News as Culture

Book Description

"More than just a fascinating description of newsmaking and practice in an Indian city, this book has implications for theories of news and communication that make it a timely and significant contribution to the literature on journalism and newsmaking in the changing global environment.'--Mark Peterson, Miami University --

News Culture

Book Description

Modernity and Postmodern Culture is a critical introduction to claims concerning the postmodernization of culture and society. Contemporary culture may be 'postmodern' in the sense of fluidity of meaning, changing power relations and commodification in art, entertainment and everyday life, but modernity persists in the dynamics of capitalist civilization, albeit in an increasingly reflexive mode characterized by widespread uncertainty about social existence, progress and rationality. The theories of Baudrillard, Beck, Castells, Giddens, Habermas, Haraway, Jameson, Lyotard and others on the contemporary scene are discussed, and specific issues concerning architecture, theme parks, screen culture, science, technology and the environment are examined. Jim McGuigan argues that there have been tensions between instrumental and critical reason throughout the history of modernity that are still being played out.

News Culture

Book Description

'News Culture' is an introduction to the forms, practices, institutions and audiences of journalism. It begins with a historical consideration of the rise of 'objective' reporting in newspaper, radio and televisual journalism. It explores the way news is produced, its textual conventions, and its negotiation by the reader, listener or viewer as part of everyday life. New updates for this edition: * an expanded introduction to signal a fresh approach to the subject * a new chapter, between chapters 1 and 2 to examine the new and the public sphere. This will include news on the internet and coverage of the political economy. * Expanded discussion of online news across the text as a whole, especially increasing coverage in chapter 8 * Updates of research, references, examples and illustrations to bring the text up to date. The research included will come from national contexts other than the UK and the US, including Australia, Canada and others from the non-western world. * an attempt to incorporate the specialist topics indicated by the reviewers where possible; these include: radio journalism; citizen journalism; visual culture of journalism; sports reporting and global news culture. * Questions will be introduced within the chapter, as review / discussion questions.

News and Culture of Lying

Book Description

Paul H. Weaver's News and the Culture of Lying uses hard evidence to expose the "culture of lying," a propensity of news organizations to obscure the true meanings of news events and distort the public's conception of reality. News and Culture of Lying examines the relationship between journalists and the sources of their stories, argues that the media create an artificial sense of permanent emergency, and describes what must be done to restore credibility.

Cultural Meanings of News

Book Description

What is news? Why does news turn out like it does? What factors influence the creation, production, and dissemination of news? Cultural Meanings of News takes on these deceptively simple questions through an essential collection of seminal and contemporary studies by leaders in the fields of mass communication and media studies. Similar in format and purpose to editor Dan Berkowitz's award-winning Social Meanings of News, this new volume represents a conceptual update, a continuation of the discourse about the nature of news and how it comes to be, moving ideas ahead from the earlier tradition of sociological approaches to the more pervasive cultural perspectives that inform understandings about news. Cultural Meanings of News provides a carefully selected set of readings, organized into thematic areas that each probe a dimension of the literature: from sociological roots to cultural perspectives; news as narrative and cultural text; newswork as cultural ritual; news as cultural myth; news and its interpretive communities; news as a source and reflection of collective memory; toward the future of news research. This text-reader provides students and scholars with first-hand exposure to cultural approaches to the study of news, while also providing an organizing framework for understanding the commonalties and differences between threads in the research. The goals are to engage readers through guided immersion in the material.

Understanding News

Book Description

News depends for its effect on a culturally shared language, and this book concentrates on ways we can decode its messages without simply reproducing their underlying assumptions.

News Culture

Book Description

'News Culture' discusses the changing forms, practices and audiences of journalism. It provides an historical consideration of the rise of objective reporting in the media, and explores the presentation of the news and the cultural dynamics.

News and the Culture of Lying

Book Description

Weaver maintains that news organizations regularly foster a haze of untruth that obscures the meanings of events and distorts our perception of reality. A revealing look at how news stories are assigned, reported, edited, published, and more.

Getting the Picture

Book Description

The first volume to answer definitively and for the first time the question: what is a news picture and how does it work?

Cultural Chaos

Book Description

With examples from media coverage of the war on terror, the invasion of Iraq, Hurricane Katrina and the London underground bombings, McNair studies the changing relationship between journalism and power in an increasingly globalized news culture.