If the Foundations be Destroyed

Book Description

This book reveals the problems that we have today that are destroying the things that God has established. The picture of the family has been so distorted because of divorce, living together without marriage, homosexual marriage and lifestyle, transvestites, and many other things, that it does not resemble what God established at all. The government has been corrupt ever since it has been in place. Look at the horrible things the government has sanctioned down through the years. The treatment of the native Americans, by killing them and taking their land through trickery or force. Look at slavery, the most horrendous thing this country has ever done is enslaving black folks for two hundred fifty years, and after they received freedom they were still treated as inferior and not welcome by white folks. The church in America does not resemble the early church at all, weak preachers, who fear man more than God. The church is totally segregated in American, the white church still is so prejudice in the south.

Evidence Not Destroyed

Book Description

This book is about Life and Times of James Dewey Lewis.


Book Description

She has a secret. I’m complicated. Not broken or ruined or running from a past I can’t face. Just complicated. I thought my life couldn’t get any more tangled in deceit and confusion. But I hadn’t met him. I hadn't realized how far I could fall or what I'd have do to get free. He has a secret. I’ve never pretended to be good or deserving. I chase who I want, do what I want, act how I want. I didn’t have time to lust after a woman I had no right to lust after. I told myself to shut up and stay hidden. But then she tried to run. I’d tasted what she could offer me and damned if I would let her go. Secrets destroy them. **Pepper Winters is known for her Dark Erotica. This book is more a Grey Romance. It isn't fluffy, and still deals with darker subjects, but it isn't brutal.** Destroyed is a complicated love story between a man with a terrible past and a woman who holds his cure. A man who finds redemption in love and a woman who loses her heart and reason for living. Death brings life, and destruction brings new beginnings. Complete at 144,000 words. No cliffhanger. Stand alone. HEA

Monsters to Destroy

Book Description

"This book takes an incisive look at the stories we are told -- and tell ourselves -- about evil forces and American responses. Chernus pushes beyond political rhetoric and media cliches to examine psychological mechanisms that freeze our concepts of the world." Norman Solomon, author, War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death In his new book Monsters to Destroy: The Neoconservative War on Terror and Sin, Ira Chernus tackles the question of why U.S. foreign policy, aimed at building national security, has the paradoxical effect of making the country less safe and secure. His answer: The "war on terror" is based not on realistic appraisals of the causes of conflict, but rather on "stories" that neoconservative policymakers tell about human nature and a world divided between absolute good and absolute evil. The root of the stories is these policymakers' terror of the social and cultural changes that swept through U.S. society in the 1960s. George W. Bush and the neoconservatives cast the agents of change not simply as political opponents, but as enemies or sinners acting with evil intent to destroy U.S. values and morals-that is, as "monsters" rather than human beings. The war on terror transfers that plot from a domestic to a foreign stage, making it more appealing even to those who reject the neoconservative agenda at home. Because it does not deal with the real causes of global conflict, it harms rather than helps the goal of greater national security.

Broken, But Not Destroyed

Book Description

Velma gives vivid accounts of her life of pain. She now declares she is broken, but not destroyed.She shows that no matter what obstacles or trials she faced throughout her life she didn't allow it to destroy her. Faith and prayer brought her through the toughest times of her life, even when she felt like giving up; her faith whispered "giving up is not an option".

How to Destroy Western Civilization and Other Topics

Book Description

Peter Kreeft presents a series of brilliant essays about many of the problems that undermine our Western civilization, along with ways to address them. "These essays are not new proposals or solutions to today's problems," he says. "They are old. They have been tried, and have worked. They have made people happy and good. That is what makes them so radical and so unusual today." In his witty, readable style, Kreeft implores us to gather wisdom and preserve it, as the monks did in the Middle Ages. He offers relevant philosophical precepts, divided into various categories, that can be collected and remembered in order to guide us and future generations in the days ahead. Kreeft emphasizes that the most necessary thing to save our civilization is to have children. If we don't have children, our civilization will cease to exist. The "unmentionable elephant in the room", he tells us, is sex, properly understood. Religious liberty is being attacked in the name of "sexual liberty", in other words, abortion. Kreeft encourages us to fight back—with joy and confidence—with the one weapon that will win the future: children.

Message of the East

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The Theosophical Path

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