Unfair Competition

Book Description

Unfair Competition is an in-depth investigation of the commercial activities of nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits have been granted many special privileges by the government, including exemption from taxation and subsidized postal rates. These privileges lower operating costs so nonprofits may carry out their public service mission more efficiently. The authors argue that the special privileges nonprofits enjoy give them an unfair advantage over for-profit firms, and they propose a solution to this escalating problem which has serious economic implications.

Play to Win

Book Description

Play to Win offers nonprofit leaders the help they need to develop their organization’s unique competitive advantages and to use the power of competitive strategies to build their organization’s capacity for advancing its mission. This book offers a clear description of competition and discusses its practical, ethical, and political ramifications within the nonprofit sector. It demonstrates how, by being a more effective competitor, a nonprofit can enhance its chances for both programmatic and financial success. Play to Win is filled with practical tools for assessing a nonprofit’s position in the marketplace and developing winning competitive strategies. Read a Charity Chanel review: http://charitychannel.com/publish/templates/?a=4864&z=25 2006 Terry McAdam Award Honorable Mention: http://www.allianceonline.org/publications/mcadam06.page

Non-profit Competition

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Nonprofit Organizations Facing Competition

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For a long time it has been assumed that the search for profits was inseparable from the carrying on of an economic activity, which could not be imagined absent the profit-maximizing motive. Nowadays, the role of nonprofit organizations as economic actors, operating in a competitive market, is well recognized. Therefore, these organizations are no longer a priori excluded from the application of competition law. The current United States, European and German rules of competition, however, do not contain specific provisions for nonprofit market actors, which are treated like other profit-maximizing undertakings, regardless of their social goals and nonprofit status. In the attempt of filling this gap, this study focuses on nonprofits' infra-sector competition. Though a comparative cross-country analysis, the study discusses the legal and economic implications of the enforcement of competition law against nonprofit organizations, and suggests some possible legal normative criteria which could facilitate the future applicability of these norms to not-for-profit entities.

Non-profit Competition

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Non-profit Competition with the Private Sector

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Essays on Nonprofit Competition

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The predominant objective of this dissertation is the analysis of competition among nonprofits in a market. The focus is on exploring nonprofit behavior in markets in which they demand revenue from various sources. Chapters 1 and 2 of this dissertation examine the effects of nonprofit competition on the receipt of charitable donations and the extent of revenue diversification of an organization, while Chapter 3 evaluates the performance of a fundraising mechanism in the presence of one or more nonprofits in a market. The nonprofit sector has been expanding rapidly over the past decade, particularly in the United States (US). The reasons for such a growth - the shrinking government sector along with the increasing demand for the goods and services provided by nonprofit organizations - is easy to understand. What is unclear are the consequences of the unrestrained proliferation of nonprofit organizations, especially in the absence of a corresponding increase in the resources to sustain such an expansion. Herein, lies the motivation underlying this dissertation. In addition, each chapter also seeks to provide guidance to nonprofit managers and policy makers about feasible strategies in an increasingly competitive environment. In the first chapter, I empirically estimate the effect of nonprofit competition on the charitable donations received by them. The total impact of competition is decomposed into two effects to capture the two different channels through which nonprofit competition can affect charitable donations. First, is the fundraising effect that examines the change in donations caused by adjustments in the fundraising efforts of nonprofits in response to varying degrees of competition. Second, the non-fundraising effect examines the changes in donations caused by competition driven adjustments in other organizational strategies, including management expenses, changes in the mission statement and shifts in volunteer reliance. The estimation is conducted at the nonprofit and aggregate levels, using a simple instrumental variable regression approach on US public charity data obtained from their annual tax returns from 1998-2003. The key finding of this chapter is that an increase in nonprofit competition leads to a decrease in the average amount of charitable donations received. At the same, the aggregate donations by all donors in a market increases marginally due to greater nonprofit competition, indicating the probability of wasteful shifting of donor contributions between organizations. The second chapter, then, goes on to take a broader view of nonprofit finances by investigating the effect of nonprofit competition on the extent of revenue diversification of the organizations. Though there exists an extensive discussion on the importance of revenue diversification for nonprofits, the question of how the revenue diversification strategy evolves with market competition has not been considered. This chapter seeks to contribute to the literature through an empirical examination of how the nonprofit competition influences the level of revenue diversification. The theoretical prediction derived from the transaction cost theory is that nonprofit competition will have a negative effect on revenue diversification. However, based on the econometric methods applied to a sample of US public charities, similar to the one used in the previous chapter, I do not find convincing evidence that nonprofits change their income portfolio in response to increasing competition in a market. Growing nonprofit competition reduces the receipt of charitable donations by a typical nonprofit organization. In such a situation, there is also no indication that nonprofits increasingly seek to sustain themselves by looking towards multiple sources of revenue. Given the dominance of private contributions in the income portfolio of nonprofits, it will be useful to focus on mechanisms adopted by nonprofits to raise charitable donations. Because nonprofit level data, that is aggregated over donors, cannot be utilized to study individual behavior, I adopt a different method in the final chapter of this dissertation. In the third chapter, which is a joint work with Sergey Rabotyagov, we experimentally examine the effect of using lotteries in conjunction with provision points to finance public goods. While the existence of a threshold reduces free-riding, it does not completely eliminate the incentive of individuals to donate zero for the public good. This prompts the question of whether there is a fundraising mechanism that works better in raising funds. Our proposed use of a lottery along with the threshold requirement is compared to the provision point mechanism in a laboratory experimental setup. We also test a modification of our lottery design that is ideal for situations with multiple threshold public goods. This new mechanism eases the coordination among the potential donors and prevents the diversions of contributions for the lottery prize. We find that the lottery with provision point outperforms the provision point mechanism by increasing the frequency with which the public good is provided as well as the amount of average individual contribution. The findings have implications for crowdfunding websites that have becoming an increasingly popular tool used by nonprofits for the provision of public goods.

