How to Navigate Life

Book Description

An essential guide to tackling what students, families, and educators can do now to cut through stress and performance pressure, and find a path to purpose. Today’s college-bound kids are stressed, anxious, and navigating demands in their lives unimaginable to a previous generation. They’re performance machines, hitting the benchmarks they’re “supposed” to in order to reach the next tier of a relentless ladder. Then, their mental and physical exhaustion carries over right into first jobs. What have traditionally been considered the best years of life have become the beaten-down years of life. Belle Liang and Timothy Klein devote their careers both to counseling individual students and to cutting through the daily pressures to show a better way, a framework, and set of questions to find kids’ “true north”: what really turns them on in life, and how to harness the core qualities that reveal, allowing them to choose a course of study, a college, and a career. Even the gentlest parents and teachers tend to play into pervasive societal pressure for students to PERFORM. And when we take the foot off the gas, we beg the kids to just figure out what their PASSION is. Neither is a recipe for mental or physical health, or, ironically, for performance or passion. How to Navigate Life shows that successful human beings instead tap into their PURPOSE—the why behind the what and how. Best of all, purpose is a completely translatable quality to every aspect of life, from first jobs to last jobs and everything in between.

How to Navigate

Book Description

A straight-talking, modern approach to map reading and compass navigation, along with clear explanations of how to really navigate in the Aussie bush through deep awareness and observations of the world around. 103 pages of photographs, diagrams, stories and how-to's, told from the perspective of a passionate bushwalker, involved in search and rescue.

The Messy Middle

Book Description

Silicon Valley is full of start-up success stories; every day stories emerge of a new company with the potential for a billion-dollar valuation and plans for global domination. But what can we really learn from these stories? How many of these start-ups are genuinely successful in the long term? When nine out of ten start-ups end in spectacular burnout, how can we ensure our own success story? While most books and press focus on the more sensational moments of creation and conclusion, The Messy Middle argues that the real key to success is how you navigate the ups-and-downs after initial investment is secured. It will give you all the insights you need to build and optimize your team, improve your product and develop your own capacity to lead. Building on seven years' of meticulous research with entrepreneurs, small agencies, start-ups and billion-dollar companies, Scott Belsky offers indispensable lessons on how to endure and thrive in the long term.

Navigating Ambiguity

Book Description

A thought-provoking guide to help you lean in to the discomfort of the unknown to turn creative opportunities into intentional design, from Stanford University's world-renowned “Navigating Ambiguity reminds us not to run from uncertainty but rather see it as a defining moment of opportunity.”—Yves Béhar, Founder and CEO, fuseproject A design process presents a series of steps, but in real life, it rarely plays out this neatly. Navigating Ambiguity underscores how the creative process isn’t formulaic. This book shows you how to surrender control by being adaptable, curious, and unbiased as well as resourceful, tenacious, and courageous. Designers and educators Andrea Small and Kelly Schmutte use humor and clear steps to help you embrace uncertainty as you approach a creative project. First, they explain how the brain works and why it defaults to certainty. Then they show you how to let go of the need for control and instead employ a flexible strategy that relies on the balance between acting and adapting, and the give-and-take between opposing approaches to make your way to your goal. Beautiful cut-paper artwork illustrations offer ways to rethink creative work without hitting the usual roadblocks. The result is a more open and satisfying journey from assignment or idea to finished product.


Book Description

Detox, or to give it its full name ‘detoxification’ is a very natural way of getting rid of harmful pollutants that may have built up in our bodies. Sometimes people are scared of ‘detoxing’ because they think that it will mean going without food for the entire process and existing only on water with the occasional shot of lemon juice. But this is not the case. Detox is simply a way of cleaning out your body, helping to give the internal organs a little breathing space, so that they can recharge and continue to operate as they should. In this book you will learn how to detox supported by Yoga Asanas which help the internal organs to transport toxins safely out of the cells. Detoxifying with Yoga means entering in a process that is not only healthy but moreover providing happiness and fun as the body releases all discomfort. The cells become clean and purified, as well as the mind is clear and inner peace and harmony provide all assests for an optimum state of well being. Best benefits you will achieve by complementing your detox programme with the Yoga Asanas which are explained for each day. The have a great effect on body and mind. Besides, Yoga is, when performed regularly, very effective in creating balance, good health and happiness in one’s life. You may also wish to explore the 15 minutes Anliveda Yoga courses available online: In this book, Anliveda Yoga will help you navigating through this 10 days detox programme with carefully prepared yoga sessions for each day. The health and detox benefits of each asana are well explained in detail.