Naturalist offers a rich source of new ideas for more experienced naturalists, as well as sparking the natural curiosity of a whole new generation. From communicating with wild animals to setting up an aquarium, this is the naturalist's guide no family bookshelf should be without. Nick is an experienced and well-travelled naturalist, and his book includes his international experiences.

Nature Detective: British Seashore

Book Description

Easy-to-follow identification guides for nature-loving children who want to find out more about British seaside wildlife, in rockpools or on a coastal walk. Includes the most common plants, insects, crustaceans, seasweeds, molluscs and birds found on British seashores today. From shells and anemones, to jellyfish and crabs, lugworms, urchins, sandhoppers, butterflies and gulls, a world of wildlife waits for you to discover it. Full descriptions of each, along with their scientific name, size, family and food. Stunning large colour photographs help to make identification easy. Includes fascinating information about rock pools, the tides, food chains and safety at the beach. Become a nature detective and explore the natural world around you. If you enjoy this book, then why not search out the other titles in this series: British Birds; British Mammals; British Trees; British Wild Flowers; British Butterflies; Urban Wildlife and British Insects.

Nature Detective: British Trees

Book Description

Easy-to-follow identification guides for children about the most common trees found in Britain today. Full descriptions of the trees, along with their scientific name, size, family and habitat, will ensure you can recognise which tree is which. Stunning large colour photographs of the trees, their leaves, seeds and fruits, will help with easy identification. Perfect for the National Curriculum, this book includes information about broadleaved trees and conifers, explaining the difference between deciduous trees and evergreens, and looks at how the parts of trees, from the leaves and bark to seeds and berries. Includes a fun step-by-step activity to help you create your own tree guide. Become a nature detective and explore the natural world around you. If you enjoy this book, then why not search out the other titles in this series: British Birds; British Mammals; British Insects; British Wild Flowers; British Insects, Urban Wildlife and British Seashore. Features the following trees: English Oak, Turkey Oak, Sessile Oak, Aspen, White Willow, Weeping Willow, Pussy Willow, Crack Willow, Common Osier, Black Poplar, White Poplar, Silver Birch, Alder, Hazel, Hornbeam, Common Beech, Common Ash, Elder, Holly, Common Lime, Large-leave Lime, Small-leaved Lime, London Plane, Rowan, Horse Chestnut, Sweet Chestnut, Field Maple, Sycamore, Yew, Wych Elm, English Elm, Whitebeam, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Crab Apple, Wild Cherry, Common Pear, Common Juniper, Walnut, Magnolia, Norway Spruce, Larch, Douglas Fir, Scots Pine, Sitka Spruce, Cedar, Monkey Puzzle Tree.

Nature Detective: Coarse Fishing

Book Description

Learn how to fish with this easy-to-follow guide. Tips show you the best places to fish, the equipment you'll need and give useful tips. Find out about the most common fish found in Britain today. Full descriptions of each, along with their scientific name, size, family and food. Beautiful, large colour photographs will make identification easy. Become a nature detective and explore the natural world around you. If you enjoy this book, then why not search out the other titles in this series: British Birds; British Mammals; British Trees; British Wild Flowers and British Insects. Easy-to-follow identification guides for nature lovers, this handy series will help children and adults to become nature detectives

Flowers in the Field

Book Description

This takes the general reader at an easy pace from the basic characteristics of wild flowers through various techniques for identifying them. It also explains why plants have different habits and grow in different places.

Mammal Detective

Book Description

Big Ideas in Outdoor Primary Science

Book Description

Big Ideas in Outdoor Primary Science takes a fresh approach to learning science in outdoor contexts. It combines new thinking in science teaching using big ideas, with our growing need to look after our planet, and encourages children to learn from what scientists have to say about issues which will impact their lives today and in the future. The book offers primary teachers the subject and pedagogical knowledge, as well as the confidence they need, to integrate the seeds of big ideas into their curriculum. To this end, it provides models of good practice which exemplify how primary-aged children can work towards understanding some of science’s big ideas and engage with important issues related to wildlife conservation. The easy-to-use book covers topics such as: Interdependence Adaptation Inheritance Following in Darwin’s footsteps Protecting ecosystems Full of ideas for outside learning, this book is a comprehensive, valuable and essential resource for all teachers of primary science.

With Nature in Mind

Book Description

What is ecotherapy, how does it relate to mental health, and how can it reduce emotional distress and promote general wellbeing? This book explains how a deeper connection to nature can improve quality of life, by combining the therapeutic power of mindfulness and being out in the natural world. Examining the latest psychological research evidence into how and why the natural world has such a positive effect on us, this book shows how best to utilise these therapeutic connections in practice. 100 nature-based activities are included, from experiencing the full force of the wind, to creating a sound map of natural noises. The aims of each activity are clearly outlined, with detailed guidelines for facilitating outdoor sessions with adults effectively and safely, and advice to help make the most of the outdoors in all weathers and seasons.

Lake District Natural History Walks

Book Description

Discover the Lake District's hidden wildlife, geology and archaeology while enjoying walks in beautiful surroundings. With walks from one to six miles readers can become nature detectives and solve the hidden mysteries