Book Description

Launching into new territory that the author hadn’t mapped out when he embarked on the series, NEKOMONOGATARI (White) tells the tale of heroine Tsubasa Hanekawa from her own perspective, in her own voice—if that can hold true for a damaged soul who, depending on who you’re asking, suffers from a split personality or a supernatural aberration. The bone-chilling brokenness of her household, where father and mother and daughter keep three separate sets of cookware in the same kitchen and only ever prepare their own meals, and the profound darkness nurtured in the genius schoolgirl’s heart, come to life, if that is the word, through her self-vivisection. As for our customary unreliable narrator, Araragi, we seem to learn revealing tidbits about him now that we have an outside view of him at last, while his lady friends Senjogahara, Hachikuji, et al, freed from his predilection for proudly inane banter, show subtly new faces to us via their female interlocutor. Welcome to the Second Season.


Book Description

During his third year in high school, Koyomi Araragi is introduced to a transfer student named Ougi Oshino Ougi tells Koyomi that there is something odd about Naoestu High School… a secret room on thats not on the map. What will Koyomi and Ougi find in this hidden room?


Book Description

Following up on the high note of family ties on which the previous installment concluded, but preceding it chronologically, we find Araragi and his little sister Tsukihi, the heroine of the last volume, in full sibling rivalry mode as they bicker about love. The conversation that cannot end unfolds in its unabashed original glory herein. Like KIZUMONOGATARI, which delved into our narrator’s disastrous spring break, Cat Tale (Black) is a prequel about another catastrophe, mentioned often yet never recounted even in a foregoing chapter dedicated to Miss H.: namely, the model student’s rampage over Golden Week, a string of holidays starting at the end of April. Closing out what has come to be known as the “First Season” of the series, this episode of ’GATARI, as rich as ever in silly banter and poignant profundities, richer than usual in snide meta comments about the anime, will make you laugh and cry, or just put a grownup smile on your face, maybe, but is guaranteed to stay with you forever.

Imperfect Girl

Book Description

The improbable imprisonment that transformed "I" into a novelist continues into a third, fourth and fifth day. "U" obsesses over formalities, as "I" quietly coaxes her into taking care of herself. As this bizarre farce of a kidnapping stretches towards the inevitable breaking point, "I" starts to discover the truth about "U", a truth he should never have learned…


Book Description

When an old flame who gave up on life and chose to go up in flames—because he wanted to leave you but couldn’t—comes crawling back after four hundred years, you might not appreciate it, especially if you’re in a new relationship. But nothing’s ever simple between people, and that’s even truer between monsters. For the first time in months, our heroic loser Araragi is human, parted by previous events from the ex-legendary vampire bound to his shadow. Before he, the second-ever thrall of the former Kissshot, can resume his partnership with the donut-loving waif that she’s turned into, she must make a choice—about that first-ever. Before the End Tale can end, some loose ends must be tied, and in this volume, the fixer Gaen calls in her favor, requesting an introduction to her niece; the errand of the amulet that Araragi ran with Kanbaru comes into crisp focus; and the time-traveling and -spanning Dandy and Demon Tales see their devastating resolution.

The Swindler, the Vanishing Man, and the Pretty Boys

Book Description

From the renowed author NISIOISIN, the creator of BAKEMONOGATARI, Zaregoto Series and KATANAGATARI comes a new, innovative mystery series, Pretty Boy Detectives Club!

A mysterious organization is operating behind the scenes at Yubiwa Academy—the Pretty Boy Detective Club, comprised of President Manabu Sotoin, Vice President Nagahiro Sakiguchi, fearsome “bossman” and fearless gourmand Michiru Fukuroi, angelic track star Hyota Ashikaga, and artistic genius/business prodigy Sosaku Yubiwa. One morning, new recruit Mayumi Dojima happens to see someone drop a mind-boggling bundle, and the game is afoot! The ensuing investigation takes the Pretty Boys into the heart of enemy territory, but will they be able to see (or not see) it through to the end? The Pretty Boy series continues with this exciting new chapter, pitting a sublime aesthetic against the superlative scam!


Book Description

How far does one go to help a lost child? In the case of returning narrator Araragi, the answer is too far, across the veil of time. Dutifully (if unknowingly) following up on Hachikuji’s cheeky foreshadowing, he concerns himself with his young lady friend and her fate in this installment of the cult-hit series, heroically unable, once again, to find his own way home. Thus the tale is also, or more so, about the journey itself, the dark honeymoon of a trip he takes into the past with the dweller in his shadow, Shinobu. Even among a cast that routinely disrespects chronology with their meta-commentary, she takes the cake, or the donut, by rewinding the clock for a perverse road movie, one that by and large goes nowhere, spatially. It’s Kabuki not as in the theater, but with the character for “tilt”—as in a slanted attitude toward the world, the posture of a bohemian. Or, perhaps, of a legendary vampire who once sought death, and of a high school senior who once tuned out life doing their dandy best to attend to an embarrassing wealth of aberrations in a provincial town.


Book Description

A team-up made in manga heaven! The wildly popular Monogatari novel series by renowned bestselling author NISIOISIN has now been reimagined into a knockout manga adapation by none other than legendary artist Oh!Great (Tenjo Tenghe, Air Gear)! One day, high-school student Koyomi Araragi catches a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara when she trips. But—much to his surprise—she doesn’t weigh anything. At all. She says an encounter with a so-called “crab” took away all her weight … Monsters have been here since the beginning. Always. Everywhere.

Pretty Boy Detective Club (manga), volume 2

Book Description

Mayumi Dojima has just become the newest member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club when her first challenge as Mayumi the Seer literally falls into her lap: a suspicious businessman drops a wad of counterfeit bills on the sidewalk, and suddenly the games are afoot! At a shady casino operating out of their rival high school’s gymnasium, the Pretty Boys encounter a fiendish new foil—leading to a nail-biting showdown between beauty and fraud… And just when things seem to have quieted down, a chance discovery in the art room leads the Pretty Boys to 33 mysterious paintings, and a bizarre kidnapping that took place at Yubiwa Academy seven years earlier—?!