NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Roadmap for the Future

Book Description

"This document is a roadmap for the future direction of the CRCP. This roadmap builds upon the foundations established in the National Action Plan to Conserve Coral Reefs (2000), the National Coral Reef Action Strategy (2002), and the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Research Plan, as well as information stemming from triennial reports on The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States. The purpose of this roadmap is to lead the CRCP toward a more focused set of priorities than those set forth in previous guiding documents, as recommended by the external review. The roadmap builds upon the principles and priorities originally proposed by the new Program Manager in her January 4, 2008 memo as a guide in responding to the recommendations of the external review panel"--Introduction.

Coral Reefs

Book Description

"In response to NOAA’s Broad Agency Announcement (NOAA-NFA-NFAPO-2010-2002272), SeaWeb proposed to work in partnership with NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) to develop outreach and communication strategies to enhance the protection of coral by motivating behavioral and policy change through strategic communications and social marketing. In 2007, a panel of experts in coral reef resource science and management assessed the effectiveness of NOAA’s CRCP. In response to the panel’s report, the CRCP developed a "Roadmap for the Future." A key component of the roadmap was fostering the development of management priorities in all of the U.S. coral reef jurisdictions and conducting capacity assessments to achieve these priorities. The jurisdictions responded by working with CRCP staff and consultants to identify local priorities and where those priorities overlap with CRCP priorities, namely, priorities that addressed the threats of climate change, fishing and land-based pollution. The roadmap also noted the need for strategic communications and social marketing to ensure that priorities are achieved and that change is sustainable. There was recognition that communications efforts in the past have not consistently produced critical public support, political action or the desired conservation behaviors. The identification of need at the both the jurisdictional level and national level presented a tremendous opportunity to capitalize on the interest on the ground for social marketing and the desire for strategic training and support"--Executive summary.

NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Fishing Impacts Implementation Plan FY2013-FY2017

Book Description

"The purpose of this plan is to refine the Coral Reef Conservation Program's (CRCP's ) approach to achieving its National Goals and Objectives (G&Os) related to fishing impacts and direct future CRCP investments towards reducing this threat in U.S. coral reef ecosystems over the next five years"--Purpose statement.

NOAA Strategic Plan for Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Ecosystems

Book Description

NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP 11. Identifies goals, objectives, and approaches to guide NOAA's research, management, and international cooperation activities on deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems for fiscal years 2010 through 2019. Integrates research and conservation needs and is intended to be a flexible, evolving document that allows NOAA and its partners to address new management challenges and priorities as appropriate. The primary goal of this Strategic Plan is to improve the understanding, conservation, and management of deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems.

NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Social Science Strategy, 2016-2021

Book Description

"The Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) 2016–2021 Social Science Strategy builds on the previous (2010-2015) strategy. The new strategy document reviews recent outcomes from the previous social science work plan and then provides recommendations to CRCP in order to address emerging trends, social science and human dimensions needs. In particular, this revised Social Science Strategy will present recommendations and new priorities to guide social science activities supported by the CRCP and its key partners (domestic and international). This Social Science Strategy document is organized into three sections. It first addresses National level priorities for climate, fishing impacts and land based pollution impacts. Secondly, U.S. State and Territorial Jurisdictional social science needs are presented. Finally, it reviews recent CRCP International social science activities and uses the (currently under review) CRCP International Strategy (2009) as a guide, and provides guidance for future work with our international partners"--Executive summary. [doi:10.7289/V57H1GMP (]

Performance Measures Manual Version 1.3

Book Description

"This document was created to help the recipients of funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) understand why the new CRCP Performance Measures matter and how their work may contribute to them. The CRCP Roadmap for the Future (2008) [Appendix A] called for the development of a suite of performance measures and Future (2008) [Appendix A] called for the development of a suite of performance measures and evaluation criteria to track progress toward addressing three key threats to coral reef ecosystems -- impacts of climate change, fishing, and land-base sources of pollution. Based on the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Goals and Objectives 2010-2015 [Appendix B], specific performance measures were developed to track on-the-ground outcomes. In May 2010 the new CRCP Performance Measures were approved by the Senior Management Council and the CRCP Performance Measures Manual was developed to assist CRCP Project Managers to ensure the results of their work contributes to these measures and that they understand the process to report the results of their work"--Page 5.

Performance Measures Manual Version 1.1, Phase 1 Subset for FY11-12 Implementation

Book Description

"This document was created to help the recipients of funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) understand why the new CRCP Performance Measures matter and how their work may contribute to them. The CRCP Roadmap for the Future (2008) [Appendix A] called for the development of a suite of performance measures and evaluation criteria to track progress toward addressing three key threats to coral reef ecosystems - impacts of climate change, fishing, and land-base sources of pollution. Based on the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Goals and Objectives 2010-2015 [Appendix B], specific performance measures were developed to track on-the-ground outcomes. In May 2010 the new CRCP Performance Measures were approved by the Senior Management Council and since that time a CRCP Performance Measures Manual has been under development to assist CRCP Project Managers to ensure the results of their work contributes to these measures and that they understand the process to report the results of their work"--Page 5.