Business and Non-profit Organizations Facing Increased Competition and Growing Customers' Demands

Book Description

We are pleased to introduce our 17th and latest volume from our regular conference: Business and Non-profit Organizations Facing Increased Competitions and Growing Customers’ Demands, which contains articles highlighting the problems of contemporary for-profit and non-profit organizations. The added value is the inclusion of multifaceted aspects of an organization’s functioning, including the sectoral and industrial view. The diversity of the approach to the problems of organization, management, business and economy becomes a valuable interdisciplinary view of the economic reality that surrounds us. The monograph is divided into four sections. In the first section: Business and non-profit organizations as the objects of research, articles are exposing the area of strategic management, including a museum as a research object, surgical workflow, the performance of cultural organizations, and organizational forms of housing resource management. In addition, this section covers a process-oriented view of management, including process maturity of the organization and process approach to the analysis of creative capital; and mixed project-management methodology. In a separate thread, there are articles related to public university mergers based on an example of two academic case studies; the analysis of scientific excellence as a factor influencing academic involvement; and the nature of competition for non-profit and for-profit organizations. The second section, entitled Modern tools for business and non-profit organization management, opens with an article on design thinking and the TransistorsHead tool used to analyze teams through organizational terms. Other tools used in eye tracking, such as enova365 and Soneta, are presented in an article on the optimization of an IT system. In the context of profiling scientific research, not only in the area of academic entrepreneurship but also in the search for research gaps, bibliometrics is undoubtedly a useful tool discussed in a further article. In another article, an attractive tool for competence analysis is the business model and the construction of the competence assessment method, which could prove to be helpful in assessing the effectiveness of professional careers. Other articles in this section feature the concept of innovation and knowledge management; medical data management based on a precise legal basis; external financing and its impact on the flexibility of enterprises; and a systemic, process and resource approach to port modularity. In the next section: Business and non-profit organizations in a market economy, the primary thematic topic is corporate social responsibility, client capital creation, and social entrepreneurship. We note the greater emphasis on the social aspects of the organization’s functioning and on the social economy. The human thread and the so-called ecosystem in business are becoming more and more desirable, and the perspective of business is changing: from a profit-oriented one towards a more societal one. In the last section, entitled Business and non-profit organizations - sectoral and industrial aspects, there are articles discussing the issues of organization in macroeconomic terms. This section opens with an article presenting the structural characteristics of industrial clusters and research streams in this area. Subsequently, we have articles that present: the municipality, from the point of view of the configuration of the network of relations between stakeholders, and their involvement in the creation of smart specialization strategies; the determinants of employment change in the Polish services sector; consumer awareness of the credit market; the transparency of public finances; local food and regional products; consumer behaviour in Ukraine; as well as, trade credit, profitability and leverage in Polish companies. Every year, this monograph is built on articles that present an up-to-date view of the business and geo-economic reality that surrounds us, whose organizations form the backbone of the economy and its sectors. The dynamics of changes are so significant that such studies bring readers closer to current trends and draw the interest of researchers.